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After 6 months traveling through S. America, old cathedrals all start looking the same unless they are truly extraordinary. This one doesn't qualify. But it is free to enter, beautiful at night, and worth a visit if you love cathedrals or haven't seen hundreds of them already.
The constuction started in 1580 and it was inaugurated in 1709. It is located in the city center and it is one of my favourite buildings in the city only two years ago there was a big campaing to re-paint it entirely. The result: magnificent! when you look at it you really see a piece of art!
I’ve seen many of these cathedrals around the world, and they never cease to impress. I guess that’s what they are designed to do, and this one is no exception. The interior houses many beautiful wall and ceiling frescos, and statues, and lots of gold plate (see my photos). It’s worth dropping in to have a look when you stumble upon the Plaza San Martin (see my review), as no doubt you will while you wander through the Historical District of this beautiful city.
The Cordoba Cathedral -'Nuestra Señora de la Asunción'- is the oldest church in Argentina and a beautiful and active one. Located in Plaza San Martín Square, shows impressive at night, and rich and complex interiors when you visit at open hours. Many locals visit this church, and prays to many images, christs, saints and so on. Altar and others bright like gold... because it was build with golf leaf, a spaniard technique ('pan de oro') from XVI century, similar you may find in other catholic colonial churches in Perú.
visited in september 2011. walking in from the street you'd never expect such a show of opulence! so incredible and the history is amazing. gilded gold everywhere-it's like you're bathed in yellow glam on the inside. construction started in the 1500s-it doesn't get much older than that around here! it was also cool to watch the art students outside who were sketching the building.
Tremendous mix of architectural styles on the exterior - check out the native-styled angels - and a lovely interior with frescos from the 19th century. Free to get in, so good for a wee look around.
This Cathedral was started in 1577 and took over 200 hundreds years to complete. The church looks as if it is one architectural piece, but the closer you look, the more you can identify the different influences of the various architects over the years. Cool architecture and history here.
Se encuentra al frente de la plaza central y esta muy bien mantenida, por dentro es impactante, mejor que la catedral de buenos aires, es mucho lujo,
Realço- O contraste entre a simplicidade do exterior, versus a exuberância do interior. Toda a zona é rica em história.Não estava à espera de haver horários restritos para visitar alguns monumentos da zona
La catedral es un ejemplo de un edificio muy bien mantenido, las obras que hay en su interior, son realmente muy hermosas, datan de la epoca de la colonia.
Una imponente muestra del poder del catolicismo en nuestro país. Los pisos y los techos cautivan a quien entre de principio a fin. Una joyita!
Essa igreja consegue se destacar entre todas as outras belas igrejas de Córdoba, sua cobertura rica em detalhes faz dela única na cidade. A imponência transmitida pela sua arquitetura precisa ser admirada por quem passa por Córdoba para guardar em sua memória um belo exemplar da Colonização Jesuítica
La catedral no solo ofrece regocijo a los católicos, sino pasa a ser un lugar digno de visitar, como lugar pictórico, de antaño, y obviamente de carácter religioso.
De arquitectura colonial, está bien conservada pero lo que encierra en sus paredes es historia, visitarla por dentro con su altar y sus pinturas.
Como Belgrano o Talleres la catedral de córdoba es un clásico a visitar en esta ciudad.Esta ubicada en el centro de la ciudad en lo que es la manzana jesuitica.