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We were on a cruise ship which anchored off Parintins, Brazil. The show was offered as an excursion and what an excursion! The building seats a couple of hundred people and the show was put on especially for the cruise passengers. As you enter the building, you are offered a caipriana, national drink - it's the real McCoy, not watered down!The show is a vibrant, very lively dance extravaganza, with more than 100 dancers in fabulous colourful costumes, dancing and prancing about the floor area. During the performance, an array of colourfully decorated floats are weaved into the story which tells the legend of a farmer and his wife who steal a bull from a local landowner, kill the bull and eat it. When the landowner finds out, he threatens to kill the couple unless they can resurrect the bull before midnight! With the help of a priest, a shaman and an African palsanto, the bull was miraculously brought back to life. Ah! Legends.The legend is acted out every year in June as part of a folklore festival which attracts thousands of people and is the second largest annual festival in Brazil. Definitely worth a visit.
This is an amazing structure for this small Brazilian town. According to our guide all type of events including carnivals are held inside. Our tour stop was for just a few minutes and there was entrance to the inside. The entire neighborhood looked very festive with lots of eating and drinking establishments.
A truly amazing spectacular show put on when our cruise ship called at Parintins. It's a show not to be missed, an hour of fantastic costumes, great music, truly wonderful. If you have time there's an exhibition of costumes a short walk away quite close to the cathedral.
The only way we were able to see the above show was with HAL EXCURSION for $99.95 per person. It was well worth the expense and the show was nonstop entertainment. Beautiful costumes, floats and talented dances and musicians. After the show the audience was invited on stage to dance with the performers! DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY for a performance that rivals Rio.
The annual Boi Bomba festival is second only to the carnival in Rio in terms of popularity and attendance for festivals in Brazil. We attended Boi Bomba themed show put on for tourists unable to attend at the time of the annual event. Our event had the advantage of being staged in the air-conditioned indoor municipal arena and an escape from the100% humidity and 90 F outdoor heat.The theme of the festival is the rivalry between the red and the blue teams with fans for both in the local population. Local companies also get involved, for example, the Coca Cola franchise holder bottles Coke in both red and blue cans to appease supporters of both teams!The costumes worn by the dancers were spectacular and the dancing was extremely high energy with nonstop action to the beat of the drums. The floats were well designed with creative opening panels to reveal the headline dancers.The cast members were very friendly and truly seemed to enjoy their job. At the end of the performance the audience was invited on stage to dance with the cast whom were also very happy to pose for picturesOverall this was a very professional production that gave an insight into the local culture while being fun and entertaining. It is highly recommended.
I´ve searched for other people´s experiences at Parintins, given the remote area of the world this is in, and haven´t found anything in Trip Advisor giving substantial info, so I am writing this for anyone who might be looking for info just like I did or may have some. Parintins is an island about 400 kms up river from Manaos in the Brazilian Amazon. Yep. A bit off the beaten path. They have what I believe is the 3rd largest carnival type celebration in Brazil, with Rio being first and Bahia second. Read about this festival in Wikipedia which has a complete explanation as to the tradition behind it and know a couple of things. It happens normally on 28, 29 and 30th of June, every year. These dates are the pinnacle of celebrations as the festival starts earlier. The whole jungle is there, what a mix of souls! There are tourists from outside as well and I saw tons of press teams....from anywhere in world. I had the good fortune of being invited by someone who had booked boats as accommodations. i do remember landing in Rio and then taking a flight to Parintins, were we had to land in the daytime. This was a very remote place and very rustic runway. Some persons wearing tons of feathers welcome us and we were taken in a very modern bus (!) to our accommodations which were very nice small boats docked in the river. Each had a small cabin, and we moved through town either walking or in the bus that took us all to this huge statium like place called the Bumbodromo. I saw many other people sleeping in hammocks, hundreds of them, on barge type ferries or boats, that sail from Manaos with these crammed up decks. Parintins is not a large modern town, just think of where it is located, with limited access to so much. But it is well built in many regards, and the bumbodromo could very well be one from any big city in Brazil. Rio has the sambodromo...parintins the bumbodromo... Lots of noise and drums at the bumbodromo. The whole town dances in the streets day and night...and you join in. it is festive, Brazilians are a festive people, you will be integrated whether you like it or not. The festival in those last 3 days takes place at night and it is OH SO impressive. I´ve seen scolas do samba before and Carnival in many shapes and forms and parts of the world....but there is something about the beat of 100 drums sounding all at once coming into the bumbodromo, when you are in the Amazon. The hairs of your arms and entire body stand up and dance. I would go back in a hearbeat, if only I found someone locally in Manaos or Parintins that could help find a nice boat ride there (or maybe fly) and accommodations at destination that didn´t charge an arm and a leg. You see, this is a remote location and quite expensive to get to, quite exclusive still as there isn´t much space for tourists in Parintins and anyone operating there will charge quite a bit to get us non Amazon people closer to the action...:-). So if you have been there and have recommendations as to who to deal with to book how to get there and accommodation, the rest is easy....Any tips welcome ..... . If you are planning to go and do manage to get there without getting another mortgage, you will not be disappointed. It is a fantastic thing to witness and when the music starts in the bumbodromo and you pick a side, whether to cheer for red Caprichoso or for blue Garantido buoy, you may not want it to end. .....
