butchart gardens
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以英国女皇的名字命名的维多利亚Victoria是BC省的首府--北美著名的花园城市。来到维多利亚,如果没到布查特花园 Butchart去观赏一番繁花似锦的花卉世界,可说是入宝山却空手而归。距离维多利亚市区大约21公里,布查特花园 Butchart是一座以花卉景观为主的私家花园,布查特花园 Butchart占地55英亩,坐落在130英亩的布查特庄园中。2004年,布查特花园 Butchart在建园一百周年之际,被评为“加拿大国家历史遗址”。布查特花园 Butchart起初是一片石灰石场,是珍妮•布查特为美化其丈夫的采石场大坑,于1904年开始建造的。而后布查特夫妇把从世界各地收集来的花草种植于此,经过几代人的辛勤努力,已经成为园艺艺术领域中的一枝奇葩。园内分成五个大区:下沉花园 (Sunken Garden)、日本花园(Japanese Garden )、玫瑰花园 (Rose Garden)、意大利花园 (Italian Garden)和地中海花园(Mediterranean Garden)。每年前来参观的游客将近一百万人。进入花园,沿着蜿蜒的花道行走,三拐两拐,登上观景台,眼前的景色令人惊叹。这就是下沉花园,昔日的石灰石矿的大坑,竟然成为举世闻名的花园。这个岩石小山岗,俯瞰着采石场深处采石场湖宁静的湖面。罗斯喷泉(Rose Fountain),这是1964年,布查特夫妇的孙子伊恩.罗斯,在花园60周年纪念时建造的,喷泉的水柱高达21米,昼夜欢乐地在空中跳跃。漫步在花园中,清香的空气沁人心脾,宛如来到了人间的伊甸园,情愿被绚丽的色彩所迷惑。品类繁多,花团锦簇的玫瑰花园。青铜鲟鱼喷泉(Sturgeon Fountain),这座喷泉是在意大利的佛罗伦萨铸造的。穿过一个日式牌坊来到了幽静雅致的日本花园,这个独特的花园始建于1906年,当时得到了日本园艺家岸田伊三郎的专业协助。星池(Star Pond),这里最初是为布查特先生饲养的观赏鸭儿设计的,星角之间花坛里种植着色彩缤纷的花卉,围绕着池塘中央的青蛙喷泉。优雅浪漫的意大利花园墨丘利神雕像在古色古香的布查特家族餐厅,享用一下群芳簇拥中的英式下午茶,充满了无限的创意和浪漫。待在这里,吸吮着花香的芬芳和泥土的清香,仿佛在一个幸福的梦中。我完全陶醉。。。流连忘返。。。
这个迷人的花园位于维多利亚以北14英里的地方,占地55公顷,以大英帝国哥伦比亚时期的风光为主。漫步在花园的小径上,可以欣赏到意大利日本的艺术作品,以及玫瑰,沼泽和下沉花园,环境静谧怡人。布查特花园是Jennie Butchart于1904年创建的,布查特家族的其他成员一直致力于扩建和管理工作。一年四季有超过五十个工人对花园进行打理,把每个角落都收拾打理得井井有条,圣诞节的时候还有为期十二天的圣诞特展。夏夜能欣赏到仲夏烟火,五光十色的照明让人大开眼界。下沉花园是建立在一个石灰石采矿场上的,是花园的一大亮点。平淡无奇的小道能带领你欣赏到美轮美奂的花园,绝对是我到过最美的地方。在8B区,花园有一个地中海微型气候区,能感受到夏天的温暖干燥和冬天的湿润凉爽。植物们肯定非常喜欢这种气候条件,每一株看起来都生气勃勃,完全不需要修剪。唯一遗憾的是这里没有提供足够的园艺知识。或许更多标识,导游或音频导游会更好。门票181元,花园的一切绝对值回票价。花园里那些扔在水里的硬币都会捐献给温哥华岛的社会庭院之家。
we have been here in the summer and in the winter there is a light show in winter but the blooms are out in spring and summer th is an old rock quarry that has many beautiful features including fountains and European, Japanese gardens we are getting too old to walk the full garden but still enjoy being there
Stunning treat for your eyes and senses. The colors and varieties of plants trees and flowers are simply amazing. The beauty and tranquility of the gardens and design of flower beds and landscaping were mesmerizing. Monet would have been in paradise here. It was April / May when we visited still crisp & cool. We would happily return again and again, if you get the chance definitely go and remember to take your camera. Whether a couple, family, group of friends or travelling solo nobody could fail to thoroughly enjoy several hours or even longer at this beautiful and very special place.
