scandinavian wildlife park
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Everything was very clean and well maintained. As a visitor you could see the animals without disturbing them in their habitat. Most of the animals have so much space, which I really loved. To me this is one of the best zoo's in Europe!
The other reviews say it all. Lovely and well kept, you get very close to some of the animals, feeding time is a must see. The place is spacious, you need good walking shoes. Once you are in there is no pressure to buy ice creams etc it is all uncommercial apart from well priced small gift shop in the ticket office. Feeding the deer is brilliant fun but keep hold of your bags of food, they are very naughty! A great full day out
Don´t forget some good shoes as there is a lot of walking. It´s a big green parc and the animals have plenty of place feeling home. But don´t go there a warm summerday as all animals are sleeping except for the polar bears and brownbears, who are playing in the water. Great playground for the kids. Can spend all day there.
If you love animals and want to see some of the animals that lives in Scandinavia, this is the place to go. They have them in exhibitions that's close to their natural environment, and you would love to go here, there's a lot of place, and you get a great day by walking around.You can buy some food for the animals, that you can feed at the entry, and it's really fun. So go there and have a great time, and try to see some feedings.
No chimps? no alligators? no lions? no? At first I was like, huh? what is a Zoo without those animals? But once you enter this park you will forget about the "traditional" animals in the Zoo's you know from before. Trust me! This is not the "average" Zoo.The park is HUGE, but very clear (signs) and uncomplicated to walk trough even with a stroller. The animals (brown bears, polar bears, wolves etc.) have so much space to live on you won't feel sorry for them being there! The paths to walk on are width so you won't bump against other people when looking at the animals. Picknick tables and a very nice children's playground also add up to the awesomeness of this park! The staff also is helpful and nice. We had a great day and I will remember this park as long as I live and hope to come back someday! Skandinavisk Dyrepark is one of the best animal parks I ever visited.
The park have specialised in Scandinavian animals, so its not your average zoo with all the traditional African animals. This makes the park unique and well worth a visit. The park is large and the animals have plenty of space to live on, so you get a good felling about the animal welfare. Some of the animals are being fed during the day including ice bears, wolfs and brown bears.There is a couple of picnic areas and a large playground for the kids.
A zoo - and then again, not. When we visited we were surprised to see the level of the enclosures with the different animals, as they were big and quite well laid out.You do not really get the normal "zoo-feeling" when visiting, so we would recommend the place for animal enthusiasts.
I love polar bears and have been to many place around the world to see them and this is the best place I have been that gives them so much room to play.We were lucky enough to join the owner on a private feeding session for some off his friends and it was fantastic. They left us with ilka and the baby cubs in the water and we watched them for an hour just my husband and myself.You must can here and help them to keep up the good work with all the animals.
I've been at Skandinavisk Dyrepark 4 times now and can really recommend it. The area is huge - 45 hectare (450,000 square miles) and the animals have a lot of space so you don't get the same sense of captivity as in regular zoo's. You'll walk in brown bears and wolves habitat on a wooden boardwalk where you can see the animals without bars or fences between you. Watch them and the polar bears getting fed and listen to the guides' interesting facts about the animals.The park also has red fox, arctic fox, moose, musk ox, reindeers, storks etc and it's perfect for children: they have a centre where you can see the size of the animals footprints, feel their fur etc. You can purchase lunch, drinks, ice creams etc. but are also allowed to bring your own picnic basket.We've spent 3-4 hours at the park per visit, that gives you good time to see it all including the feeding of the animals. If you look at a map, the park may seem a bit far away from everything, but in fact several other tourist attractions are close by (Djurs sommerland for example).TIP:Remember to buy a snack for the deers when you purchase your tickets at the entrance, the deers will allow you to touch them the minute they hear the sound of your goodie back.
Rigtig god Zoo. Dyrenes forhold er efter min vurdering rigtig rigtig fine, de har masser af plads, og de kan udfolde sig naturligt. Det giver selvfølgelig situationer hvor ma ikke så godt kan se dyrene, som hvis de var buret inde i en lille glasbox, men det er lige sådan jeg gerne vil have det.Vi har været der flere gange, og vi kommer helt sikkert igen.
Det er en drøm at gå rundt i denne dejlige park og opleve alle dyrene. Man kan se de trives her og bliver passet og plejet efter bedste evne.Man kan sagtens få det meste af en dag til at gå da der er store traveafstande til de forskellige dyr. Men det gør intet for bare dyrene har det godt. Vi mennesker har jo heller ikke skade af lidt motion.
Det er en meget flot park, hvor der er god plads til dyrene. Det er nemt at se dyrene og børnene kan komme tæt på hjortene. Eneste minus er at der er lange gåafstande og det støver når det er varmt og tørt.
Overrkaskende nærkontakt med skandinaviske dyr. Barna har det kjempe gøy og parken er godt tilrettelagt for opplevelser, lek og moro.
Alle tider natur Zoo hvor dyrene lever som i det fri. Ulveflok, Brown Bear, Isbjørn så vi blive fodret samtidig med at vi fik en fantastisk indsigt i disse dyrs adfærd af guiden. Brug en hel dag og tag traveskoene på. Efter dette går jeg ikke i Kbn og andre Zoo´s længere.
Skandinavisk dyrepark er virkelig en stor, hyggelig og spændende park. Der er virkelig fokus på at dyrerne skal have det godt og derfor har de nogle kæmpe arealer. Stierne som snor sig gennem disse arealer, gør at besøgende kommer til at opleve dyrende både tæt på, men på en måde hvor det næsten kunne være som at se dem i deres artsfællers naturlige omgivelser. Fodringerne af dyrene var virkelig gode - informationsniveauet højt, men sagt med nogle anekdoter fra "bag om kulisserne", som fik os til at grine og holde en smule af de ellers farlige dyr. Eneste minus kunne være skiltningen, men hvis man brugte kortet rigtigt, oplever man ingen videre problemer med det.