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It is easy to see why this fort was not taken by Alexander the great.... Strategic location overlooking the valley and the impressive Himalayan snow mountains in the distance. Fort has far decayed, but attempts are being made to make it more accessible. Our kids enjoyed the walking and climbing. No entrance fee is charged.
The 2000yr old fort standing amongst the farms, nothing much left and need to know the history and use your imagination how it would have been. At a distance the majestic range of mountains and the view of the animals and the farmers working in the fields was satifying.
Looking at the ruins of the fort and learning about the history of this ancient artifact was simply fascinating. The fort dates back almost 2000 years and suffered 2 major attacks, first by the Persians, and then by the Mongols. When I was there it looked like they were doing some work to help reconstruct parts of the fort's walls. The view atop the fort was spectacular as every direction I looked took my breath away. Also, heard from my guide that they a few scenes from The Kite Runner movie was shot here since they could not film in Afghanistan.
Take photos from the outside, or find an alternative entrance. Our driver said it wasn't worth the money.
We went with a guide who was able to share with us the rich history behind the fort. Had we gone alone, we would've found the 30 RMB admission ticket a waste of money as the fort is pretty much a run-down heap of rubble with nothing but an exterior wall. Apparently (according to our guide) it has survived enemy sieges, being used as a target practice by the local army, the Cultural Revolution and local Tajiks stealing stones from it to be used in building their own houses! If you'll like to avoid the admission charge, enter the fort from its back gate (across the street from the pasture where you'll find Kyrgyz yurts in Summer.
Nothing much on dry season, no water on the park ground area, just little stream.
The Tashkurgan fortress is a nice little piece of Silk Road history, reasonably comfortable to prowl around, and easy to get to on the east side of town. For really nice photography, try early morning, when pink dawn light is just touching the peaks to the west. The meadow to the east of the site has nice boardwalks which provide spectacular long-distance views.
An einer Seitenstraße der Seidenstraße befindet sich nordöstlich von Taxkorgan auf einem Hügel ein Fort, das vom breiten Talgrund aus ziemlich bombastisch aussieht, oben jedoch weitgehend aus Trümmern besteht. Auch der Blick von oben ist nicht unbedingt umwerfend, da man auf den satten Weiden ringsum seltsam anmutende Holzstege mit vielen großen Plattformen angelegt hat, deren Sinn sich dem Besucher nicht so recht erschließt und die das eigentlich hübsche Landschaftsbild mitnichten verschönern. Aber das mag ein Charakteristikum der chinesischen Touristikbranche zu sein: "Verschönerungen" einzurichten, die auf westliche Besucher irritierend wirken. Was jedoch am Rande erwähnt werden sollte, ist die Anmut und Freundlichkeit der einheimischen Bevölkerung, der Wakhi, die nicht nur im Wakhan selbst, sondern auch in seiner Umgebung leben: Die meisten sind sympathisch, offen, meist auch hübsch, oft blond und helläugig (was entgegen der Ansicht sich gegenseitig reproduzierender Fremdenführer mit Sicherheit nichts mit Alexander dem Großen zu tun hat!), und wirken recht zufrieden - hier, im nördlichen Karakorum, im nordöstlichen Hindukush, am Südrand des Pamir und eben im afghanischen Wakhan selbst!
Tashkurgan è una cittadina cinese a 3500m di quota al confine con il Tajikistan. Per quanto l' ambiente circostante sia spettacolare, la cittadina non offre particolari attrazioni se non questo forte. Le rovine sono ben tenute ma molto diroccate per l' incuria degli anni passati. Si paga un modesto biglietto di ingresso ed è facilmente raggiungibile e piedi.