We took the 2.5 hour ferry and enjoyed a nice breakfast while ferrying over to the island! We noted other travelers not happy with the ferry food, but if you can relax and take part and know that you will spend a few bucks, it's a great little breakfast buffet with good coffee! We got away from those who did not want to eat; and those who were a bit crabby. It was a great ride and we just loved it all. The Gardens were magnificent. The only down side is the over populated garden with foreign visitors who tend to be very rude (ha! we were foreign too!) and pushy. BUT if you can suck up the crowded nature, these gardens are off the charts amazingly beautiful and we were very glad we made the trip over from Vancouver. It was too bad we could not be there first thing in the morning but we took amazing photos. Again, the biggest disappointment is all of the people, which makes it hard to enjoy shots without people in them. BUT a once in a lifetime trip and we are so glad we did it!
What a wonderful spot to spend a half day at. There is so much to see here. If you are not rushed you can sit and enjoy the scenery. The gift shop has great Canadiana artwork. Definitely a place to visit.
We enjoyed our day at the gardens, went into the green house and the smells were amazing! Beautiful, peaceful place. We enjoyed a lovely high tea in the afternoon. We were so impressed we bought a yearly pass. The gift shop has interesting lovely gifts, not the usual junk you find at most gift shops in attractions. If you want to attend the high tea you need a reservation so your not disappointed. The high tea ends March 15 but there are three restaurants to eat in the gardens. We didn't have a lot of time as we had to catch the ferry back so will spend more time on our next visit.
Our visit was in the off season and while it was still a nice place to visit, most of the sights weren't in bloom. I ranked the value low as we paid the same price as what people would during the summer.
We only had an hour before dark by the time we made it here from our cruise ship. Darn it! I could have spent several hours there. But it was still worth it. The gardens were amazing. I loved the colors and the variety. We have some beautiful gardens near our home but the way they used the color in Butchart Gardens was truly artistry.
Usually a winter visit to a flower garden would seem untimely since there are no blooms to see, however this trip gave me new insight in what an English Garden is all about. Even though walking around in chilly weather may not be your cup of tea, I’ll get to the tea part later, the day way brisk and exhilarating. This trip to Butchart Gardens gave me the opportunity to see the Gardens in a different perspective. By that I mean, when an artist starts a painting they usually sketch out the basic theme of the painting into what is called the painting composition. This is where the artist places things such as trees, buildings or people. Just as the artist composing a painting, when I saw the Gardens without blooms, I could see the composition of how the garden was created. It was truly inspirational to see the canes of the rose bushes standing as silent-solstice-sentinels guarding their roots and waiting for the warmth of the spring sun. To see the rows upon rows of rose bush canes reminded me of Emperor Qin’s terra cotta warriors and horses: all of them standing as poised, regal reminders of strength and beauty. The chilly weather put a spring in my step so I quick timed around to see the major parts and at each turn I could see the organization and care that had gone into creating the magnificent garden layout. No visit to Butchart Gardens would be complete with having the High Tea. All the food and teas are wonderful. The setting and presentation are priceless. A note of caution: plan to leave stuffed even if you sample just a portion of the selections. One saving grace is that no matter if you have never had a High Tea before and haven’t a clue of what you are eating, you surely will not be disappointed at what you just did. A future trip in warmer weather to see the Gardens in bloom is in my planner.