4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It's close to Chitose airport,Aquarium and exhibition are good,but not good as Shibetsu salmon science.And lack of information about proper time to see salmon,we can see salmon inthe river and in aquarium at Shibetsu ,while not here in Chitose.
This aquarium is located near the Chitose Airport, good for those who has a few hours to spare before heading to the airport. Small place but very educational and interactive for kids as they get to see many different types of salmon and understand their life cycle. Visitors also get to touch some salmon fishes.
If there is a lot of snow, it may be safer to take a taxi vs. walking from the station. Otherwise it usually takes about 15-20 minutes to walk from Chitose station with kids. Admission is 800 yen for adults; 300 yen for elementary kids. My kids loved looking at the fish at this aquarium. The aquarium may be small but there is a lot to see if you like fish. Staff was nice and answered questions my kids had. Overall a nice little aquarium.
This is a good place to go if you want to learn more about Salmon fish (all types of salmon species) and their growth pattern. There are also other fishes (and crabs) in the aquarium as attraction.Cozy little establishment nearby the new Chitose Airport and has busload of tourist visiting all the time. Gives you complementary pen and 5 yen coin (which stands for "good connection"). There is also an underwater observatory (which gives you a look at what happens under the Chitose river) ... but unfortunately when I was there, no fishes are in sight. The good thing is they have a volunteer sitting there telling you when fishes are spotted so that you can get your cameras ready :)All in all, a good place to learn about salmon for those interested.
Chitose Salmon Aquarium specializes primarily in displaying freshwater species, most of them native to Japan. It is located only a 5-minute train ride from the New Chitose Airport. However arriving from Sapporo as we did will require a longer 30-minute JR Train ride. Upon arriving at the Chitose Station, you will find the aquarium another 15-minute walk to its entrance. At this point, a viable alternative for first time visitors is to hop unto a taxicab for the short ride to the aquarium. Once there and getting a sense of bearings, the return walk to the station becomes far less tentative. Chitose Aquarium was the smallest of all the aquariums we visited in Japan. Nevertheless, it was superbly maintained with displays on par with any other aquariums we encountered. Two outstanding features of this aquarium were: (1) an enormous 70,000-gallon fresh water tank (the largest in all Japan) containing various trout, salmon, and sturgeon species; and (2) an actual underwater view of the Chitose River via acrylic portals embedded bank side. Coincidentally on display at the aquarium during our summer visit was a collection of invasive freshwater species that hammered home the fragility of native ecosystems, there in Japan and elsewhere. In a prominent viewing room on an ultra wide 3-panel multi-vision screen we watched a show depicting the Chitose River and its inhabitants during the four seasonal changes. With the aid of earphones we were able to listen in English and follow on screen the trials and tribulations a salmon must endure during its lifetime. Alongside a walking corridor, the museum has replicated an actual running-water scene viewable from side portals faithfully depicting the many niches Japanese stream organisms must contend with in their lives. Another underground tunnel will lead you a short distance to 7 viewing portals thus providing a genuine perspective of the workings of a stream in Japan. Because our visit coincided with early summer, the only active species we were able to see were Japanese dace and a variety of aquatic insects. Other appropriate times of the year will allow you to see salmon actually moving upstream to spawn, and then young fries making their way to the ocean. Chitose Aquarium is situated in a well-manicured park and a back door exit will enable you to step into an idyllic riparian setting. For fish lovers a visit to the Chitose Salmon Aquarium will surely provide a memorable and unique experience.
千歳といえば…鮭!施設の地下で直接、千歳川の水底を観察できます♪迫力満点の巨大水槽や、鯉の水槽、珍しいシシャモの稚魚、イクラのグラスツリー(孵化する為に新鮮なお水を流し続けてます)などなど、面白い展示がいっぱい!!!さらに…なんと、ファン垂涎のしょこたんコーナーが!!千歳川にインディアン水車という設備があるのですが、設置した北海道の初代水産課長、伊藤一隆さんの子孫がしょこたんなんだそう!しょこたんも、北海道を訪れた時にはサケのふるさと館に立ち寄っているとの事♪偶然会えるかも!?そして、お魚が寄ってくるタッチプールもあります♪スタッフがいつもご飯を手で与えているので、お客さんが手を入れると、ご飯と勘違いしてお魚さんたちがつついてきます(笑)そしてドクターフィッシュコーナーで、皮膚の不要な角質を食べてくれる珍しいお魚とふれあい体験もできます。早速、手を入れてみると… Σ (*w*)くすぐったい!!!くすぐったいです!ものすごいつつかれます!でも歯があるわけではないので痛くないですよ。とにかくくすぐったい感覚!…というか、すごい勢いで集まる、集まる…。なんですか…私の手はそんなに角質まみれなんでしょうか…。しかし、ふれあい体験の後、手がものすごいサラサラスベスベに!さっきまでのガサガサ乾燥がウソのようです…。すごいです…。ドイツではスパや、皮膚の治療にも使われてるドクターフィッシュ。かなりの実力派でした!ぜひ体験してみてください…!サケのふるさと館は千歳駅から徒歩10分ほどの距離なのでお散歩がてらに遊びに行ってみてくださいね♪