litchfield national park


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litchfield national park





我们租了一辆车,自己开车过来的,可以想干嘛就干嘛。这多好!来达尔文,一定要来这座公园看看,她真的太棒了。亮点是岩石泳池,水清澈见底,很温暖。所有瀑布都令人惊叹,我真不知道丈夫是怎么把我和两个儿子从这个地方拽走的!肯定是恩威并重 :-)。这将是你度假期间最美好的一天。我真想住在这里!!!




2012年5月19日游览Litchfield 国家公园。从达尔文市出发,花了一个小时十五分钟到达Litchfield 国家公园,主要是因为离开达尔文郊区之后高速公路限速130公里。我们在这度过了梦幻般的一天,天气非常给力的好!!我们的第一站是白蚁模具,那里的白蚁都是活着,照了些照片,在车装不下人之前就离开了。下一站是布鲁斯岩石洞,天然环境下形成的天然泉水. 我九月份来得时候这里的水还是温热的,现在要凉很多。走几步到山下,以亲身游泳开始我们旅行的一天。佛罗伦萨瀑布是我们的下一站,它同湛蓝的泉水在同一条路上,但走得要远一些,难走的路在最下边。佛罗伦萨瀑布是一个中型瀑布,天然形成的水洞很适合游泳。Litchfield的路大多数都打了蜡,但如果你有四驱车的话,你可以在宿营地宿营,然后带着脏脏的印迹继续去其他感兴趣的景点。Thornier瀑布是一个瞭望台,主要是用来拍照片的。在wangj瀑布解决完午餐之后,在折回之前我们又游了一次泳。他们正在重建这里的咖啡馆。如果你什么食物都没带的话,现在停车场里设了一辆专门买食物的面包车,你可以去那买吃的。wangi瀑布的水有些凉,但进去呆一会儿就暖起来了。两个大型瀑布都有很大的安全游泳区。这里是没有鳄鱼的,但一些新鲜的水域可能会有。有一个小看台,从那你可以把面包屑扔进水里喂鱼,那的鱼很多。我们在远离达尔文的Litchfield 国家公园度过了非常愉快的一天,在我看来,这里是达尔文最值得参观的地方,因为它美丽的自然风光,还有干净祥和的环境氛围。这是我第三次到达尔文,第二次去Litchfield 国家公园,但是我随时还会再来的,跟着其它旅行团再把这里逛一遍。Litchfield 国家公园是我们回墨尔本之前的最后一站。在亚洲和达尔文度过的这三周假期很愉快。Ciao Elisa & Sonja Geelong。澳大利亚。


我们是周末去的,租了一辆车,四天大概350澳元,我们就决定周日去看瀑布了。我们很早就出发了,开了90分钟后到达了目的地。我们停在了云芝瀑布(Wangi Falls),那里靠近游泳区,拍了几张照片。我们不能够停在布里岩潭(Buley Rockhole),因为已经没有多余的车位了。我之前来过,非常喜欢这里,水特别干净、清澈,让人感觉清新极了,对景色沉醉不已。我们最后停在了佛罗伦斯瀑布(Florence Falls),然后下了138级阶梯,看到了清澈无比的水流,实在是令我们叹为观止,于是在那里逗留了2个小时。我们没有准备午饭,后来饿得不行了,于是就离开了。真是完美的一天,留下了美好的回忆。一定要记得准备午餐,带上你的相机哦。


We had previously been to Kakadu National Park with AAT Kings tours and it was brilliant but this tour to Litchfield was spoiled because we could not here the tour guided on the coach. We told him this and someone else did as well but if did not improve. The sites at Litchfield where fantastic


