puyehue national park
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We recently did some hiking in the park to see the 5 waterfalls. We had almost a 2 hour drive to get there from Ensenada but it was easy to find. From Entry Lagos pass the Termas de Puyehue about 15 km towards the Argentina boarder. The see all the falls allow about 4 1/2 to 5 hours of hiking. The trails are well used but they could use some more trail signs. I went in mid Feb. so the amount of water in the rivers is extremely low. If you want to see the falls at their best I would suggest seeing them in Oct, Nov or early Dec. Late Dec and up until mid Jan is the season for tabano's which is a pesky insect like a horse fly. They make hiking a little bit less enjoyable.
We went from Osorno to Entre Lagos and from there to Aguas Caliente. There we walked to trails in approx 6 hours which we really liked, one was taking us on a mountain top with an excellent view of the park. In Agua Caliente there was an information hut and the guy in there gave us excellent information and was very polite, there is also a restaurant for people who want to eat there, including camping space. We did not like the pools, we would have liked it more natural, not tiled pools, but there is a very nice creek flowing by and people just dig holes where the warm water accumulates (the river water is very cold, only the ground water is hot) and then they just sit in there.We recommend the park for a day trip, it was a very nice day.
It can be a little tricky getting to Anticura without your own transport but it is well worth the effort. The camp-ground there is well set up and the crew there was just wonderful, thanks to Christian and Mauricio for all there help and good times shared! They provide cooked meals and tasty beer. We never climbed Puyehue itself but close by Volcán Casa Blanca with some amazing views over the surrounding areas. We spent the night on top of Volcán Casa Blanca hoping to see some views of the new volcano that had recently exploded.If you ever head to Chile, make sure you stop by and have a look around, it's a beautiful NP that has plenty to offer!
I hiked the Puyehue Volcano last weekend, and after reading one of the comments about the hike I figured I should write something also. Yes, the Cordón del Caulle erupted in 2011 and unfortunately the baños (natural hot springs) are not there anymore because they probably got covered in ashes.But I must say that the hike still worth to do, it's incredible beautiful and has nothing to envy to other hikes I have taken in the North of California or the amazing long trail in Vermont. I kept on thinking to my myself this is sooo beautiful "no wonder it is recommended in Trekking the Andes by Lonely Planet"It starts at the estancia el Caulle, and from there it can take from 3-4 hrs to get to the refugio depending on how fit you are. It took me about 4 hours because I took my time enjoying the view,taking pictures, short breaks, and to refill my bottles with fresh spring water in one of the two creeks that you will meet on the way.The trail can be tricky at some points and hard to find, plus there are no signs indicating the right direction; even though I noticed some red deflated balloons showing the way in two different trees... so a GPS is highly recommended.On the way we saw a few Cara Caras flying around and and amazing eagle (águila mora)! (we felt very lucky because it is not seen very often).The first third of the hike we walked on a flat green field with cows that were very curious to have us around and a bunch of horse flies flying around (tábanos) that would not give up to try to bite/sting!the second part we started to go up the hill into a thick forest and thanks god the horse flies went away.And the third part and the most difficult one, we went into an interesting lenga forest.Finally when we reached the refugio we were just on time to see the sunset and its amazing orange colors, the Puyehue lake and the andes from the top.The refugio has the basics but it is cozy. it has a table and a stove and a few beds with no mattresses. Outside there are tables and people can camp; there is also an outside bathroom.The next day the hike continued at 4am to be able to see the sunrise from the summit.Puyehue volcano has a big crater (5 kms more or less) that crazy ski bums try to ski down every winter as seen on the video made by salomon and definetely worth watching " skiing the Puyehue volcano" We also found on the right side of the refugio and extinct crater that has been formed into a lagoon and we went swimming!It was an amazing adventure and I totally recommend it.2 kms north of El Caulle it is Centro Turístico Anticura co-run by Patagonia Expeditions (a couple of enthusiastic young guys who I'm sure will keep you entertained :)They have places to camp, a restaurant that sells the basics and cold beer, fully equipped cabañas where two of them were transform into dorms and lots of fun short hikes to do.They also offer bilingual guided tours to the volcano that includes food, insurance and navigation equipment (GPS, etc). If you want more info you can take a look and contact them through http://anticurachile.com/.Transportation to get to Anticura can also be tricky, I recommend you to take the "Aguas Calientes" bus and get off at "Cruce de termas" and from there stick out the good ol' thumb. (18 kms on a friendly road with lots of trucks and cars going to Argentina will pick you up shortly)
Puyehue NP is a great place, but an update's needed for the Banos de Caulle at Volcan Puyehue itself. The hike from Estancia Caulle up the flank of the volcano to the thermal springs (the banos) is a recommended hike in the Lonely Planet Hiking Patagonia guide. However - and this is very important - the thermal springs are now under a lava flow!! A big flow in late 2011 or early 2012 covered them completely, together with most of the water sources on the north side of the volcano. You can still hike up there, but there's not much point. On the south side of the volcano, you can still hike up to the Refugio Caulle, but I really don't recommend this - the refugio is unmanned, and is in a real mess (badly maintained, full of rubbish), although the stove still works and the roof's still intact. There's water, although this comes from snowmelt and I suspect it dries up in summer. You also get charged a lot (10k pesos) to access the volcano - it's just not worth it. If you do go, bring crampons, as the fairly steep (25-30 deg) slopes to the summit can be covered with snow well into summer, and are often very icy. The local bus from Osorno (marked 'Anticura', leaves from the market a few blocks into town from the main bus station) is very expensive (25k pesos) which is frustrating, as other nearby destinations are only 2k pesos. If you have time, get the bus to take you as far as the customs post at the border and walk back to Caulle (about 5km) - this is much cheaper. There is also apparently a cheap minibus which takes local workmen directly out to the estancia - the locals don't like telling tourists about it, but ask around and you may find it. To leave Caulle, it's easy to flag down a coach heading to Bariloche or back into Osorno. Overall, there are better places to hike in the Lakes District!
