cerro tronador
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我和我老公在圣卡洛斯德巴里洛切(San Carlos de Bariloche)旅行了一天,才回来。旅程很长,道路也很颠簸。最后一天,我们的神经都几近崩溃了。但这确实是一次伟大的经历。再次在拉戈马斯卡迪(Lago Mascardi)中转并不难。仅有一条路,大部分路面有一或两个裂口。我们走得很慢,但沿途风景很美丽。翠蓝色的湖泊,高高的山脉白雪封顶。我最喜欢的景色之一是在远处站着仰望特罗纳多峰(Tronador)。我们很幸运,太阳出来时,我们即使在峡谷也能清晰地看到山顶上的冰川。我们停下来在沿路零食店买了新鲜面包和自制的覆盆子果酱当快餐吃。当我们最终到达山脚下时,我们看到了黑色的冰川。基本来说,这是从山顶滑下来的比较脏的冰川。景观比较酷,但你不能靠近它。我们喜欢做的事就是开车一直走到路的尽头,然后徒步走一小段直到瀑布的根部。那里的景色相当壮观,你会感觉自己身体的一部分被高大,狭长以及雷鸣般的瀑布所环绕。在你们停车开始徒步行走的地方有一个小咖啡馆,里面有可口的热巧克力。如果你要在圣卡洛斯德巴里洛切(San Carlos de Bariloche)旅行一天,我肯定向你推荐这次瀑布之旅。
这是我第一次去看冰川,被全球变暖的影响震惊到了。我原以为会走得更近一些,不过在那个位置也很有意思了。这是一整天的行程,不过不累,所有拍照点的景色都很美。我以前去过维多利亚岛(Isla Victoria)和Circuito Chico,由于这个网站的点评,我选择了Tronador,绝对是不容错过!
我们住在巴里洛切区域,所以去特罗纳多峰是个必然的选择,因为离得很近。但是,路段大多是为铺平的岩屑,所以看上去似乎很远!一开始我们以为路很安全的,因为从巴里洛切到Mascardi别墅的40号南公路是一段很好的路,路很宽,路面很平整,但是我们被骗了。但是转到81号路的时候我们开始体验到岩屑,没有铺砖,虽然一般还是平整的,但是有些路面有散落的岩石,偶尔还有一些岩石坠落。很快我们就知道为什么当地的出租汽车上会有一些压痕和刮伤了!对了,还有两件要记住的事情,就在转入81号公路的时候,会进入国家公园,要收费每人100比索,而且在81号公路和82号公路上有单行道,这就意味着我们要在晚上两点的时候进入公园,然后在晚上四点之后再出来。除了有很多的灰尘,最初的几千米都看不清东西,但是一旦到了风景秀丽的Lago Mascardi,情况就变好很多了。在湖西部边缘半山腰有个地方观赏景色的视角很好,值得停留欣赏一下这边迷人的景色,尤其是阳光洒在湖面反射出美妙绝伦的蓝绿色。从这里开始,如果万里无云的时候,特罗纳多峰开始频繁展现出它的美,这里的雪峰真的是太壮观了。在琳达南美大草原之后(这里有咖啡馆还有餐厅,虽然服务不是最快速的,但是我们最关注的是这里的风景),路开始变得平坦了,但是却爬上了尽头,从那里可以爬上瀑布,如果你有充足的时间的话,还可以走更远。在路尽头,有一天冰川,可以在上面散步,但是很遗憾冰川看上去很脏,有大块的泥泞。总之,你可以度过充实愉快的一天,但是要记得把燃料箱里加满油,因为离开主道之后就没地方能加到油了。
Excellent gift given by nature to us.If you are in a number of more than 3 (we were 4), the best is to go there by your own car. It´s going to cost you less than half of what the vans charge you. The service by van cost around 700 per person and the car alone costs 700 a day. Need to say more ?But when going by car, you got to take care of those vans in the park, on the road. They are serial killers. I have real good experience on driving worldwide and under real "unusual" circumstances. Well, I had to perform some car racing with at least 3 of them, and they really don´t care for you (but don´t worry because they also don´t care for those inside their vans either...).
The 'calving' of the glaciers (4 times in a half hour) with the accompanying, echoing sound of thunder roaring was fantastic
The Cerro Tronador is a best ride if you don't want spend money a lot. you not need pay for tourist package bus it is recommended.
I did half trek by horse from Pampa Linda to almost half an hour away from the Refugio Otto Meiling. Nature at its best!!!
The access to the Tranador is a long dirt road in the national park. The journey is well worth it for a brilliant mountain excursion
This is a good tour to give you a small taste of the Andes. Monte Tronador is an impressive mountain with glaciers draping off its flanks. The road on the way up is rough, but the bus made it with ease and scenery along the way was nice, with a couple of stops to stretch the legs. There is a small cabin at the end of the road where you can get something to eat and drink...and some chocolate!
We drove to Cerro Tronador one sunny day which is such a good option. This way you can take your time and stop when're you want.There were many tour buses that drove the corners very fast. The cost to enter the park is 80 pesos per person.You have to be at the entrance by 2:00pm. It takes about 1 ½ hr to drive through the park to Cerro Tronador. The one way road is narrow, bumpy and rutted so you need to drive slowly. Be prepared that you can not leave the park until 4:00pm. Some cars start lining up to leave the park around 3:45. We walked to the waterfalls but you can not get close. The views of the many waterfalls cascading down the mountain is very picturesque. I think 3 hrs is sufficient time to see the black glacier and admire Cerro Tronador.
We loved our day trip to Tronodor with our guide Dirk. He speaks many languages and knows all the best parts of the park. There are lots of visitors but he found a magical place with no people by the river to eat the amazing gourmet lunches our estancia (Peuma Hue)had prepared for us. He has a clean and comfortable van with guide books on all aspects of the parks and he had obviously read them all as he knew quite a lot about the geology and formation of the valley and the spectacular glaciers. It is a fantastic park and the walk to the waterfall was incredible -- even after we had been to Iguazu! There are lots of visitors yet a our tour guide made it feel private. Worth seeing however you get there!
The view of "garganta del diablo" worths the trip. The problem is the bad route and the guards on National Park. If they notice that you foregneirs, they charge you 3 times more the entrance than locals. I recommend the trip using the travel agencies packages from Bariloche, even if you have a good out of road car, in such way to avoid this surchage and the bad road. - Na entrada se eles perceberam que você não é argentino, eles cobram três vezes mais que o regular. Prefira ir com uma agencia de Bariloche, mesmo que você tenha um bom carro, pois a estrada é péssima. Em todo caso, vale a pena, é inesquecível.
The black glacier is different from its white counterpart but not as spectacular. And one has to travel two hour one way, mostly dirt road. So if you decide to go you should wait for a fine day.
The road to the end near the glaciers is not good. It is a rough dirt road but if you want to have a great visit, you'll have to put up with it.Before you set out on your trip, check if the road is open for your travel direction.