fort christiansvaern


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fort christiansvaern

An imposing yellow Danish fort built to defend the Christiansted harbor.


What the heck?! Drunks passed out on the street and abandoned businesses. We didn't even get out of the car.


It's a self guided tour which was well documented. Fort is clean and has a great view of the harbor. Much of what is on display is authentic rather then a re-creation. Price is right ($3) for 3 days. NOTE: Since it's a National Park you can buy an entry permit for $10 that allows you to go to all National Parks in the U.S. for free.


well preserved fort; plenty of plaques to explain what youre looking at. The woman who took our entrance fee recommended that we purchase the senior pass... my husband was 62 and therefore qualified. Was glad to do this as it will save us a lot of money in the future


Pretty minimal displays. Go to Frederiksted instead for an in-depth exposition. Though smaller it is more interesting.


The Fort is Island history not be missed. A self tour gives you a good glimpse of what it was like under Danish rule. The views are wonderful. You can stand on the ramparts and just imagine standing watch looking for sails in the distance!


We stopped by here for a quick visit during our recent trip and loved getting to see a piece of the history of the island. Worth a look while you are in the area.


This fort is a National HIstoric Site and can be explored independently or with a park guide. Restoration work is in progress and much needs to be done.Great views of the coast can be seen from the top of the fort. A gift shop and restrooms are available inside.Admission is charged unless you have a annual or senior pass. You are also able to get your National Park Passport Book stamped.


Not much to see. Under construction and in quit poor condition. Has a great view of Gallows bay. Glad to see that they are trying to restore it. Need more info on history.


Not a ton to see here (much is under renovation), but if you have small kids with an interest in sailing, pirates, etc., they will love it. Nice signage throughout to explain things, and friendly staff.


Under renovation and very little to see. Good for view of harbor from top. No handrails on stairs. Really at this point in time until work is finished I would skip the fort.


Compared to the many forts we have seen elsewhere this fort has little to see. Half of the facility is being renovated so not to be seen. The rest has a few rooms of the fort which was built to protect but never needed to protect. It was mostly used as a prison.


Visit every year and always enjoy. Quite a bit of renovation going on so a large portion of Fort not available for viewing. All the more to see next year. Staff is always very friendly and informative. If you are a history nut or just want to see great scenery don't miss this. One of my favorite things the government has done is the senior pass. After a $10 fee all national parks are free for you and travel mates.


It's and old fort from the Seventeen hundreds. If you are very interested in history you'll use about one to two hours looking. You get a little lookbook to take With you. You can see livingrooms and also the Dungeon where the prison slaves where kept. You could see offisers rooms and there where several canons and it's beautifully situated on a Mound at the egde of the town.


Very interesting history of Alexander Hamilton's mother. Never knew he was born on the island. A must see for the history.


Free if you are a veteran, cheap if you are not. Currently having renovations done so portions are inaccessible. Worth checking out.

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