puck's farm
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Im surprised by some of these reviews, I've been coming to pucks farm for almost 30 years...my mom used to take me when I was a kid & now I take my kids every Easter for the egg hunt & Halloween to pick a pumpkin. I think it is a little over priced as it used to be 7.00 per person and if u all didn't know there is an ADMIT ONE FREE ticket on their website that u can print out which makes it a little more worth it! Whoever the idiot is that was saying the animal look neglected & under fed & someone should call the humane society, guess what!....the are a RESCUE so pretty much like a humane society for livestock! I myself brought them 2 baby ducks a couple of years ago. I think those who complain are those type of miserable, stuck up people that are ALWAYS looking for something to complain about. Like animals running around whole your eating for one...LMFAO!!! Are u kidding me? IT'S A FARM!!! That's the whole point!!! Maybe u should judge more from your children's opinion as this place is geared for children & not adults & I can't imagine a 2 or 3 year old not having a blast there. People, PLEASE do not listen to the bad reviews...it's almost like a vacation when u have gone somewhere that u think is completely amazing & u decide to go look at the reviews & see so many negative comments & u just can't imagine how anyone could complain about such an awesome place. There are people that just love to be miserable & negative & not much in life will please them....life is what u make it people...if u go to pucks farm saying "im going to spend some quality time with my kids & have a fun day" then that's exactly what u will have...if u go there with high expectations (when I'm not really sure what expectations u can have about a farm) lol then I guess u will be disappointed!!!
Went there with our grandson. Had difficulty finding out as there was no sign. Finally got there bit the was nothing just a lot of old buildings and construction equipment. New sign at road was for Green Life Tree Works. Very disappointed
The animals were running all over the place and the horses were stealing the kids hotdogs. They were so under fed they turned carnivorous! The bouncy castle was fun but the employees were shady at best.
I've been visiting pucks for the last two years or so and it the current owners are different than the previous owners so I would take any old reviews with a grain of salt. Pucks farm first/foremost is that--a FARM. if you're looking for a legitimate experience on a real farm, this is your place. If you're shy or afraid to get mud on your Hunters or dirt on your hands, stay home. But if you want a cute outing for the family, it's really awesome. Yes the animals roam around. Yes they poop-They're alive. Yes the roosters won't shut up. But you can safely pet any of them and they are perfect around kids and adults alike. Never biting or kicking or anything like that. My favourite thing is the hay ride-it's the first "real" hay ride I've seen in awhile. Pulled on a flatbed wagon by two horses and ACTUALLY on hay. You get a nice scenic tour of the farm, up and down some bumpy hills and through some muddy puddles, and Kevin will likely tell you little tidbits about the farm, his animals, etc. He told us about a wedding that had just taken place, his cute little rescue horses kicking butt in a race, and threw in a story about a tool-stealing gremlin who lives in a shed in the field for fun. Past reviewer complains about parking being disorganized. Then another reviewer complains about having to pay for parking and a parking guy helping out. Honestly guys. Also id like to address the person who said the animals look emaciated. If you took five minutes of your day to have a friendly chat with farmer Kevin (the owner) during one of his awesome hayrides (again, the real kind!) or any other time he's around, you'd know that they are all RESCUE ANIMALS. so rather than writing mean things on the internet, maybe some props are in order. In October there are bouncy castles, games and lots more so that's why the admission is a little higher-which is the only real 'con' here--and it's not even a con. You'd pay 15 bucks for a wristband to get on rides and jumping castles anywhere else anyway and you wouldn't be getting the experience of a farm! So yeah it could be cheaper but it goes to a FARM. stop complaining. Pony rides and hay rides and bouncy castles are included in the price of admission. If you paid separately for all of those things it'd surely be more expensive than the $12 everybody's whining about. Kevin and his long haired friend (I have no idea what his name is but he's very sweet) are great. I think the other staff, the two women, could use a bit of social grace (they seem to be giving the stink-eye to the other women visiting the farm) but maybe they just had a bad day. For the most part Kevin's wife is nice. I've never seen them "high" like somebody else wrote. That being said, give pucks a visit. Just put your galoshes on and bring sanitizer. There are washrooms there but the waters not potable. Oh and it's worth mentioning that there aren't pumpkins there like there used to be with the previous owners but honestly pumpkins are a good trade for better ownership. And there's a farmers market two kilometres away. Bring your camera!! Lots of cute opportunities for pics
My family and I visited the farm on Thanksgiving 2013. It was a nightmare!!A shady fellow in the parking lot asking for parking fee. We paid and when we were leaving he came running back to me asking for parking fee again!! Crazy!The farm is in a very sad state. Dont even know if I should actually call it a farm! The folks running the farm were as dirty as the farm. I didn't allow my toddler to touch anything there!They charged ridiculous prices and extra for the bouncy castle which i must say was the main attraction. It was dirty and run-down. I have been to other farms so I am talking with a farm in context over here.. I feel sorry for the animals.. The lady at the cash counter looked like she just got out of bed. (I think she was high!)There was garbage everywhere... and old toilet, junk from an old car, old torn sofas.. it was pathetic! I wont visit again even if it was for free! Awful.. absolutely awful!Please be warned and dont bother wasting your time and money over here.
