la route des vins


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la route des vins



My first wine tasting experience on La Route des Vins. Very good wines and very easy travel in between wineries.


We had a great three day visit to the Eastern townships and enjoyed our visits to various wineries. For day one, we got the Dunham booklet, but were not overly impressed by two of the three wineries on the tour. So on days two and three we chose the wineries based on reviews from others... October is a great time to visit this region as the fall colours were awesome...


The Route des vins takes you through some of the most picturesque parts of SouthEastern Quebec. Along the way, there are many vineyards that are very good, restaurants and farm produce stalls. It is simply a great way to pass the weekend, since B&B's abound as well.


We recently visited the Gagliano Winery in Dunham Quebec. The whole area is very nice with several winneries along the way. We didn't know that this wine area existed and were pleasantly surprised by the whole area. We were given a tour of the winnery by the owner. I've been on several tours in other countries, but I found this tour to be very informative and because we were only 6 people, it was even nicer. The tour was followed by a tasting of several of their wines. The wines were all very pleasant. They have a boutique where you can buy all of their wines. We concentrated on those that are not available at the SAQ. You can also order (in advance) a picnic basket. We found the owners to be very pleasant and would certainly recommend the tour to others. We will be back to purchase wine in the future and will probably stop in at other wineries on the way and make a day of it.


So, bring your bikes, some water and a bag to buy a couple of bottles. This tour goes for around 50 km, but you can take a whole day to do it. There wine is not French, Spanish or Italian. Of course, but definitely some are very good. The while and rosé wines are the best ones. There should be around 25, we visited 10 wineries, as from all the tasting we were getting a little tipsy, but i recommend you to share one whole taste between 2 people , that way you enjoy it the most. There will be big wineries and other small ones. I recommend you to go to those ones as the service is way more personalized. In fact, some of the big ones are definitely to avoid, seems for them is litteraly only for business as "Gagliano". The wine even the red one is probably the best one from the region, but I run away from that one after the kindness from all the rest.Also, there are amazing spots to stop by and have a picnic or even a farms to collect your own fruits. We picked up strawberries. Loved that.So, a must do and my recommendations: Bring a bike with wide tires to help you during the dirt roads, and just have an awesome time.Happy Roads!


We detoured from Old Quebec and spent a weekend in the Eastern Townships following the wine route - what an amazing experience!There were many fine vineyards along the route but the one that truly stood out was Vignoble Gagliano! We contacted them in advance to book the picnic basket lunch we saw on their website and found out that we could have a in depth tour of their winery before our picnic if we wanted to arrive at tour time so we planned our day around it!We were thrilled to see not only the vineyards but the bottling, pressing and fermenting area and were given an in-depth walk through of the manual bottling practice for their amazing sparkling wines!After the tour we had a tasting of their entire collection and chose (even though we don't normally enjoy sparklings), the most amazing sparkling to accompany our picnic which included cheese, pate, baguette, apples and danish along with glasses, china a basket and a checkered cloth. We were allowed to take our lunch out into the vineyard and enjoyed these delights in private among the vines! It was an incredible afternoon and made so much more enjoyable by the friendly service of the entire Gagliano family!There wasn't a wine we didn't enjoy and managed to bring back a few bottles and am saddened to find out we cannot get anymore here in Manitoba! Oh well - they are worth another visit!If you are planning a trip to the area - spend the day traveling the route and make sure to stop in at the Vignoble Gagliano - you will NOT be disappointed!


On our way to Knowlton on Labor Day weekend and we saw the sign for la Route des Vins so we took the exit to see what it was all about. It took approx. 20 minutes to arrive at the first winery called Du Ridge. We stopped to have a look, bought a bottle of rosé to go along with some snacks we had packed. Nice discovery. We then continued along the route towards Lac Brome and discovered the Gagliano Winery along with a few others close by. The vineyards are in full bloom and the landscapes of most of the wineries were spectacular. Of course, they don't compare to the Tuscan vineyards, but for Quebec they measure up pretty well.


Food was good, but the view was incredible....watching the sunset whiles you ate..... no good words to discribe that!


Had a lovely morning/afternoon leisurely visiting wineries, cideries and poteries on the Route des Vins.


Unparallelled cycling along the 202. Great circuits if you check the Quebec cycling maps. Winery tours are really enjoyable in the late summer or fall.


Many wineries and cider places to visit. Best way to do it is by renting a van with some friends, including one designated driver.


Nous n'avons serte pas eu le temps de visiter tous les vignobles de cette magnifique région mais ceux que nous avons visités nous ont permis de connaitre le processus de transformation des raisins et des pommes pour en arriver au produit fini désiré. Nous avons aussi dégustés de succulents produits et découvert des arômes enivrants.


Nous avons fait la route des vins, avec une dizaine de place et nous avons eux des coups cœur. De petite place qui valent un détour. Le vignoble le château de carte super accueillant, super produit. Vignoble Union libre, pour la qualités de la présentation et des produit vraiment à point. La vignoble la grenouille, petit mais un propriétaire sympathique et très intéressant et passionner par se qu'il fait et développe. Le vignoble bresee a Sutton pour d´excellent produit et l'accueil ainsi que sa dégustation.


j'ai reçu un passport pour 2 pour faire la route. C'est le passport 2013. J'ai bien aimé l'accueil et le service à 3 vignobles sur 4. Par contre, 2 des endroits indiqués dans le passport ne sont plus ouverts. Il faudrait corriger pour les prochains clients. Malgré tout, ce fût un beau week-end dans votre région


Il faut arrêter à l'info touristique en premier et avoir la carte Brome Missisquoi, ils ont les 21 vignobles inscrits, si vous dormez dans les environs, demandez à l'Auberge, ils ont parfois des dégustations gratuites à certains vignobles (en passant l'Auberge des Vignobles Dunham, un petit bijou) et demandez aussi s'ils vendent des passeports (très bon si vous pensez acheter +3 bouteilles au vignobles inscrits). Nos vignobles préférés ont été le Château de Cartes et La Bauge, mais plusieurs autres sont à voir et surtout à goûter car vraiment on a de bons produits au Québec. N'oubliez pas d'amener une bouteille d'eau. Prévoir minimum 3 jours pour en voir un 5 jours pour faire le tour.

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