Litchfield is often compared to Kakadu, though its terrain and size are entirely different. The Tabletop Range is carved by spring-fed creeks like the Florence, and sliced open by the Reynolds, the Adelaide and the Finniss Rivers. Campers can base themselves in comfort in Batchelor or at campgrounds in the park, and spend several days exploring Litchfield's many scenic wonders. The sealed road leads to the fascinating Magnetic Termite Mounds. Next are the refreshing swimming holes and natural spas of Buley Rockhole and then Florence Falls. Tolmer Falls is picturesque with a viewing platform and a bushwalk to the top of the falls. Down the winding road to the base of the park is Wangi Falls with a basic caravan campground, a huge swimming hole and a delightful colony of fruit bats.For the experienced 4WDriver, another day of touring leads to The Lost City with a walk at the end and plenty of birdlife along the way. A more challenging 4WD track, with several fairly deep creek crossings, leads to Blyth Homestead and then on to Sandy Creek Falls. Park your 4WD and take the 3.4km walk bordering a clear creek to the perfect falls and grotto for a picnic lunch and a swim. Litchfield's swimming holes are all croc-free, something Kakadu can never lay claim to!


Litchfield is our all time favourite national park, even better than Kakadu! Not that Kakadu isn't good, but it's a lot further to get to, there are park fees and a lot of the best things to see are not accessible without a 4wd and some experience driving them. Litchfield is a little over an hour from Darwin, no park fees, less crowds and you can see most things in a regular hire car.It is possible to see it all in a day but you won't get much time to enjoy it. We usually stay a minimum of 3 days, allowing ourselves plenty of time at all our favourite spots. Our favourite waterfalls are Wangi and Buley Rockhole. Both are usually open for swimming, though not during the wet season. Both are easy to get to (there is even wheelchair access at Wangi) and both are a beautiful spot to spend time cooling off and enjoying the incredible natural surroundings.There are also the huge termite mounds, Tolma Falls, Florence Falls and many different walks available. There is a place that sells food at Wangi Falls and there are a number of accomadation places just before you enter the park that offer meals as well (though some only open certain days) So much to do and see, you will not regret a visit to Litchfield National Park!


While vacationing in Darwin, Australia, this National Park is definitely close to 2 hours away from the city centre (depending on how fast you drive); this Park is scattered with beautiful breathtaking waterfalls, some you can actually swin in. The 3 we stopped at on this day were Wangi Falls, Buley Rockhole and Florence Falls, each one better than the first, but if you love waterfalls, don't miss this place. No admssion fees into the park, just the drive time.


Lichfield Park is about two hours from Darwin, in a four wheel drive ‘truck’ you will be glad of the halfway stop! You will get to see some fascinating sights, like the waterfalls and termite mounds. If you like swimming then you should go prepared as you will get a couple of opportunities for a ‘dip’, that’s if it isn’t crocodile season! It is very hot so drink lots of water, the tour buses do carry containers of water as well. This is not a tour I would recommend for small children.


Spend two or three days checking out Litchfield National Park - it's well worth it. From Bachelor a sealed road lead into the park until after the Cascades. There is no charge to enter the park and even in the wet there is plenty to see and croc-free swimming to be had. Highlights include the Buley Rockpools, Florence Falls and Wangi Falls, Get to places like Buley Rockpools early or late on to avoid the crowds. If you are in a campervan there is cheap overnight camping at Wangi Falls but be warned - the insect life is plentiful and bitey!


I love Litchfield. It's smaller than Kakadu so you can get around to see everything. There are some gorgeous waterfalls and places to swim. Certainly worth the trip from Darwin.


Stop in at the information centre to get a map of all the sights to see in Litchfield. Definitely favourites for me were Wangi Falls (closed for swimming currently due to wet season), Florence Falls and Bluey Rockhole. Strongly recommend Florence.. it's 135 stairs down but the swim at the bottom is reward enough!


We visited here in the wet season with a tour company called Venture North and we loved it!! It's not far from Darwin and apparently in the wet season a lot less busy which was a treat. We particularly loved Buli and Florences Waterfall.


This National Park was one of the highlights of my visit to the NT. The park was beautiful, with walks rewarded with great views, and some excellent swims under the waterfalls.Bring food with you.Strongly recommended.

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