We got to pucks farm and there's a man in the parking lot running around to the cars as you park saying parking today is $4 would you like to donate an extra dollar to feed the pigs?? But as we left he is telling a different couple parking is $5 so I'm not sure what the price of parking really is. Then it cost $43 for me, my husband and 3 year old son. There's no signs posted with prices anywhere so I feel its whatever they feel at that moment to charge. Yes there poop everywhere but it's a farm I get that there will be. But there's also garbage all over there was an old couch and truck bed cover lying on the floor right next to the bounce castles. There's animals running free but they did not bother us. I felt horrible for the house at the hay ride they really did not get a break or changed up to let them rest and the people visiting the farm were bothering them and making then terrified not to mention the driver of the hay ride was not there to stop them. And his seat on the ride is an old car back seat. Needless to say we did not go on the hay ride. The pony ride my son loved but I was so nerves I had to take the horse around and at one point I had to pull the horse back as he tried to pull his head away and make its own path. But I'm sure it was because they also did not get a break. I know it's a farm and it's not going to be the cleanest place but with all the money they are taking from people they should up date and take care of the buildings and animals... I don't recommend this place or will ever visit it again.. The saying is "it's fun"! No it's really not.
We just got to puck's farm with my family and it now costs 60$ plus tax for a family of 4! Then there's this shady guy in the parking lot who wants 5$. There's poo all over the place, grass where pony rides are hasn't been cut in forever and hardly any animals to see at that price! Definitely not worth it!
Today some of our family visited Puck's Farm - 5 adults and 3 young children. We had a wonderful day - sure there is animal dung here and there but at least the animals are not in a fence - they come and greet you just like the owners. The children had their pony rides and a great hayride with their parents. The owner was very obliging in taking them for a second ride and let them ride the ponies as long as they wanted. I love the friendly goats - get right on the picnic table - and 3 tame pigs that want to be petted as well. Some of the animals have been rescued from bad situations and are doing well. All in all a great experience. I was raised on a farm so was quite amazed at the friendly animals. The owners were great as well. We will definitely be going back in October when they will have more renovations done - and some of them will go back in the winter for winter activities.
My family and I just went to Puck's farm yesterday and had such a great time. It was actually refreshing to see many animals in their natural habitat roaming around freely and not in little cages. The staff was very friendly and opened up the farm for us, as we were a little late for closing time. The kids enjoyed the pony rides (included with our admission) cedar maze and totally friendly animals. They also have a great hay ride which is also included with admission.If your kids (or you!) love animals, go to Puck's Farm for an authentic experience at a very reasonable price.
We arrived at pucks farm at 10:15 am Sunday August 5 2013 to take our 2 year old daughter to see her favorite animals the ponies. We arrived and the parking lot was desserted, so we ventured on inside. Along the way the path was covered in horse crap( probably other animal crap too). We made it up the hill to see a donkey the had broken through the fence standing at the scene of the crime looking for some one. The ponies were the only things that were in the ticket booth. The roosters were screaming and no one was insight. There was a beat up truck loaded with garbage sitting in the middle of the courtyard with empty beer bottles around it. The animals all looked sad sick and ready to leave. Luckly no one came out to attempt to make us pay and we assumed the farm was permanatley closed. As we were leaving a herd of goats strolled through the holes in the gence and tried to follow us home. I would never advise anyone to go to this sad discussing " farm " unless your an Ospca officer and are saving the animals. I hope these people are locked up for this cruelty.
My family visited 3 years ago and it was a quaint family run farm attraction. It has changed a lot in 3 years and not for the better. I understand the owner passed away and it's under "New Management". It is a little sad to see it so unkept now. I would not recommend it for families or school trips. There are other options out there that take a lot more pride in their business.On top of that it's not cheap. $46 for a family of 4. That will be our last visit.
If anyone says anything good about this place then they are more hung over then the owners. I have been going her since I was a kid. I know in recent years Mister Puck has become ill but the family members that took it over are terrible. I have been taking my daughters there as we love the interaction with the animals. I took her on August 9th 2013 and I guess everyone had to good of a time the night before as they are supposed to open at 10am and at 10:45am we were still waiting for someone to show up. And just so everyone knows I even called the night before to check that they would be open. I guess the A/C it the trailer was to loud. We left with the Apples and Carrots we bought for the animals and my 2 daughters crying. It is SAD because with a few dollars and some hard work this could be a great place.
We went there last sunday August 4, 2013 but there's nothing to do the only exciting part is the friendly goats. We've been to other farms but it wasn't like this. They are well makntained and cleaner than this farm. If i can rate them when it comes to cleanliness and safety, they will fail. We came there and nobody is there to accomodate i mean receive our tickets we waited for 20 minutes, they are still asleep. We were there at almost 10 am. Nobody to assist you with the pony ride which is the only supposedly fun thing to do. I don't think I will be coming back or reccommending this. The tickets are 10/ person or if ypu get it online it is 20 for 4 including all rides (?) and activity (?)
This was not the prettiest of places, but it definitely was fun. The owners are extremely nice and friendly. They showed us around and introduced us to some of their animal friends. We were a bit shocked that animals were free to roam around everywhere (as opposed to a petting zoo), yet it was a pleasant experience. They were also not anal on how many pony rides we had. We were allowed to go as long as we wanted.They are looking to renovate the place in the coming months. I look forward to what it would look like.
The place was just taken over by new owners so I think they're trying to fix everything up (since it was last owned by the previous owner for 33 years)..they're working on it, but I think they should have some slack cuz they are trying to renovate everything and they're very nice people. I love the wandering pig and the ponies!