cascadas del rio colorado
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We really enjoyed getting out. we found the hike quite difficult going over rocks and wading through streams. Two of the four of us took nasty falls. We needed the guide although some people didn't. The trail was not obvious to us. There are 7 waterfalls, but it took us two hous just to get to the third waterfall. We really enjoyed the rigor, despite the mishaps. The vistas were stunning. Wear shoes that can get wet and that have tread. Bring water.
Not the iguazu falls, but nice falls. You have to enjoy the road and try to do the trip at the good moment to see the colors on the mountains
The hike was pretty nice - but our guide was a bad person named Sebastian Barrio. Before starting, we agreed on 150 pesos for the whole trip (until the second last waterfall you can reach). When we arrived there, he told us that it would be 150 per person and not for the whole Group (3 people).We were confused but paid him. Later we were told by locals that 150 for the group would have been a fair prime.Advice: don't go with guides who are waiting where the taxis stop. Directly go to the small desk a couple meters behind and ask for a guide. Dont pay more than max. 80 per person. Take a guide, but dont go with Sebastian or his brother Daniel.
The landscapes are beautiful, no doubt! Some parts of the hike are quite adventurous but no problem for fit people and lots of fun too! At some point you have to decide if you want to carry on, and once you're in, there's no way back... so don't exaggerate if you are scared or unfit. The only problem is the fact, that there are no agencies working there and that only local people offer the tour. We had a very nice young guide and were happy with his service until we came back and he and his friends requested much more money than initially communicated (which considering the fact that there's no insurance, no training on first aid, escape plans, etc was ways over the top). My advice: don't miss on the experience, but fix a price (around 80 pesos seem reasonable, but ask in your hostel since there is inflation going on..) with the guide before leaving and insist in knowing all the prices, not just the one to the first waterfall... also take some water and food since the big tour including 7 waterfalls and a beautiful viewpoint takes 4-5 hours...
Great views. Definately hire a guide and nice that the money goes directly to a local, but be sure to agree a price for all FIVE waterfalls before you begin! Go for the hike, swim and views; not the waterfalls - although that may have been affected by the time of year in which we visited, December. Sensible shoes are a must. It was actually pretty challenging at times and more akin to rock climbing than hiking!
Hire a local guide to see all the hidden treasures, take decent shoes and if you're up for it ask the guide to take you the long way. More climbing/scrambling and more swimming spots.
My boyfriend and I just came bak from the hike and it's both fun and challenging to follow your instinct and do the trail on your own.The sights are incredible, the water is fres and clean so just takin an empty bottle you'll be fine.
my best waterfalls hike ever, they just kept on coming, getting more and more magnificent as we scrambled over the next rock. a guide with only one tourist kept picking up more lost and stranded gringos along the way (including us) by the time we reached the last watefall we were a group of ten! highy recommend a local guide to show you the most effective route and tell you more about the culture along the way.
Great hike, I have done this several times. It's a little rugged so proper footwear and sun protection is a must. Plan on swimming in the pool at the bottom of the falls. Hire the local dudes who will guide you. I have done it both ways and the ten bucks for the guide is definitely worth it.
This is a great hike for those who are looking for a meeting with nature. After two hours hike, a clear stream of water bath the snooth skin of the red rocks. The sky is blue and clean, and the air pure. If you go, pls get info at the Official head Office and for no reason take a guide who is not authorized.
A very good experience. You absolutely need a guide, dont do it by yourself. Bring lunch and bottled water. By hiring a guide at the beggining of the trek you are helping the local native community.
Very beautiful area, but be forewarned that the trail here is completely unmarked. We'd have paid for a guide but because we had an appointment later in the day it did not make sense to do so. To make this a better attraction, the town might consider making it easier for strangers to find the trail
Es conocida como la excursion de las siete cascada, pero se llegan a ver 3. Nuestro guia fue David, descendiente de los diaguitas y la verdad que me encanto todo lo que nos conto y como nos guio. Les recomiendo que pidan a el como guia, porque te cuenta mucho sobre las tradiciones, forma de vida, y anecdotas de su region. Ademas el lugar es INCREIBLE!
Desde el centro de Cafayate son 6 kms hasta la entrada a las cascadas. Ud. tiene que salir y tomar por la calle 25 de Mayo, a la altura de la Bodega Domingo Hnos. De allí caminar derecho en camino de tierra hasta encontrar el primer desvio, gire a su izquierda y continúe caminando. Pasará por la atracción del divisadero y continúe hasta dar con la entrada donde está el cartel que dice: "Comunidad diaguita kalchaki". Si va en auto hay playa de estacionamiento. Antes de ingresar al lugar, unos muchachos les ofrecerán ser su guía - baqueanos - por sólo $ 30. En realidad, son $ 30 por cada cascada visitada. Nosotros hicimos un recorrido bastante extenso de varias horas, visitando hermosas cascadas y saltos, piletas naturales en dónde podrá bañarse, pasar por parajes bastante arriesgados subiendo y descendiendo sobre paredes de roca y a veces hasta sobre cornisa. En total el recorrido costó $ 150 por persona - guía no oficial-. En la entrada a esta reserva ud. debe registrarse en un libro y pagar una contribución. Recuerde que hay guías oficiales y no oficiales. En la entrada también hay varios puestos de comida y bebidas sencillos, en dónde podrá comprar la bebida y comida para su recorrido. Recomiendo iniciar este caminata a las 9hs de la mañana desde donde esté hospedando para aprovechar mejor su visita. Recomiendo este paseo sólo para personas que gusten del trekking.No hacer este paseo es no haber conocido la naturaleza de Cafayate !
Creo que son 7 cascadas que ves a lo largo del camino. Capaz se puede ir solo pero todos recomiendan ir con un vaqueano o un tour. A los guías no oficiales (vaqueanos) los encontras en la entrada a las cascadas, son varios y hay que negociar el precio. Si tiene onda y es dado, te va a contar cosas en el camino.