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适逢观世音菩萨法会前往 帮家人与朋友祈祷 沉淀自己纷乱的心灵 很棒!这里同时也是电视剧[信义]的拍摄场景喔!
韩国—首尔奉恩寺(一):印象最深的就是寺里的四大金刚。 通常都供奉在天王殿里的左右两侧,而这里四大金刚则是在山门口,并且并列成一排。形象上已经不再是传统的高大威猛的将军,转而带有浓重卡通味道。 在此我们可以感受到相同的信仰,在不同文化背景下,所呈现不同的形象,一样是带有鲜活生命力。
此次韩国之行唯一景点——奉恩寺。小寺非常精致,香客们虔诚的在大殿内颂经,看不到像国内那样旺盛的香火,反而更能感受到佛门净地的清净,虽然不懂当地的习俗,却也像模像样的进去磕头,边磕头边琢磨着该用哪种语言祈福呢,反正我最后用韩文说了谢谢,佛主你懂的 我在:韩国
精神境界很超脱的一个地方,韩国首尔的奉恩寺。参拜佛祖的圣地 我在:韩国首尔
Its a place were you can stay in peace and relaxing, in the middle of a big city like Seoul. Beautiful place, visitors can learn about meditation and buddhism.
I visit this temple every time I am in seoul. First time I barely found it after getting lost and ending up in the high school above it. This time I bought a candle for my mom. There was a decent wind blowing, but there were candle helpers there to get the candle lit and placed properly. Only other place I have done this is St. Patricks Cathedral in NYC. There I was presumed to be a threat and my backpack was searched. Here...I had help and was not treated as a threat. Very nice.
It's surprising how peaceful it is here despite it being right in the middle of the city. I visited once by chance as I was passing by and liked it so much I went back for their one day temple stay. We made traditional tea, meditated and made lotus lanterns - a great insight if you don't have a couple of days to give to a temple stay or if you're not sure how you feel about 4am meditation and hours of silence!
We found it in front of the North front of the Coex mall easily and took a stroll around. There weren't that many people and you could hear monks chiming around the place (followed by groups of tourists)The hall with the many red paper lanterns is quite beautiful, and so are the statues, but it isn't as inspiring as many were not built many years ago, but recentlyBe prepared for quite muddy ground and few English signs. TheOne that were translated were written in a confusing way, while referring to statues and decorations without stating properly where it can be found or being in proximity of them.
This place gave us a peaceful feeling when we visited it. Quiet and tranquil. We would love to be back.
I really loved this place, the Buddha at the top is a great photo opportunity and when I went there, there wasn't any other tourists which made it all that much more special.
Beautiful temple in the city. The temple is part of a larger complex with several buildings, fountains, and statues to check out. After spending time looking around the complex, I took off my shoes, went inside, grabbed a mat and sat down. There was an interesting mix of people inside--toward the front of the temple closest to the statues were those who came to pray, around the sides were mainly tourists, and along the back wall were people who appeared to come to spend the afternoon; some were reading, some were clipping coupons, some were doing their bills and chatting. I got the feeling that the temple is really a gathering place and I was happy to be a part of it.