El parque nacional es muy hermoso! Fuimos a Aguas Calientes, donde las termas son exquisitas, y pasamos por el parque por una hora, pero definitivamente es un lugar precioso que vale la pena visitar con más tiempo.
Una de las cosas maravillosas del sur de Chile es Puyehue, rodeada de volcanes y bosques nativos, se caracteriza por sus lagos y aguas termales que te van a encantar y vas a desear volver, imperdible los miradores y el Parque Nacional
El parque es un rincón del Sur de Chile impactante por su naturaleza. Realizamos nuestra visita en enero y la conjugación de verdes que observamos fue, sin duda, más que maravillosa. Imposible no detenerse a sacar fotos y más fotos. Los senderos invitan a observar las distintas especies que allí habitan y el silencio invita a relajarse profundamente. Vale la pena ascender al cráter que es como la frutilla del postre del viaje que se emprende camino a Antillaca. Consejo: si vas en verano llevá algo para espantar los insectos que suelen merodearte en la altura y no olvides el protector solar.
El parque tiene excelentes accesos desde Osorno y en él encuentras unos senderos desde los que puedes obtener fotografías de postal, además sus mayores atractivos son los saltos de agua La princesa y Repucura.
Partiendo de las Termas de aguas Calientes, por ruta de ripio, se llega al Club Andinio OSORNO, un complejo muy agradable, con muy buena atencion, desde aqui en epoca estival se accede con vehiculo 4WD (tambien con traccion simple pero con cuidado) al crater RAHIUEN, con una vista explendida de la region, en la cumbre del volan se aprecian los otros 3 crateres que lo cirumbalan, es una experiencia unica, si eses amante de la naturleza y la aventura, te lo recomiendo (una experiencia unica...toca el suelo del crater... sentiras el calor de la tierra en tu mano...)
טיפוס לא קל בכלל עד הבקת(refughio ) אבל אין ספק שהמראה של הלוע הענק של הר הגעש מלא בשלג שווה את זה.ישנו בהוסטל ממש טוב באוסורנו שנקרא vermont בצהריים עלינו על מיניבוס שיוצא ממול התחנה המרכזית של אוסורנו )מעמעבר לכביש ).האוטובוס מגיע רק עד הצומת שפונה ימינה לאקווה קליינטס, ומשם צריך לתפוס טרמפ לתחילת המסלול לי הערך
Creo que el viaje en si fue bastante divertido, uno que otro problema con el bus al salir hizo que nos cambiaramos 2 veces del mismo, en fin despues todo bien, al llegar a las termas entramos a los camarines y salimos en tenida de baño, caminamos hasta la piscina termal y ingresamos a ella, el relajo que se logra al estar sumergido con el agua a mas de 40 grados c. es muy placentero. como precaución, cuidado con la cara.
todo bien, buenos senderos para hacer traking, cerca del lago, a donde mires hay naturaleza.es muy seguro , zonas de cascadas, rios, etc
A beleza da Região dos Lagos do Chile é representado no Parque Nacional Puyehue, há muitas trilhas para escolher dependendo do seu desejo, não perca Salta de la Princesa.
Esse parque é considerado a entrada para o Chile, tem varias atrações. Mas pode se agasalhar, fiz a viagem em Outubro e tinha neve nas encostas.