rubicon valley horse treks


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rubicon valley horse treks

Horse treks run on a working high country sheep and cattle farm at the...


I went on my own once before Christmas and loved it, there was another visitor on the ride who was a beginner, but being an experienced horse rider I was allowed to go off on runs in the paddocks available. The horses have character but are sensible and make things very enjoyable. The views awe phenomenal so much that this time I bought my English visiting friend with me, who has also ridden before. We both had a great day and I know I'll be back, value for money is good and the scones are a lovely touch toO! Thanks Chris and the other girls for making our day great :) Zoe and Kim, (England, uk. Rakaia, nz)


Thank you girls for the great review, Good to see you doing so well. See you again next yearChris


Thanks for the great review, Pleased you had fun out there, You all did well and was nice to see you all smiling at the end of the day. Hope you will all come back to see us another day.Chris


Good review, Nice to see you having fun out in the office.Chris


Thanks for the good review guys, See you again one dayChris


Thanks for the great review, Good to see you girls having some fun. The boys did OK, might see you again on dayChris


Thanks girls, good to see the smile on you face, and next time a 2 hour trek. We might even get you trottingChris


Thanks for the great review, Good to see you having fun, Might see you again one day.Chris


Thanks "Samson" for the great review, Pleased you had fun with me out in the office. Hope to see you again one day.Chris


Thank you for the great review, Pleased you enjoyed your ride with us here at Rubicon.Chris


Thanks for the great review guys, Please you enjoyed your time out on my horses, Hope to see you again one day, remember "Tell the world".Chris


Thanks for the great review, I know we will see you again. Good to see you both having fun out on my horses.Chris


Thank you for a great review, The Mountain Trail is a great ride, Would love to do that every day. You both had good fun and rode very well. If you are ever back this way I would love to take you out againChris


Thank you for a great review, Pleased you had fun, And you did do well out there on your horse. I hope to see you both again one day.Chris


Thank you for the very good review, Pleased you had fun, Pleased you appreciated the time I put into my horse that allows you to have that sort of fun.Chris

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