wai-o-tapu thermal wonderland
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

非常棒的地热公园,不仅能看到各种地热形态的温泉,还可以看到传说中的kiwi bird。而且有个地热平台,可以坐下来好好享受一下!
最好在上午9:40之前抵达旅客中心购买好门票,先到纳克斯女士喷泉(Lady Knox Geyster),上午10:15准时喷发,观赏完毕后不要急着离开,先到附近走走,不然时间到封闭了就不能欣赏到此处美景。之后再去Wai-O-Tapu地热区参观,处处都有惊奇之处,地热区的景观在这里全部都可以观赏得到,照片中就是著名的香槟池,来回多走几趟感受不同的光影颜色变化,慢慢地观赏此处风景宛如人间天堂。
距离城市大概有三十公里开车只需要二十多分钟就可以到达。 明天上午十点十五分可以看到高达十几米的间歇泉,建议要在九点四十五分之前到达并买票。另外景区里面一共有二十五处景点,很美哦
Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Park怀欧塔普地热仙境在罗托鲁阿以南30公里处,去陶波的路上路过,小二建议我们安排在今天上午去。为了赶在9点45分之前购票,我们9:20退房出发。看Lady Knox Geyser间歇喷发的地方离售票处还有段距离,买好票再开车到观景点。10:10准时坐到了观景台。没想到还有主持人,看他站在喷发点旁边唠唠叨叨,说完后拿了一包粉扔进去,喷发了。老公说:这还要“药引子”?不是自然的啊!其实精华还是地热区域的徒步路线,下图是路线图,不到一个半小时就走完了全部三条路线,看到有跟团的朋友放弃了最后一条黄线,挺可惜的。买票时会给这张地图,每个景点的名称和介绍都有,我就不详细写了,省得全剧透失去新鲜感。这个有点吓人不?这个池子近距离没法拍全,只能拼个图意思一下。藏在深处的美景25个景点中我最喜欢的一个,DEVIL’SBATH!公园出来在大厅缓冲一下,今天没抹防晒霜、没带帽子,晒爆了。一路上用地图挡着脸还好,脖子受罪了,晚上红肿起来,把老公吓的后来每天认真帮我涂防晒霜。活体实验告诉大家:来新西兰大家要认真抹防晒霜哦!有个好地方介绍给大家,公园停车场开车出来注意下,有个小桥,小桥下面就是个温泉,温度很适宜,据说经常有很多人在这里泡,我们路过的时候只有一家四口,聊了几句,不太好意思拍照,小朋友很可爱,临走随便按了一张。
要想看到诺克斯夫人泉 (Lady Knox Geyser )的喷发,你得早上十点半前就到。我们是十点二十五到的。看完喷泉后,我们花了一两个小时,优哉游哉地游览了这个地热公园,确实有不少壮观的景色啊——带上你的相机吧。唯一不足之处就是,这里的双人套票是65新西兰币元(335元)——有点太贵,不过嗨,我们在度假嘛,不管怎样都很享受。
这个公园太赞了!我们花了好几个小时去看那些火山,看到好多蒸汽、沸腾的熔岩和泡泡等等。去过wai-o-tapu.之后你真的可以向你的朋友大吹特吹你在那里看到的那些神奇的东西。我唯一去过的比这个公园更牛的地方只有罗托鲁阿附近的New Zeeland的白色岛(White Island)。一定要计划好时间去看lady knox Geyser 喷泉,每天10:15开始喷,超酷的。如果你去到这附近的话,一定要来这里看一看。
一个让人叹为观止的幻境。美如仙境。地热活动很有趣,我们没能看到间歇泉。前一天在Te Puia看过一个。但是泥浆泳池真是让人印象深刻。
This is not a place to bath or swim, but to wander and admire the volcanic pools with their many colors. The trails are easy to follow and every curve surprised us with a beautiful seeing. Every pool is different and every pool has its own color palette. The sulfuric smell is strong but you get used to it. Great spot for amazing pictures.
We loved this place. It is absolutely amazing how nature acts and there are great landscapes and wonderful spots there!! We didn't like Lady Knox Geyser though. We decided to call it Lady Fake, since it doesn't work naturally and they put some soap in the geyser to make it flow. A bit disappointing in that sense. If you want a real active geyser you better go to Island, Chile or the States.
This is really worth a look. Almost primordial soup like. A feeling of the prehistoric. Pools of steaming chemical porridge. Having trouble describing it, awe inspiring maybe. Felt like being part of the earth during its early evolution. Hot mud, sulphur, steam. Not overpriced either. Went around a couple of times. The geyser isn't a let down as one reviewer says, but I have often wondered why these natural occurrences erupted at the same time every day. They prime it, help it along if you like. But they also give you information as to its history. Well worth seeing.
My husband and I had a fantastic time here. There are quite a few pathway options to take, marked with how many minutes each walk will last. You get a fantastic dose of not only incredibly surreal thermal pools and bubbling mud, but you also trek through bush-style forested areas and past waterfalls and a crystal clear lake. If you want to take stunning photos, this is the place to go. Tips:- Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, cover up. - I don't believe the pathways are wheelchair accessible and are not very stroller friendly, although we saw people try. - Go toward the end of the day or early morning during the week and you'll feel like you have the place to yourself!