madsby parken
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

A great place for play and picnics. with a lot of activities for kids and adults as well.The only thing you have to pay for, is parking and the shops.
It is fantastic that the municipal has invested in and built this fantastic play ground and picnic area. With "bicycle cars", rowing boats, animals, obstacle course and barbecues and more. We have been here for several years and the area is still well kept.Though always well visited, it never seems crowded.
Free family park near the middle of Fredericia, the kids dragged us back here several times. You just pay for parking, but there are places to buy coffee, ice creams and hot dogs here. Boating on the lake, go kart track, animal farm, and the dummy tree - where our 5 year old left her dummy and made a wish!! Must visit if you have kids.
The park has a lot of places for families to bring food an enjoy themselves - tables, grills etc. Almost everything is free - also a very small zoo for children. Very popular - families and kindergardens from nearby Towns visit the place.
This is a fantastic park and free! We were told about this park from a local so thought we would try it out - we ended up visiting it several times as the children just loved it. The park itself had lots of different slides, swing, tunnels to climb through, a moon car (co-kart) driving track, a lake you could hire boats on and huge balls you run around the middle in, for older children you can climb up a spiral stairs to a Tarzan course - very well done. There is also a selection of small animals on view rabbits, birds, goats, ducks, hens, etc -again the children loved these. They were doing some building work in this area so there may be more animals on the way. There is also a little train you can ride in (at a fee), it will take you up to the mini village(entrance fee) what fredericia use to be (again well done). There is also a pool with turtle/tortoises. There are plenty of picnic table and grills for BBQ if you want. There are a few kiosks which sells hotdogs, ice cream etc, if you fancy. This park is really worth a visit if you have children and want to run of some steam or if you want to sit and relax and watch them play happily.
This is the perfect place to take your kids on a summer day.There are plenty of animals open to the public which means you can touch and play with them.Also if you are going on a couple there is a lot of places to enjoy the sun and have a barbecue!I reccomend to take enough food and water as there are not so many places to buy food.I would definitely come back and enjoy the amazing environment over there.
Nice place for an outing with the kids. Some activities, and all the animals are great for the kids. Drawback is that they have added paid parking, but access to the Park is free.
Stedet alle har råd til. Stedet alle kommer. Ingen entre og et kæmpe område at boltre sig på. Her er mange former for leg og hygge med dyrene. Tag selv mad med til grillen og betal en lille slat penge for at bruge den. Her kan store og små familier få sig en dejlig dag.
Madsby Parken, er absolut en oplevelse for børn og barnlige sjæle. Der er forskellige arangementer igennem hele året, så tag hinanden i hånden og få en oplevelse med lg samt en masse dyr.
God atmosfære, fri grill - masser af aktiviteter for børnene, hygge og skøn natur, mooncars, både og ispinde
Altid sjovt for børnebørnene. De elsker at køre i mooncars, at lege på rutsjebanerne og i det hele taget at tage området ind som legeplads.
Har gået mange vandreture i Fredericia og turen skal bare altid igennem her. Da min søn var 7-10 år gammel, havde han glæde af en lille legepause på de dertil indrettede områder. Dejligt område nær badelandet.
Dejligt sted for børn i lle aldre.Skønt med stor legeplads - Tarzanbane - både der kan lejes - dyr og fugle der kan studeres og mulighed for at grille, fejre fødselsdage/fester/komsammen - leje af huse hvis "festen" ønskes holdt der i stedet.Sct. Hans fejres med bål på vandet og musik og sang - og en festlig stemning.Kiosk med pølser - kaffe - slik osv.Dejligt sted - og særligt fordi det er gratis - så alle kan være med.
Danmarks største gratislegepark har mange kvaliteter: Hele atmosfæren er uhøjtidelig og afslappende. Der er mange forskelligartede legeaktiviteter for børn, uovertrufne opholdspladser med enkle men gode faciliteter for piknik og grill, hertil flere madpakkehuse, hvor til man kan søge i dårligt vejr. Endelig er parken en del af et større naturområde hvor stier fører ud i en mere uberørt natur. Endelig kan man med minitog blive transporteret til Den historiske Miniby, hvor Fæstningsbyen Fredericia kan opleves i skala 1: 10.
Et besøg i Madsby Parken kan kun blive til mange ture , pak madkurven og afsæt en hel dag , der er fine madpakkehuse der kan benyttes samt mange borde-bænkesæt fine store grill der kan lejes samt fælles grill . Der er et hav af aktiviteter for både børn og voksne mange forskellige rutschebaner gynger mooncar cykler robåde en fantastisk tarzanbane minigolfbane , toget køre en fin tur ud til Minibyen hvor man kan stå af og se den , komme med retur når toget kommer igen . Der er en masse dyr Gedder- Fugle- Kaniner . Der kan købes is ,pølsr og fritter i kiosken. Det er et fantastisk sted til børnefødselsdag og lign.hvor man kan leje et hus .