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库木塔格沙漠,累死了…… 头次见到沙漠,还好今天鄯善是大阴天,要不然……要不然…… 话说:沙漠上一个冰棍4块
发表了博文 《丝路风情:2月23日正月十四牧歌户外带您徜徉金色的库木塔格沙漠》 - (景区介绍):库姆塔格沙漠是世界上唯一与城市相连的沙漠,有“城中的沙漠”之称,因千百年来风向交汇点始终在鄯善老城南端
发表了博文 《沙与雪的对话》 - 2013年新年伊始的第一次外拍,就奔向了心仪了许久的库木塔格沙漠公园,因为办事耽误,到达公园的时候已是下午4点多了,匆匆忙忙的买票进去,直奔沙漠而去。 库木塔格我来了
This was a fun place to hike...take off your shoes and try to climb to the top of the dunes! From the top, you can see the whole ShanShan valley! It's beautiful!
We. Had a great time experiencing this pretty special attraction - it takes quite some effortsd to climb the dunes but it is definitely worthwhile to do as the view from the highest dune definitely justifies the physical exercise if climbing up. The location is pretty much commercialized but it is not all agressive - hence, a good place for family to stay for 2-3 hours ... Watch out the temperature before planning a trip here as even in the beginning of October it was still pretty hot.
This is the only real attraction in Shanshan County. It is a commercial area of sand dunes which come down to the southern end of the city. Nothing like as spectacular as Dunhuang. But not as crowded either.Various activities - dune buggies (self drive if you want), camel rides, and a couple of commercialised large perfectly formed high dunes that you can walk up - or be driven up. Great for seeing dune formation, and crest sand action. Would be great for dune running if it were not for having to avoid the broken beer bottles half way down the run slope. Little trams start from the entrance and take you around. Unfortunately they finish in the retail area some several hundred metres from the entrance, so be prepared to walk at the end.If these are the only dunes you can get to see then worth a visit (but if so what are you doing in ShanShan County!?) . But of you can get to Dunhuang they are so much better.