panteón nacional
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Not currently possible to go inside due to renovation work being carried out. Looks like it's not going to be over in a hurry!
I have read most of the opinions posted here about this place. I agree with some, disagree with others. Sadly, as most things these days in our country, many of the opinions are tainted by the political preferences of the individuals writing them. I agree with Jurgendhondt and others that there shoud be guided tours in other languages, at least in Englsh. I commented that to the guide when I visited and he said they had trouble finding people to do it, because the practically do it individually and voluntarily. That seemed odd, but possible. In any case, there's room for improvement there.I also agree that there's a very bold contrast between the architecture of the old Panteon itself and that of the recently build Mausoleum to hold the remains of the Liberator, Simón Bolívar. However, I think it was tastefully done, but realise it is a question of aesthetic opinion.The place is safe to visit during its regular open hours. There is quite a lot to see and if you don't speak Spanish it helps to previously check change of guard is interesting to watch.If you drive there, there's supervised, free, parking underneath the Mausoleum, which can be accessed from the street at the back (Av. Oeste 13).There's also a very nice cafe/souvenir shop towards the back of the building, on its right hand side.I definitely recommend visiting this landmark!
I visited this place at lease twice before January 2014, as a good Venezuelan. The previous visits were good but the last one in January 2014 was great. The new building that host the remains of Simon Bolivar is IMPRESSIVE and the guard change ceremony has been improved. If you are planing to visit Caracas this is a must go place and is busy with tourist from Venezuela and abroad but not overcrowded.
I got a guided tour in Spanish, would be great if you can get it in different languages, it gives you an insight of the history of the country, but still it's great how the people Venezuela remember their heroes>
Unreal. Surreal. The only IMAX-type theater in the world for a dead person. Truly mind blowing. I had wondered what the big ugly building crowding the Panteon from behind was, and then I entered...and was lucky enough even to see the changing of the guard. But first: the original Panteon Nacional is a stunning and solemn place. The murals and stonework are fantastic. The ugly addition, inaugurated two years ago (if I am not mistaken) by Chavez himself, is such an incredible disgrace to the mortal remains of a person many consider to be a true hero that it must be seen. There's no question that Bolivar rightly plays in the minds of the people in many countries, but one must visit the Panteon Nacional to see how the current administration in Venezuela plays the mortal remains of a hero for many. The guards' uniforms don't fit, the protocol is laughable, the lighting done without any taste or aesthetic. Yet there in that space rest the remains (supposedly) of Bolivar. Go for a visit and take in the show. And with all due respect to Bolivar and his legacy, continue on to the Museo Nacional in Bogota for a very well curated exploration of the man and the mission...and the controversy untold in Venezuela. Enjoy!
Simon Bolivar is buried in this sacred place to all the venezuelans. We suggest you to dress accordingly if you plan to visit this place. The church was named "Iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad", and today the rest of this latin american hero are buried there.In the square outside you can find in the trees "the pereza monkey" which climbs the trees slowly!!
Hay que dedicarle varias horas, tratando de recordar las biografías de los proceres que allí están enterrados, como Paez,pero también hay los que faltan, Andres Bello y el Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre.
Los libertadores, eruditos, luchadores, y grandes personalidades de Venezuela y latinoamérica yacen aquí, rodeados de maravillosas obras de arte. Deben conocer el nuevo mausoleo del libertador Simón Bolívar, un espacio que inspira paz y recrea la inmensidad y universalidad que representa un hombre como éste.
En este panteon se encuentran sepultados los proceres de Venezuela tiene un valor historico y cultural muy grande
Fantástico lugar. Vivir el momento del cambio guardia fue maravilloso y conocer un poco mas de la historia nuestra me agradó mucho.
Me gusto todo. El viejo y nuevo panteón. La guardia de honor, la juventud emocionada y llena de patriotismo. El unico pequeño detalle,es que no había guías para acompañar a los visitantes. Me dicen que eso lo están corrigiendo, pero,,,
Muy bonita la iglesia de la santísima Trinidad donde está ubicado, se llega a través de autobús (preguntar en el centro) hacia Av Panteón, el mausoleo muy bonito donde está Simón Bolívar aunque no encaja esta iglesia colonial con este gran mausoleo moderno.Very pretty de church where is located, right now there is a big modern mausuleum to Simon Bolivar behind, located in Av Panteon, you get by bus asking to people.
Cómo visitar Caracas y no ir a este sitio tributo de todos esos nombres que han retumbado en nuestros oídos desde pequeños cuando aprendemos de nuestra historia? El sitio está muy bien mantenido y el hecho de que tenga las montañas a sus espaldas hace que se vea muy imponente. Recomendado ir ojalá con la disposición de recordar, buscar o conocer qué hizo cada uno de los que allí se nombran. Un buen guía es una buena opción.
Excelente opção cultural. Linda vista. Vale a pena ser visitado pelo momento histórico que passa a Venezuela.
En la Actualidad el Panteón Nacional es una edificación en la que se encuentran depositados los restos de personajes ilustres y destacados en la historia venezolana. El traslado de estos ilustres personajes al Panteón se hacen después de 25 años de su muerte.