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Plaza Vieja位于哈瓦那老城区(Habana Vieja),和地标建筑Capitolio位于同一条轴线上。老广场周围都是西班牙式殖民建筑,中心有新修建的喷泉,鸽子在广场上闲庭信步。广场一隅有家咖啡店El Escorial,里面采用的咖啡豆都是新鲜烘焙的古巴咖啡,香气浓郁。在欣赏老广场的时候不妨在这家咖啡店坐下来细细品味时光。El Escorial对面是一家以自酿啤酒及烤肉为主打的餐厅(抱歉我记不全它的名字),时常有乐队演奏古巴风情的音乐,食客络绎不绝。El Escorial隔壁是日本政府资助修建的小天文展览馆。无数游人穿梭于广场之上,时间仿佛都放慢了脚步,停留在80年前古巴最辉煌的时刻。
We toured Old Square as part of our Cuba tour. This tourist destination has been extensively restored from what it was several years ago as part of the Old Havana restoration project. Previously run down buildings have been rejuvenated or in some cases completely rebuilt. There are shops in the area and also restaurants, a micro brew with over priced beer and other tourist destinations. The place is nice to visit but in some respects it reminds me a bit of over restored places all over the world.The problem is that it does not represent what the rest of Havana looks like. Walk a few blocks from Old Square and you see clean but dilapidated buildings or building that are actually falling down. Unfortunately, much of Havana is this way.Is Old Square worth visiting - yes. Does it represent what most of Havana looks like - no. Visit Old Square but also get out into the neighborhoods.
We ended up going to azucar lounge in old plaza. It was on the second floor with huge balcony windows overlooking the square. It's very nice to take pictures here.
Austrian Brewery/Camera Obscura, statues and large square - wonderful atmosphere. Another lovely people watching area.
Wonderful beach, and resort areas. Great place for a vacation. Peaceful and quiet. Great place for a family to take a vacation.
Many of the buildings have been restored to their former glory and the whole square has a great atmosphere. We sat in in a first floor cafe for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality and people watching the square!
We spent an afternoon on the square, sitting at an outdoor cafe on the corner of the square, listening to an excellent band and watching life in the square. School children playing games, locals getting off work, and tourists. A great place to soak up the atmosphere of old Havana.
Busy with locals and visitors, mix of colonial buildings and wrecks. That's Havana in a nutshell, nice to just wander and wonder what life was like in it's heyday - 1950's ish.
Perhaps the largest of Havanas town squares. Actively used by locals abd includes high end shops, a great coffee shop in one corner, a boutique brewery on another corner and great Cuban music venues at night.
One of the (unfortunately few) well maintained areas with beautiful old buildings. During our visit, the United Buddy Bears exhibition was there. Which made things even more unique and impressive.
As others have said this is a picturesque square with lovely restored Buildings, well worth spending an hour in over a beer or two
This is a taste of what Havana once was and could be again.Most buildings are open for tourists and there are a few cafe's nearby where you can sit and people watch
This beautiful cobblestone square is surrounded by buildings steeped in history. Most are open for tourists.
This was my favourite square in Old Havana. Most of the buildings have been renovated giving the overall impression of what Havana once was and what its potential is in the future. The colours are fabulous for photography and by late afternoon wonderful Cuban music from the corner restaurant fills the square. I bought a postcard in one of the shops along the square and it had a photo of a building on the west side before renovations, now one of the most beautiful in Old Havana. And of course there is the kitschy Roberto Fabelo sculpture of a naked bald woman wearing stiletto heels and riding a rooster that shouldn’t be missed!
This lovely square is surrounded on all four sides by renovated old buildings, each one more beautiful than the prior. There are several sidewalk cafes where you can and should sit with a coffee Cubano or a cerveza and drink in the view.