grand people's study house
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I took many pictures here in the evening because of the unique lighting that is focused on the portraits of the two leaders. Gorgeous architecture.
The view from the roof over the central square is a must see. There was nothing that I didn't like. North Korea is always a good trip one of my favorite places. Extremely safe. Just behave your self and you will have a good time.
Yet another overly impressive building - this was my favourite part of touring North Korea. We were shown around by a local who was very excited to show us all the different parts of the library. The highlight was when he showed us the music room and put on his favourite Beatles song for us to listen to.Afterwards we got to go to the balcony, where you can get a great view of Kim-Il-Sung square.
The building is beautiful. The entrance hall is impressive. Very nice views of Pyongyang from the roof terrace. You can see students taking english and Chinese classes, reading ebooks from their intranet with old Windows software. There's a music room with old boom boxes where you can listen to Beatles or Madonna. Probably I wouldn't mind to go to a library or study house in any other place. But in DPRK is surreal. It can't be missed.
If you want to travel back in time this place is for you. Study rooms are full of old TV screens with VHS players and boomboxes. A beautiful lavish hallway. You get to see staged foreign languages lessons. It's still quite an experience though.
This building is basically a library and public university. The dimensions are truly impressive. At the top, there is a roof terrace, which offers very nice views over Kim Il-sung Square, the Fountain Park, etc.
The building is easily recognisible from the outside and a Pyongyang landmark. Apparently it is the largest 'Korean style' building in the world. When we first were taken in, it was by some side entrance with a large statue of Kim Il Sung sitting on a chair. I was worried this was going to be yet another 'public' building that had so much money spent on it, but which seemed not to be used by any of the people.However, after this room, we entered into the main foyer and found it quite lively with Koreans. There were computer catalogue systems here. We also visited several reading rooms, which were all very busy. For a short time I could imagine I was in a library in any country in the world.There was a multimedia room which had large boombox and vhs tapes for viewing and listening. As well as functioning as a library it also has lectures and various professors available. Apparently there are 27 million books inside at the moment.If you get the chance you may also get to see the sixth floor balcony, which commands good views of Kim Il Sung square, and indeed a lot of the Pyongyang city centre.
This is really impressive - all this regular citizens, soldiers are studying there, and it`s nice to see how is it organized. University is equipped quite good for PDRK, but still some things are a bit nostalgic, something from the old times. And really surprises the visit to foreign languages lesson there - it`s remarkable, how all this people, without some big educational background learn quite complicated languages.
The building is attractive. But everything in there is planned for show. think they bring people in to show it is being used when tour groups show up. The most amusing thing was the music room. They had old-fashioned boom boxes and we had to listen to a rendition of "Yellow Submarine'.
The entrance hall of this seat of learning is very impressive. Indeed so is much of the rest of the building, but there's something odd. We visited several (3 or 4) "reading" or "study" rooms each of which had a number of people studying. The doors of each of these rooms was open as we approached. The doors to all the other rooms (except one) were firmly closed. A peep through the door to the exception showed it to be empty. There were few people (very few) in the extensive corridors. Both my wife and I took advantage of the toilet facilities. There was no-one else using them. Yet it was a public holiday. You might ask why anyone would spend time in the Study House on a holiday, but from the age of 17 all citizens are expected to work 6 days a week. So when do people make use of the facility? Or is it just another grand but empty gesture on the part of the Kims? A bit like the new hotel that they are building with 3000 rooms although only around 25 of the 800 rooms in our hotel were occupied when we were there. An interesting visit, and one you will be required to make.
A must-see in Pyongyang, and one you will almost certainly be obliged to visit, the Grand People's Study House is both the National Library of North Korea, and the home of the country's public adult education system. Clearly there was considerable government spending on education in the 1970s and 80s - the building and facilities are impressive - but this couldn't be sustained after the post-Soviet economic collapse. Significantly underutilised now, and much of the enormous building is unlit. You might find some adult learners 'placed' to look like they are using the library; the only resources that seemed to be used are the English language learning classes. Orwellian in every sense of the word.
Потрясающей красоты дворец, выполненный в национальном стиле!! Каждый раз проезжая мимо, находила для себя что-то интересное в архитектуре. Внутри - библиотека со множеством читальных, компьютерных и лекционных залов. Изучают в том числе и русский язык, он третий по популярности в стране после английского и китайского.
Здание библиотеки расположено на берегу реки. Здание красивое и украшает ансамбль площади имени Ким Ир Сена.
Народный дворец учебы - монументальное здание, построенное в корейском национальном стиле и, безусловно, украшающее Пхеньян. В то же время внутри это обычное общественное заведение с множеством кабинетов: здесь расположены читальные залы, компьютерные классы, где есть выход в местную сеть (в КНДР доступ в Интернет закрыт, он есть только у избранных), лингафонный кабинет, кабинет иностранных языков, аудиозал и т.п. Холл дворца выполнен довольно красиво, с большими колоннами и балкончиками, а всё остальное - стандартные кабинеты.Перемещался я по зданию на лифте, в котором работает лифтер и есть странное табло с меняющимися цифрами. Как оказалось, на этом табло показывается напряжение сети. Зачем оно в лифте - непонятно...На верхнем этаже дворца есть балкон, с которого открывается красивый вид на реку и Монумент идей чучхе, расположенный на противоположном её берегу. Если приглядеться, то слева также можно увидеть памятник Ким Ир Сену и Ким Чен Иру
Большая такая библиотека, с лекционными залами. Сделано "богато", такая пхеньянская "ленинка" что ли... Есть выход на балкон, там можно сделать пару фоточек неплохих