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Its awesomeA scuba diver helps you go down to the deep part.The best part is feeding the fishes.My boyfriend had some ears pain but the awesomeness down there made him forget about it.You cannot go with your GoPro.The photos and videos from the experience comes in a funny 4GB pendrive and it costs the same as just 1 picture in Disneyland... about 30 dollars ish.The personal is very kind.If you go to the island, dont miss it!!
me and my girlfriend went and had a great time. be prepared to spend some cash! pictures/video cost a extra 75 mil pesos. plan on spending 255mil pesos for 2 people.. she would rate it a 5 i would rate it a 3.i am certified in scuba. scuba is much better and easier. it is fun with the fish. you balance is uncoordinated due to the heavy helmet. and the glass on the helmet throws off your depth perception. if you both know how to scuba! just scuba. if you want someone to learn to scuba and is hesitant this is a good first step.
Went with girlfriend from Spain for a week to San Andres and was certain that one way or another her blonde hair and blue eyes would play a large part in negotiating prices on the island. Being born in Bogota, I speak fluent Spanish and more important "Colombian". The experience was excellent but about 10 mins into the 20-25 min promised time, the air in the helmets shuts off. For a few moments we thought it was normal but had to tell the instructor we wanted to go back to the surface. Once we made it to about a meter from the surface, the air tanks worked. This is where I smelled something suspicious, especially asking the instructor what had happen and all he could reply was that he heard air when we came up (I had just asked what happened, I never mentioned anything about the air). As soon as we were back up the staff asked how it was. We complained about the situation and none of the staff wanted to answer specific questions and their stories as to what happened did not match. As more time passed and nothing was being done, I realized they had cut our time short, whether to save some air in the tanks, get another group of people in before the next group or simply because we were just a group of 2 people. Tip for travelers: If you do go to Aquanautas, please request the instructors certificates. The place should also have a certificate of tourism. Do not go under water with 50 pound tanks on your head if your instructor can not produce a diving certificate. Disappointed that such a great and unique experience was ruined cause theses guys wanted a little bit more money. What a shame.
My son has wanted to go scuba diving but he is only 9 and of course that won't work. As an alternative we were watching a video on Snuba diving and we went to San Andres for that specific purpose. He had a great time (although there was some confusion on the age limit and they wanted him to be 12), the company was very gracious when I explained that was our sole reason for this vacation. The company was concerned about his ability to deal with the change in pressure for his ears and that he might experience discomfort. They provided a short video showing how to clear your ears and I also practiced this with him. He told me that this was the best vacation that we have had to date. This is an extremely safe activity for kids and I highly recommend it.
A group of six of us did this activity. Basically what happens is you swim to a small floating area a few yards from shore, you climb the ladder until your head is out of the water, they put the bell over your head, and you then submerge to the ocean floor.From here you have a guide rope and walk down a fairly steep incline to reach the bottom. I felt quite a bit of pain in my ears making my way down. They tell you this will happen and to put your hand to your nose and push out air to equalize the pressure. This works but was difficult to do on the steep walk down. I reached a point where I thought I would not be able to go any farther (the pain increased with each step) and finally stopped and took the time to put my hand on my nose and blow. The pain instantly went away. I ended up having to do this every few minutes as the pain would slowly come back. This was true for everyone in our group except for one who could not get the hang of it and only made it a third the way down before giving up.Once you are on the bottom and get your bearings it feels much better. There is a pretty wrote script they follow.. and they lead you from one event to the other getting photos - one holding a sea creature, then feeding a school of fish in front of you, then in front of a Poseidon statue, a couple of minutes to look around, then back up.No cameras are allowed, they have a sign with a camera and a big red line through it - I don't think any of the consumer cameras are rated for this depth anyway (maybe the GoPro). They take plenty of photos/film that you can purchase digital copies - they put it on a flash drive.My ears felt the effects for several days afterword... Others in the group said the same thing though it appeared to be to a lesser extent. They were much more enthralled with the experience than I. The place that houses this activity also has a high diving board and a water slide that goes into the ocean that are really fun. The water is crystal clear and beautiful. There are lots of fish, and the temperature of the water was perfect.
