yilan cake factory
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

这是一个环境各方面都不错的观光工厂, 停车部分着重大游览车, 小客车大约20格, 停不下隔壁也有空地停. 进场就有奉茶很贴心, 展场一楼为销售中心, 饮食喝咖啡区及工厂的历史简介区, 二楼则为DIY制作区. DIY需事先预约, 场次大约一小时一场, 费用为$120/人, 制作6片牛舌饼. 个人认为有老师的带领下大人小孩都可以动手擀皮和馅很有趣, 约等30分钟逛个卖场就可以领取香喷喷刚烤好的手工牛舌饼. 停留约1个半小时就足够. 门口有些造景可以拍照, 还不错! 唯一觉得比较可惜的是千里迢迢来到原产地, 结果售价与外面专卖店都一样, 不太吸引购物欲望. 呵呵!
Yi-Lan is famous for its spring onions, beautiful views, hospitable people and its hot springs. Yet Yi-Lan best kept secret is the Yi-Lan Cake Factory, which is managed by the Yi-Lan Pin Company (translates as Yi-Lan Cake). Their cakes are traditional, and incorporate delicate glace fruit, macadamia, cashews, pomelos, in a way that most traditional cake companies can and do not. This is where my Taiwanese in-laws bought our wedding cakes!
I have been to Yi-Lan Cookies Museum/DIY several times. The DIY (done it yourself) program is suitable for adults (company team building) and kids ( more than 7 years old), but all in Chinese. In addition to do your own cookies, you can try all kinds of cookies or cake produced in the factory, it's not mandatory to purchase. Although, most people will buy something any way. Just make sure you book via telephone. The cost of DIY is fare NT 120 ( usd 4) per person.