chepu adventures


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chepu adventures

We invite you to our place, to enjoy a true sustainable eco stay, facing...




Even with the wet weather we had a great time ; I can only imagine how great it would have been in warm weather.12月的第三个星期,我和妻子呆在车普探险中心。智利南部正处于近代历史上其中降雨量最多的10天中的一个。所有当地人都对这种不寻常的天气直摇头。在其他任何一家度假中心,这种天气当场就可以实施一个真正的的黑色诅咒。在车普探险中心不是这样。老板艾莫莉和费尔南多都非常棒,确保所有旅客的要求都照顾到。我们在那期间,去河里划了几次皮划艇,但是我们很多时间都是在小木屋和其他“环保”旅客一块聊天。房间非常舒服,很干净,而且艾莫莉准备的晚餐非常美味。老板特别贴心,让所有旅客都感觉在家一样,让他们了解这里的历史以及住在一个偏远、脆弱的环境里的现实。即使天气很潮湿,但是我们度过一段美好的时光;我可以想象要是在暖和的天气,将会有多么棒。








This is a very special place, run by very special people who know what they are doing. Ecofiendly to the max. The kayaking at dawn trip is one you will never forget. All highly, highly recommended.


Incredible. When I booked the stayover and dawn kayak experience here, i thought 'this should be a cool experience.' It was quite a bit more than that. Amory and Fernando are fantastic hosts, you feel instantly welcome as soon as you arrive and meet one or both of them. The cabins where you stay are perfectly cosy, with very high quality (and warm) bedding. Then, there's the sustainable and ecological aspect. Their aim is to make you as a visitor aware of your energy and water usage, and does it very well- it's a clever system, and it's very well thought out- this isn't a place that has added in a semii-sustainable or slightly ecological twist on their accommodation for marketing reasons. They've developed sustainability from the ground up, and it is the main overriding philosophy in everything they do. We had some long and fascinating conversations about their approach and their story. It made it difficult to leave. Then, the kayaking experience itself. you get up early, it's dark, it's cold, you get into your kayak and you set off, with Fernando's directions in your head. We've both kayaked many times before, but never anything like this. The sunken forest around you is unworldly, everything is utterly still- aside from your paddles and, in our case, the sudden appearance of an enormous salmon jumping clear out of the water just in front of us. We rounded a bend in the river just in time to see the full sunrise right in front of us. It's an overwhelming spectacle the needs to be seen.


The sunken forest of Chepu is breathtakingly magical. Amory and Fernando are wonderful hosts, creating an environmentally gentle place for visitors to experience a spectacular landscape. Chiloe already had me in awe at her beauty, then I came here, kayaked at dawn and am forever enchanted.


Magical sunrise canoe trip :-) I don't even like boats/water that much and was very apprehensive about it all.The huge Chilean rhubarbs on the water's edge are also quite something to behold.What makes this experience so special is the whole sunken forest landscape, so you're surrounded by dead tree branches sticking up out of the water, that you can hardly see at first, as it grows lighter they start appearing through the mist ... Its definitely eery, ephemeral, changing, unique. on a windless day the water is a mirror , the quality thereof so clean ... saw quite a few birds including kingfisher. definitely for nature lovers.The lodge: "true experience of sustainability" is spot on. I have a lot of respect for the owners and what they've achieved.Only negative is that your fellow guests might be "green/eco" type snobs from wealthy first world countries trying to prove their greenness by visiting these kinds of spots. sad, I know.


This lodging provides a true experience of sustainability. We saw how much energy and water we used. Surprising when you don't measure it... Now we are educated to think about how much water & energy we waste. Hospitality was great from Fernando and Amory- great hosts; natural surroundings for kayaking and hiking were awesome. We give them 2 thumbs up for sure.


I heard of Chepu Adventures from The Travel Chica's blog and dawn kayaking in a remote part of the island seemed like too amazing of an adventure to pass up.I showed up and immediately felt at peace. Here and in Puerto Natales, you can actually "hear" silence. I went for a walk upon Fernando's recommendation and had the pleasure of decompressing on a dock by the water and having some peace to think while wandering along the main road. I slept very well in my cabina, which was basic but very clean. I was thankful to find that the cabina was outfitted with electrical outlets. The morning kayaking was out of this world. It was strange and yet, peaceful to paddle out in the darkness. Fernando made sure I was well-equipped with a walkie-talkie and warm, waterproof clothes. I was alone and though it was overcast that morning, it was still amazing to see the sunrise begin to light up the sky. As I paddled, I didn't get to see the otters but there were many, many birds and it was a joy to quietly observe them at their morning ablutions. Fernando had a great "itinerary" for the paddle with two observation stations for stopping to observe and reflect. I, unfortunately, did not wait long enough and ended up paddling out farther than I should have. He radioed me and kept tabs on me as I paddled back. Luckily for me, he is really a kind soul and only gently chastised me for not following directions! Fernando and Amory were the best hosts. I came unprepared without a sleeping bag OR dinner and they were able to find a blanket to lend me and offer some pasta. Talking to them, I saw that they truly believe in living a low-impact lifestyle and Chepu Adventures was not about jumping on some eco-friendly bandwagon but was just an extension of their worldview. Thank you for the wonderful experience and I hope to return again, but a little more prepared this time!


Thanx to Fernando and Amory for great stay at Cheapu Anventure. The Kayaking at the dawn is real life time experience)


Was a beautyful trip. The price for renting the canoes could be cheaper


the cabins, the hospitality, the views, the kayaking, the breakfasts


Fantastic sea views. Ship wreck on the beach. Penguins. What more could you want? (maybe a little less mud...)

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