baker river
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We didnt swim but that;s our view while hitchhiking along the Carretera Austral!! Sooo beautiful indeed!!!
one of the most beautiful river I ever saw. the colour and transparency of the water are amazing, and the confluence is a must see attraction. although the water is really cold, it worth a quick jump in!!walk about on the shore or just be seat meditating was an remarkable moment of my trip.
One of the most beautiful rivers I've ever seen. Pristine and clear--with almost no development along the banks--and the craziest shade of turquoise (has to be seen to be believed).
Every view in every direction is breathtaking. The Baker is a big river with lots of personalities. The week I was ther, the weather was great; the fishing, less than I'd hoped for.
The crystal clear turquoise blue water over is JUST AMAZING! Breathless, really! We stopped by Puerto Bertrand and took a stroll and on the other day we came back for some Rafting. The rafting itself was ok, not the most thrilling one I have done, but the guided asked around if people wanted to take a dip and I went along with other guests. It was a sunny and warm day for the region, but the water was just freezing! I would do it again and again!!! by the time we were there we were also lucky to spot a Huemul and her baby by the river! So sweet! I also recommend to go to the confluence with Rio Nef. It's a nice 20 min stroll. It's about 20min driving from Puerto Bertrand in direction of Cochrane. You must park your car by the signal and trek it. Very easy trek and a bit slippery near the river. Take care! Enjoy this amazing place!
The best horse ride in our travels in Patagonia was from Camping La Araucaria, located in the Carretera Austral, km45, Puente río Barrancoso detour right 3 Km, till the camping. Don Nelson took us for a whole day horse ride telling us the history of the route to the Pacific Ocean that was used by the "Compañía Ganadera Río Baker". The stories are very interesting and interesting characters such as Lukas Bridge(author of Uttermost Part of the Earth) appear within them.
A constant water stream unique for rafting. Enjoying some fly fishing sis also possible. Goto Puerto Bertrand for the events.
There is a crossing of the Baker on a barge that hangs from a cable. It crosses in both directions with the current. We were en route to the Cochrane General Store-- don't miss it!
This is one of Chile's most important rivers. The government is considering allowing HidroAysen to build two hydro electric dams on the river, changing it forever. Hopefully, this will not be approved. But if it is, go see the river before it is changed forever.
Fast moving, powerful, beautiful in any weather. Colourful. An ever changing constant wonder to be photographed or just enjoyed.Make sure you have time to visit the confluencia. Large loud rolling waterfall above the confluence of the Neff river joining the Baker
The color of the Baker River was the biggest surprise in a 2 week period of surprises that we experienced and enjoyed in the patagonia region of Chile. The glacier clear water with copper looks like Caribbean water. Unbelievable. We pray the conservationist in this country are able to prevent others from building dams in this natural wonder.
Some lodges in this area offer canopy across the river. It is a fantastic experience. Just do it! It is worth the money.
Never seen such a amazing river.This clear blue water river is the best which I have seen worldwide, never saw such water!It is running wild and without any constuctions and changes from humans.Hope the local people are strong enough to protect this "nature cash cow". All people which build there now houses and lodges: PLEASE protect this river and try to save it and not destroy it.The outflow of Baker river from Lago Bertrand is beautifull and the small town of Puerto Bertrand also. There is a small Lodge named "Baker Hosteria" which is very nice and the owner family is really very customerorientated. Room's are very good price is really ok for this standard.
Hicimos el sendero hacia la confluencia del Rio Baker con el Río Nef, es un sendero plano, de fácil acceso que no dura más alla de 20 minutos, al llegar al lugar existe un mirador con una vista incomparable desde él tienes una tremenda panorámica de todo el lugar y se ve claramente cuando se juntan ambos cursos de los ríos, el nef de un color mas gris debido a que son aguas de deshielos y el baker de color turquesa. Con mucho cuidado puedes bajar hasta casi llegar al borde, es un poco peligroso pues la bajada es resbaladisa, la vista es espectacular la naturaleza en toda su magnitud, es caudal o corriente que trae es impresionante y los colores que se forman sin incomparables. Es un lugar que es totalmente recomendable visitar, esta abierto a todo público y no hay que pagar entrada para acceder a él. No existen servicios higienicos ni recintos en los cuales se pueda comprar algo pues esta en el camino que vá desde Cochrane hasta Puerto Bertrand.
Realmente, el Río Baker es un río imponente.Tanto por el colorido de sus aguas, en su nacimiento hasta que se junta con el Río Neff.Desde este lugar, el colorido de sus aguas varia, pero no pierde su hermosura en todo su trayecto hasta su desembocadura en las proximidades de Caleta Tortel