I was lucky enough to visit Parintins recently on a cruise down the Amazon. Parintins appears to be an innocuous smallish Amazonian town... But it hides a secret.. !!! Several days after mid winter solstice (21 June).. it holds a 3 day competitive festival - of two teams the 'blues' and 'reds'.. Each takes all year to devise a 70 minute programme of music, dance and costumes based around Brazilian folk legends... Everyone supports one or either team and some 15000 of each takes turns to cheer their teams' presentation in the Bombadrome.. - the other supporters have to remain silent... The whole thing is an indescribable continuous cocophony of loud rhythmic Latin music and song... the dancers wear very heavy costumes and there are moveable 'sets.... If you are in the area... you must see this... an experience of a lifetime. If not, try and get on an Amazon cruise - it will dock in Parintins and the locals will lay on a smaller version of the Boi Bumba in a local auditorium ... this is also terrific.. we had a whale of a time.. helped of course by the obligatory photos with some of the stunning lead dancers - both sexes.. !!!
O bumbodromo é uma construção nova e bem organizada, para cada boi tem seu lado com as luzes de acordo com a cor do boi, a cidade toda trabalha o ano todo pensando na festa que aconteça no ultimo final de semana de junho, é o local mais limpo da ilha, seus muros são trabalhado com esculturas que lembra os dois bois e a festa, a historia toda muito bonito e bem feito.
Incrível, ótimo passeio fiquei encantada, um show de cultura e folclore contando a historia dos dois bois, e com guias turísticos muito bons e capacitados. Recomendo muito.
gstei do povo ospitaleiro.e nao gostei dos governante da cidade ou8 seja do prefeito alexandre carbras
UM DOSmaiores festivais folcloricos do Brasil!Um show de cultura,mas também de libertinagem.Poderia ter mais hospedagens.Mas é muito divertido para quem gosta do gênero.
Hoje o bumbódromo conta com informações sobre a historia dos dois bois, fornece aulas para a comunidade, possui guia turístico, e é impressionante. Lugar lindo que deve ficar ainda melhor durante a festa.
Ci sono stata nel 2002. Un'esperienza fantastica, vissuta in tutti i modi possibili: il primo giorno dalla tribuna d'onore (però la vista è pessima, visto che lo spettacolo è rivolto verso il lato opposto dove c'è la giuria), il secondo nella "galera" (eravamo nel secondo turno, dall'1 alle 4 di notte - e mica ci si può riposare!), il terzo da casa (niente fatica, visuale migliore ...... ma vuoi mettere essere all'interno!). Non fatevi ingannare da quelli delle altre città, solo questo è quello autentico!
Simplesmente incrível. Fiquei muito feliz em visitar o Bumbódromo e presenciar a festa maravilhosa do Boi. Culturalmente muito rica e surpreendentemente emocionante. Muito feliz em ter conhecido esse lugar. Super recomendo.
A maior festa folclórica do mundo, uma das coisas mais lindas que já vi em minha vida. No mais na ilha é tudo muito simples, a alegria das torcidas azul e vermelho são contagiantes e enchem os olhos. A arena é moderna e tem uma boa acústica e efeitos de iluminacao.