in few, it is wonderful. everything started by the place, there you can snorkel and don't need to know how to swim, women are always first (no idea why). they put you a helmet that is connected to oxygen. at the beginning is a little scare because normally you feel the pressure in your ears, but with the time this feeling will go, you have to be patient it is not in five seconds. you always have a guide with you, so you should not worry about... after you feel comfortable you will really enjoy something that is not possible to see everyday, the beauty, the feeling and the touch of a nature out of noise and smog air of the city..even you want you cannot run, so it is almost sure you mind will enjoy it will walk around 50 mts and for sure you will interact with a lot of fishes, they have a poseidon statue, once there you can take pictures and feed the fishes, the guide have food and the fishes will come all together, what i was watching all the time outside my helmet when i feed them was fishes, fiches and more fishes, i touch them and they are not afraid or away from meit is really a nice experience, however nothing is free and the cost is quite high (including video and photos of you). $85.000/person and $75.000 for the video, if like me you are going with someone else, them the video include both of you
Recently I travelled to Bermuda where I did Hartley's Helmet dive and this experience was much better considering it's off the shore versus a boat ways away. Must Do! You don't even need to know how to swim...while not advertised, it's true. In Bermuda, our group had a guy from NYC that never swam before.Pay for the CD its good bang for buck. Tip: Bring your GoPro and they will allow you to use it if you pay for their photo's ... please tip :) Cheers
Well, if you're on vacation in San Andres, you can not miss this experience!. West Point is close to San Luis, from you will get less than 10 minutes, crossing the other side of the island, which is completely different. The attention is quite good, people are friendly and respect the established schedules. Before the diving you get a little video course of what happens under water, as well as warnings about what we can feel because pressure changes in our ears. They also instruct you on how to communicate by signs under water and what to do if they experience any hassles.Once under water it seems you are in another planet! your movements are slow and paused. The blue color is stunning and you can see the fish come from far away thanks to the clarity of water.At all times we were accompanied by a diver wearing oxygen tank and auxiliary nozzles for each pair of customers (we dive 6 in total!) who also is responsible for taking the pictures and videos (it is forbidden to dive with cameras to customers) .The additional cost of the photos and the video is worth, is unforgettable!Dive!
I love it, but do not drink any alcool the day you are going, theres a lots of pressure going down...i recommend this to everyone, but do not do it if you do have any respiration problem, asma ect...
I am not sure if anyone is aware of this great unique kind of activity. It is an under water walking activity called AquaNautas in San Andres Islands Colombia.I experienced one of the best 30 minutes of my life, walking on the sea floor of San Andres beautiful ocean with a helmet that has continuouse air supply. Saw all kinds of fish including Sting rays and Baracudas just a few feet from my sight! It was a very nice and emotional experience. You can even feed the fish.The price is very reasonable. $45 US and you can also buy a cd with about 20 pictures and a couple of videos for another $40. I will definitely go to San Anres Islands again on my next trip in 2009 and will definitely book another Aqua Nautas activity.
Acabamos não utilizando os equipamentos, apesar de acharmos que caminhar pelo fundo do mar seria uma experiência única, pois como estavamos em quatro pessoas iria ficar um pouco caro ( aproximadamente 90.000,00 pesos p/pessoa
Esta en la piscinita es caro aproximadamente unos 190000 pesos colombianos 90u$s aprox pero es muy lindo
Não vale a penaEstão querendo 45 dólares no local sendo q na agência estava 30São só 25 minutos e se vê o mesmo que quando se faz snorkel ao lado
del hotel reservas la hora te llevan, ahí te hacen la charla para bajar muy bien detallado y las personas que atienden muy coordiales
Estuvimos ahí pero no pudimos hacerlo porque ya no había lugar. Tener en cuenta que la mayoría ya va con reserva previa en las agencias que te la venden mas caro que si directamente vas a west view y aun mas cuando cierran el muelle y no se pueden realizar las otras excursiones de agua.