4A地址:甘肃·兰州 甘肃省兰州市张掖路
开放时间: 9:00-18:00

(十七) 兰州城隍庙(兰州市工人俱乐部),现在已经成了古玩一条街,懂宝的人不妨过来逛逛,说不准能淘到珍宝呢
#丝绸之路# 大众巷出来向东走就是兰州城隍庙,这里很像北京的琉璃厂,古玩玉器,玲琅满目,我这样的外行自然是去看热闹的
这里能见到一些兰州独特的文化 比如雕葫芦 黄河奇石等等 对于大多数人来还是比较有意思的地方 个人觉得和兰州大多数的公园相比这里还是值得一去的 淘些小玩意给自己和朋友 还挺不错 地方不大 不需要安排较多的时间 旁边有2条还比较有名的小吃街 能吃到当地的特色小吃 牛肉面 烤羊肉 灰豆子 酿皮 等等 味道都很好 对于我来说 去一个地方 最吸引我的莫过于吃了
One thing cool about this place is you can watch crafts people creating their handicrafts. I do wish I had visited before the last day of my stay in Lanzhou, as I would have loved to have one of the caligraphers paint a Chinese proverb or Mao poem on that beautiful golden rice paper. I am not one to buy random souvenirs, otherwise I would have just purchased an already painted scroll. So, I recommend heading here with a favorite literary piece to have painted by the artisan calligrapher, that way you know you're purchasing something meaningful and nit just an article from the newspaper (that's what one calligrapher was working from).My Chinese professor was able to bargain for a real jade bracelet, but warned students not to purchase jade unless they knew how to identify real from fake. Also, if you want Chinese paintings or reprints, I'd suggest doing your homework on local artists, as they all seemed to have books and magazines on hand that featured them as "top artists." Lastly, good luck bargaining if you are a Westerner. If you have a local with you, the vendors will drop 1000RMB to 100, easy. But as westerners without our Chinese guides, we found it impossible to get any worthwhile bargaining. Oh also, a little girl tried to pick pocket my friend. She reached her hand into his front pocket and when he turned around, she ran to the lap of one of the vendors. We assume dad instructed her to do this. So, keep your hand on your wallet and your handbags zipped and in front of you.
We took in the afternoon show and were thoroughly impressed. Mike enjoys what he's doing and it shows. The show is one of the best that you can see in Branson and we'll see him again if we're back in town. Anyone what tries to steer you away from his show is doing you a disservice. DON'T LET THEM DO IT! Most likely they're doing it because they make more by selling you tickets to whom they are pushing. See Mike Walker MTH. You'll be glad you did.Jim Jowski
i was really impressed by this place, there are so many craftsmen and you can get to many souvenir and gifts typically chinese, you can négotiate the prices , the sellers are so kind. avoid the store just front of the entrance (outside) it's so expensive, try the small stalls inside.