4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

在我开始之前,请允许我澄清,以下评论是来自一个害怕吃亏的新加坡人的立场,给那些想要买衣服(在新加坡时穿,而不是那种纪念T恤),想要买一些诸如平日能穿的T恤、鞋子或者便宜货的人。如果你想要买柬埔寨纪念品、手工艺品、盗版DVD等,来这个地方就对了。事实上,像其他点评所提到的哪样,这个市场的确出售很多种类的商品,从食品、香料到各种服装、再到佛像甚至连汽车配件都应有尽有。为了给我将要去那里的同胞们,简单来说这里就是新加坡1990年之前的那种集市的扩大版。遗憾的是,这里的东西完全不是一个新加坡人想要的。因此,Russian Market就有点让人失望了,尤其是在看了关于这个地方的那些吹捧的点评之后。当然,这里是一个追忆往昔的好地方,还可以喝到金边最好的冰咖啡,但是只是不适合我们。我们确实也想要找到些便宜货,尽管这些东西在Central Market买到(例如背包、围巾等),我们本以为能在这里找到很多适合我们的东西。总之,是一次想要买便宜货的失败经历,但我还是推荐给那些想要体验一番这里的人。
离开了这个压抑的地方,我们转而奔向了Russian Market。水果看上去同三亚差不多,但是价格稍微便宜点。 比较干旱的国家,但是海鲜的品种却很多,鱼干是主要商品之一。 个人感觉Russian Market并没有传说的那么好,比较昏暗,道路狭窄,所以没呆多久就撤退了。乘着TUTU车,行驶在金边的大街小巷。欣赏着沿途的建筑。金边的主要路口都放置了这样的牌坊来悼念西哈努克国王。
Just a bigger version of every other market we've seen. Because it is so huge, it's also hotter and stuffier. There were the same t shirts, mass produced "sculptures", jewelry, cloth, shoes, food,etc. as all the other markets, as well as hair & nail salons, hardware and other home supplies for the locals. The only item we've never seen before was an opium pip available in several kiosks. I couldn't waIt to get out.
A nice place where you can find something for everyone. Not as fever as the Central Market so comfortable to watch what you buy.
great place to find a lot of local crafts, t-shirts for gift, tips: don't go for the front street that full of other tourist as you can't do a lot of bargaining instead go to those stall a bit more to the back.
The Russian market of Phnom Penh offers a lot of stuff - handicrafts, porcelain, food and spices, textiles, electronics, jewelry/accessories and so on. The market is under roof so you can go there even if it's raining.
We came here as we were going to S21 on the same day and the two places were quite close- we actually walked between the two taking about 15mins. We had been to Central market earlier in the day and were saving our spending for the Russian market as we had read that things were cheaper here. We were quite disappointed. There was very little choice and everyone really seemed to be selling the same things. Don't go out of your way to go here
I think i was expecting a bit more of it, but it is just an average market. Thought when we visited it was surprisingly quiet there. Hard to say if there really is original brand clothes or is it all just a knock off. There are also shops outside the market area, where at least we managed to find some clothes.
This pretty much reminded me of every outdoor market I've ever been to around the world. The same generic souvenirs, the same knock off sunglasses and clothing. It's worth stopping by if you have some free time but there's really nothing special about it.
It's just like the market in the rest of south east asian cities so many people, too many things to look at but they're all the same things everywhere. Price was also quite expensive compare to saigon or bangkok. Didn't find anything interesting to get except to stop and buy some drinks.
The Russian market in Phmom Penh is nothing like other markets that you can find in South East Asia. It is rather small, still good if you need to buy some souvenirs but the place is not that exceptional.If you are looking for street food, careful not to go there in the middle of the afternoom as you will not find much, most of the food stands only set up for lunch time amd dinner time(this is also not very common in South East Asia, normally you can fimd food anytime).