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One of the best places of Caracas and the safer and cleaner too!A lot of history in a long walk :)Do not miss!!!
As an old time Caraqueño, this is a place that used to be attractive although it is used exclusively for the current regime to march and applaud the clowns in power whenever some ridiculous event takes place. For a tourist, I'd rather be shot than go to Los Proceres. Nothing, but absolutely nothing is of interest there, and today, anyone walking around ANYWHERE in Caracas, ESPECIALLY WITH CAMERA, SANDELS, SHORTS ETC SCREAMING "TOURIST", should first check their life insurance policy to see if it pays for suicide, which is exactly what you are doing walking around. DO NOT WALK ANYWHERE IN CARACAS, DAY, NIGHT, WHATEVER. You will be picked off like sitting ducks. With the recent devaluations, 90% of the people don't have money for food and you will be easy prey.
This attraction has not received the propper maintenance in the last few years and definitely lacks as well the needed security
So, as you can see, it's a great place for excercising. You can ride bike, roller skates, run, walk, whatever. There are also some machines you can use and at certain hours during the evening they give an aerobics or dancing class.
Nice park, with water features, green areas, lots of statues, is a place for commemoration of the Independence warriors, from Venezuela and other countries that helped them. Playground for kids, exercise for the adults. Really nice.
Los proceres is a memorial for independence war heroes. Nice place to walk and do outdoor sports, like biking or jogging. Its a very safe place to visit
Paseo Los Proceres is one of the very few places that is heing well-kept in the cit, no wonder since the counrty since Chavez was elected is run mostly by the armed forces. It's a long, wide boulevard, has one or two fountains, and it ends in a monument to the country's Independece heroes. The place is used by skaters, bikers and joggers, but as in most places in Caracas it's not a completely safe place, so probably not worth visiting except from a car. Just stop a few seconds to take a couple pics of the monument and go. If you're not going to Venezuela for business, think in your safety and stay away, at least for now. Maybe some day the country will be safe to visit again.
It is a public promenade with designed historic landscape, military and civilian monuments providing extraordinary sightings.
Never go there because of the insecurity... It's not worth it.
It is an interesting place to visit, has a monument as a memorial to the liberators of Venezuela. It is nicely kept
Paseo de Los Proceres is a wonderful place to just relax and take a walk. The monuments to the heros of Venezuela, and the famous battles of the liberation are very interesting. But I think the thing the park has to offer most is the fountains and scenery. It seems to be made for a nice relaxing stroll. When I was there in Dec/Jan of 2004/05, they were sprucing up Paseo de Los Proceres a little bit, so I imagine it will be even better when I go this December. Highly recommended.
Despues de pasar 15 dias viendo a una Caracas insegura, sucia, muy sucia, con una imagen deslucida de las fuerzas de seguridad prepotentes, con gente haciendo cola para adquirir cosas de primera necesidad... Los Proceres parece estar en otro pais, de cuentos de hadas... Gente paseando, asistiendo a un concierto de música llanera, chicos jugando en unas veredas impecables, perros con sus dueños... y sobre todo, gente distendida, no en la eterna frustracion, enojo y hasta miedo que he visto en otros sitios de Caracas... La actitud de las fuerzas de seguridad, los guardias ayudando a los chicos, sonriendo, compartiendo con la gente... Es un mundo distinto y muy muy limpio y bien mantenido... Ojala dure asi... Recomiendo, al volver a la realidad caraqueña, tan distinta, hacerlo muy gradualmente... Los Proceres parece una Caracas de 40 años atras. Me encantò
Me parece un buen sitio para tomar un poco de aire fresco y salir a caminar en familia, amigos, pareja o solo. Esta buen conservado y es bonito.
Se puede correr, pasear en bicicleta, caminar. En los dos monolitos, están los nombres de todos los proceres nacionales y extranjeros. Igualmente, las estatuas de los Generales en Jefe venezolanos
Recientemente visite Caracas y aproveche para dar una caminata matutina por el Paseo Los Próceres, y la verdad me sorprendió que para ser lunes, por lo menos lo conservan limpio y con la mayoría de sus símbolos aparentemente recién pintadosAun existe la costumbre de caminar montar bicicleta y hacer ejercicios en esta bella y amplia zona que ofrece excelente atractivo y espacio al aire libre para disfrutar en familia o compartir un día tranquilo, en pleno valle de la ciudad, donde por cierto el clima en la mañana es increíblemente agradable