sapporo art museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I was visiting Sapporo during the annual Snow Festival, and read that the Art Museum had a free activity. At first I was in 2 minds about going, as it is a little way out of the city (a metro ride and bus trip)... but I am so happy that I did! It turned out to be the highlight of my time in Hokkaido!It was a truly and lovely peaceful place. There are several little centers in the park, and worth visiting (for example the textile and dying plant, etc). The Art Park was covered in snow - making spotting most of the statues quite impossible - but I got to ski around the park.A wonderful sense of calm. And a wonderful trip.
Often the statuary made you stop and think. Beautiful gardens with many different flowers and trees around the park. The trees had signs identifying their names.
A lovely place to relax, and watch as humans and Mother Nature battle it out in the artistic contest of beauty and all that.Clever in its design, and hardly expensive - this is definitely one for the outdoors lover, a getaway for couples or a great tour for the family.I went at the beginning of autumn and te weather was fantastic. Good time to catch up on some zen, very refreshing experience.
Any time of the year this park is worth the visit. It has it all for those who want to explore something special, even if you are not an arty.
The Art park is a complex of buildings which were being built at the start of the Pacific Music Festival some 20 years ago. At that time the first hall had been built which is now used by the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra for rehearsals. LAter the "Arena" was built, another excellent rehearsal building, now for the PMF orchestra. There is also an outdoor concert shell with about 5000 seats: here the PMF orchestra plays the Leonard Bernstein Memorial Concert in end of july.The sculpture park is embedded beautiful in the parks landscape, and it takes about half of an hour to visit it. There are plenty of parking possibilities. It takes about 30 minutes by car to get here form Sapporo centre.
I had a day free so I decided to visit the Art Park. Unfortunately for me, bears had been spotted in the area a few days before so the sculpture park was closed. I did manage to see a few sculptures over one of the fences. I headed to the art museum and found it too was closed for a special exhibit. Strike two! I was not discouraged as the weather was beautiful and I was enjoying the cool breeze and the serene surroundings. I wandered down to the glass shop and stood transfixed for 45 minutes as I watched the glass blowers take red-hot lumps of glass and create various wonders. That alone was worth the visit. I was really looking forward to seeing the sculptures so I will have to visit again. If you have time I would recommend a visit, especially during the summer.
Finally I made it to this art park, a goal of mine, and in winter it was really special. I think there is summer admission fee, but it was free in winter, as are some other local attractions such as Takino Suzuran park. [I found at least one website that said the art park open season does not include winter...]You can walk some places without snowshoes, but best to have them--they are free loan on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are pictorial instructions on how to put them on, but feel free to improvise because some of us found ours worked better with improvisation.I went with a group (not an organized tour, though). Take the bus from Makomano station; be sure to get one that goes into the art park (they are labeled). Return buses on the half hour in the afternoon.Sculptures in the snow are really special. Many small ones in the forest range from whimsical to striking. Some sculptures were wrapped up for the winter, but there were plenty in evidence, and many where the snow enhanced the experience. We had sun and snowfall during our time there, and it couldn't have been a better experience.We brought our own food (in fact, our leader rented a cabin for us). I am not sure in winter what are other options, so I'd recommend bringing some of your own food, there's lots of indoor space where you can relax and warm up if it's cold.The map provided can be read graphically, but we had no information in English about artists or works of art. I would like to learn more about them.
If you are into art installations and the outdoors then a visit here allows you to combine the two. The extensive grounds are dotted with intriguing, exciting and bemusing sculptures.
光と影のファンタジーの藤城清治展は素晴らしかったです!作品も多く 綺麗で幻想的で感動です♪芸術の森まで、札幌からは真駒内まで電車で行き、そこからまたバスで20分くらいとちょっと遠いのですが環境もいい場所で 寒くなければもっといろいろ見学したかったですね。
観光だと郊外なので、アクセスが悪いでしょうが、それでもお釣りのくる自然に囲まれた美術館です。 10年ほど前までは、アメリカのポップアートや前衛的なアートを展示していました。やはり地方都市では来館数は低調でした。その分、ゆっくり近くで観ることができて東京ならば長蛇の列なのにと思っていました。 今年のアートフェスティバルも、成功とは言えない人数だったようです。 それでも、採算を度外視したアート性と自然の中にある美術品は、溢れる自然の中に輝いています。李禹範の初期作品もあります。 夏にはPMFやジャズフェスの会場にもなる素敵な公園でもあります。 食事もゆっくり美味しいものが頂けます。