mina el sexmo
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

A five minute walk from the town centre. A local guide will take you 500 metres into the mine. They provide boots and hard hats... and it's FREE. We gave a tip.
El Sexmo is a mine dating from the XVI century that produced gold for the Spanish crown, then for a US company and finally for an Ecuadorian one. Zaruma grew literally around the miners. It brings us back to a bygone era. There is a knowledgeable guide in the premises but be patient if nobody opens the door for you as he could be showing it. It does need at least one more staff.
My girlfriend and I visited El Sexmo on a Sunday while in Zaruma. We hailed a taxi, asked for 'la Mina' and the driver knew exactly what we meant. After a 5 minute ride our cab driver let us out at a gate with the name 'El Sexmo' above the entrance. Next to the gate was a bell to ring, which summoned a cute old lady to come unlock the gate for us. We were happy to hear that entrance was free along with boot and helmet rental. We put on our rubber boots and helmets and within 5 seconds of entering the mine we were happy to have them.A small channel of water runs down the center of the mine path, and the ceiling can get quite low at times. A string of light bulbs runs the length of the mine shaft (about 1/2 mile was accessible in June 2014) and there are a few miner mannequins placed along the walk. The mine gives a cool feeling for what miners must have experienced working there on a daily basis, but doesn't offer many thrills.Outside the mine entrance there is a gem and jewelry shop. Next to the boot and helmet rental room a 15 minute video gives a history of the mine and Zaruma, however the video is entirely in Spanish but with English subtitles.The Mina El Sexmo is a 5 minute cab ride from the center of Zaruma. It is possible to walk if you know the route, but the roads are winding and disorienting. Better to take a cab to the mine and remember the route so you can walk back to town.
On n'apprend absolument rien ! Certes c'est gratuit et on y passe 45min environ. La vidéo du début est une intro jamais développée. Durant la visite du tunnel, le guide n'attendait pas tout le monde pour donner ses explications donc oui, on se balade dans un boyau, ça impressionne sans doute les enfants mais sans plus. On ne sait rien des roches qui permettaient de détecter les filons, les rendements, les difficultés des mineurs, représentations de pépites a l'état brut, etc. Loin d'être incontournable, dommage.
Zaruma es a mí opinión uno de los lugares más lindos de Ecuador, tiene una infraestructura colonial, todas las casas y comercios tienen una estructura muy particular de la zona. Definitivamente, es un lugar que vale la pena conocer.
La hospitalidad del lugar y sobre todo la experiencia que te brindan es espectacular. No tiene costo de ingreso e inicias con una película sobre la historia de Zaruma y luego te dan botas de caucho y un casco por jerarquía para que recorras la primera mina del sector. Desde luego si lo recomiendo.
Заходишь на территорию парка (вход бесплатный), гид рассказывает немного о том, как раньше добывали золото, показывает небольшой документальный фильм, который длится минут 10, потом все надевают резиновые сапоги и заходят в шахту, идти по туннелю примерно 500 метров, дальше проход закрыт из соображений безопасности. На стенах туннеля блестят и переливаются вкрапления каких-то элементов. По пути следования попадается несколько манекенов-золотодобытчиков, можно сделать интересные фотографии.
Ist ganz Interessant, aber nur mit führer betretbar.Und sonst sieht man auch nicht viel, also Spanisch mitbringen und einen örtlichen Guide suchen