savanna bay
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Don't let the tales of the mile long trek over a dirt and rock strewn track to this bay deter you. You don't need a jeep to get there and you will be rewarded with a jem of a bay ! Both days of our trip to Savanna Bay we had the bay to ourselves and enjoyed snorkeling and walking on the beach collecting shells Nat's was rebuilding after Hurricane Gonzalo but we promise to be back !!
What a GORGEOUS beach! It is a bit difficult to get it and yes, there is some litter. But it didn't spoil a thing for us. To find a beach like this, virtually uninhabited, is just unheard of. Worth the bouncy roads :)
Savannah Bay is quiet and very beautiful. To top it off, you have Nat's Palm Grove Restaurant there for some of the best ribs and johnny cakes on the island! Watch out for Nat's hot sauce!
Savanna Bay is a beach to be relaxed. Very few people around, white sand, calm waters, you and the sun.There are some rocks at the north end where you can see some good underwater creatures if you like snorkeling. Also, in the middle of the bay, like 20 meters off shore, there is a big rock formation and few more below water. There you can do some snorkeling too.The road to the beach is easy to miss. So, you might find yourself going back and forth. It really worth the visit! I would rank it in the top 3 with Shoal Bay and Randezvous Bay.
A truly beautiful beach and bay. It is a shame that it is so littered!!! :(. The food at the restaurant Palm Grove was great!!!!!
I have visited Anguilla now six times, this year was the first time to this beach. Of the 33 on the island I would rate it in the top four. Nat's Place, the Bar Grill there is great and Nat is such a nice pleasant guy
The road is long and bumpy, go slow and you will be fine. Go out to see the kite surfers, those guys are fearless.
The beaches seemed crowded (for Anguilla), especially Shoal Bay. We chose Savanna since the surf was quieter which made snorkeling that much more fun (you could see better). Reef is not far from shore and it's not commercial at all - there is one small restaurant. The road to the beach is very bumpy and unpaved but it's all part of the adventure.
This is the place to go if you are bored with the calm beaches with no waves. A bit of a drive but the water sand and waves made it worth it
If you love to snorkel, this is the place for you. Drive down a rocky dirt track to Savannah Bay. The only thing at the end of the trail is Nat's beach shack. This is a bring-your-own-everything kind of beach. The beach is au naturel in the sense that everything washes up here...plastic bottles, fish nets, etc. Lots of good snorkeling. Also great for swimming.
deserted beach, average sand , didn't seem like a great place to swim, due to rocks, but nat's was a wonderful place for an ice cold beer or drink and some good food.
It's off the beaten path and we loved that. No buildings/hotels on the beach. The water is calm and clear with barely anyone there. There's a place to it there. Make sure to order an hour before you're ready to eat. They prepare everything from scratch so it will take awhile to get your food.
Savannah Bay is on the eastern end of Anguilla on the south side. It has a nice if somewhat narrow beach running the entire length, which must be a mile or so. There are no houses on it. Very few people. Good snorkelling as it is protected by reefs.At the eastern end of the beach is Nat's Palm Grove beach bar. Its food is a cut above featuring whole fish and lobster. Take a walk starting at Nat's around the point to the left and follow a path inland to see some very interesting terrain. It is a moonscape of ancient coral, with Pope's Head cactus, other plants and wild goats clinging to life in the harsh environment. Walk out of the scrub to Junk's hole and back to Nat's. A very nice walk.
L'anno scorso avevo fatto una sosta veloce, giusto il tempo di dare un'occhiata alla spiaggia e fare qualche foto. Quest'anno sono ritornata e mi sono fermata tutto il giorno. Devo dire che si è rivelata una scelta azzeccata perchè nelle altre spiagge il mare era mosso, mentre a Savanna Bay era un'incanto. Questa spiaggia non ha certo i colori di Shoel Bay East, però il mare era limpidissimo e mi ha affascinato perchè c'erano solo poche persone. Sulla spiaggia c'erano delle alghe e anche moscherini, per cui non aspettatevi un paesaggio perfetto ed immacolato. Se si pranza nel ristorante attiguo si possono affittare sdraio ed ombrelloni per tutto il giorno.Ho fatto un giro a piedi percorrendo tutta la spiaggia, fino alla fine. Con una spina nel cuore devo dire che c'era tanta immondizia, probabilmente portata dalle maree. Basterebbe davvero poco per tenerla pulita: tre o quattro persone che passano regolarmente, e sarebbe anche un modo intelligente per creare dei posti di lavoro. Speriamo che le autorità locali si rendano conto che questi gioielli vanno curati e protetti meglio.
La strada per arrivarci è abbastanza tortuosa, piena di sassi e di buche, però a mio parere merita una visita. Forse l'impatto è stato particolarmente positivo perchè quando siamo arrivati non c'era nessun altro ma in ogni caso è una delle poche spiagge di Anguilla dove non ci sono costruzioni invadenti e questo a mio parere le dona un surplus notevole. Inoltre ha una leggera gradazione di rosa a causa di piccoli sedimenti presenti nella sabbia. C'è anche un ristorante che affitta lettini ed ombrelloni (10 dollari) ma non posso esprimere giudizi perchè non ci siamo fermati a mangiare.