cementerio municipal de tulcán.
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This is a great day trip. We arrived to the bus station at 6am and arrived home at about 6pm. It made for a long day, but it was definitely worth it! You can do these in separate day trips and spend more time in each place, or in one day since they are along the same route.First, we went to the bus terminal in Pasto and took a bus to Ipiales for 6,000 pesos (US $3.00 / 2 hours). From Ipiales, we took a white colectivo taxi to Rumichaca. It costs 1,600 Colombian pesos (US $ .80 / 10 minutes), but the taxis don’t leave until they are full. It usually only takes about 5-10 minutes for the taxi to fill with four people and leave. The taxi will drop you off right on the border. You can walk across without any problems. If you are only planning on going to Ecuador for the day, you don’t need a passport stamp (at least when I was there), but if you plan on traveling longer in Ecuador, it’s advisable to get an exit stamp from Colombia and an entry stamp into Ecuador. In my experience, the Colombian border control were much more efficient. There is usually a line at the border control in Ecuador, but it moves quickly. At the border, a lot of people will offer to exchange money. In El Tulcan, you can use Colombian pesos without a problem. The official currency in Ecuador is the US dollar. Once you walk across the border into Ecuador, you can take a taxi or a colectivo bus to El Tulcan for 1,500 pesos (US $ .75 / 10 minutes). Ask the driver to let you off in the main plaza, and from there, you can walk 2-3 blocks to the cemetery. You can see the cemetery from the edge of the plaza and it’s only about a 3 minute walk. There is no fee to enter the cemetery (as of April 2014). Inside the cemetery is a tourist office with a lot of information about travel and tourism in Ecuador. It also has a small historical museum of the cemetery. We visited the cemetery for about an hour and a half, walking around and taking pictures. The town itself is a bit deserted, so we didn’t’ spend much time except in the cemetery. When we left, we took a bus (they leave from the main plaza) back to Rumichaca and we walked across the border. Whether or not you plan to do part 2 of this day trip, visiting Las Lajas church in Ipiales, take a colectivo van from Rumichaca to Ipiales terminal (unless you plan on traveling more in Ecuador). From Ipiales, you can go back to Pasto or another city in Colombia. If you chose to go to Las Lajas, you’ll want to take a taxi from the terminal to Las Lajas church, which costs 2,000 pesos (US $1.00) and takes 10 minutes. The taxi will drop you off in a pedestrian area and from there you can walk down to the church and take photos. As you walk down to the church, there are a lot of stands selling knick-knacks, food and religious items. We didn’t go to mass at the church, so we only spent about an hour walking around and taking photos. I’m not sure if this is all the time or just during Holy Week, but people left cotton balls and tissue in the rocks by the church. You say a pray to heal yourself or someone that’s sick and leave the cotton ball in the rock, which is symbolic of the healing (as explained to us by a Colombian woman putting an entire bag of cotton balls in the rock. She shared a few with us). From Las Lajas, take a taxi to the Ipialies bus terminal and then a bus back to Pasto. ****During Holy Week, a lot of people walked to Las Lajas church as a pilgrimage. It’s about 60 miles, depending on the starting point. Most people we saw walking left the night before or early in the morning, or planned to walk over several days. The road is narrow and there isn’t much of a shoulder for walking, so it didn’t look incredibly safe (especially when dark and with the way Colombians drive).
Fui en familia, las figuras que hacen con el cesped son impresionantes, se nota el esmero y el cuidado que tienen para preservar el paisaje dentro del lugar. Bonito sitio para concer. Viaje hace año y medio.
Si bien visitar un cementerio no es uno de los paseos mas lindos, este tiene algo distinto. La inspiración del jardinero se lleva todos los aplausos, y las figuras que hace con las plantas son lo mejor que vi!
Un sitio diferente para conocer pero solo si pasas por la ciudad, no vale la pena hacer el viaje solo para conocer el lugar. La vez que lo visite estaba algo descuidado espero lo hayan mejorado.
Excelente atractivo turístico, con novedosos diseños en la podada de los árboles que rodean las tumbas forman un escenario espectacular de naturaleza con leyendas alusivas a la vida y la muerte.
Es un lugar que inspira tranquilidad desde que se llega allí. No es para quedarse mucho rato, ya que el frío y la falta de cosas por hacer no lo permiten. Pero si estás en Tulcán, seguro debes pasar por allí. Los adornos, el cuidado del lugar a cargo de los mismos habitantes, hacen que se vea como un lugar muy propio.
Los cementerios son símbolos de muerte, pero este hace sentir un poco de paz y vida con sus bellos adornos. Muy lindo. Recomendado 100%
Vale a pena visitar para ver os belos trabalhos de topiaria. Totalmente diferente para um cemitério. Havia muitas pessoas trabalhando, tratando de aparar as folhas remanescentes
Tulcán no es una ciudad muy turísitca, sin embargo si uno pasa por ella no puede pasar de largo por su cementerio. Es majestuoso.
Si visitas Ecuador una parada obligatoria en la parte norte del pais es Túlcan, digustar de su comida y su cementerio¡¡¡
Con los alrededores y la entrada muy bien adoquinada, facilidad de parqueo, es realmente hermoso ver las escultura en los cipres las cuales están bien mantenidas; eso sí mucho frío ..
Estecementerio tiene figuras hechas con pinos, muy bonitas, tiene al interior unos parque con frases y bonitas formas en los arbustos.
Ir a un cementerio no es la primera opción que salta a la mente, y menos el 1ero de enero. Pero bueno, lo hicimos. Las figuras que han hecho de los árboles, le dan un carácter diferente al cementerio. Es especial, silencioso y agradable. Interesante sitio.
Si pasas por Tulcan y tienes un par de horas, este es un lugar que hay que visitar. Las formas creadas en los árboles y arbustos son entretenidas y agradables de observar. El lugar es fotogénico, pero no debes olvidar que es un cementerio y si no te gustan este tipo de lugares, pues tienes que saber que tendrás que ver algunas tumbas en tu visita.
Nada parece com um cemitério. Quando entramos, as criprestas que formam dos corredores laterais tiram o aspecto fúnebre do local. E as demais esculturas são muito lindas. Muito bem cuidado.