ai petri
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The top of this mountain is teaming with things to do, there are many pay for play attractions but also many places to hike and view the vistas of the Black Sea, one of my favorite places to go, be sure and try the tar tar restaurants, they have excellent food of their culture.
Took the cable car to the top of the Ai-Petri mountain from the village of Mishkor to tiny Tatar village at top. Cable car ride was 3.5 kilometers or 2.17 miles long - In two legs. Once you reach the top, the views are spectacular looking down towards the Black Sea. At the top are some shops and a little outdoor picnic style eating place. There are horses available for trail riding. My friend and I did the horse back riding, which lasted about an hour and half. Once we got back, we ate at the outdoor picnic style eating place right next to the mountain edge looking down towards the Black Sea. The food was ok, but nothing at all fancy, we ate mountain sheep meat served with some sauce and a bowl of soup.
It is the perfect place to go for people who love scenic views and altitudes. take the cable car from simeiz and go up to Ai petri, be prepared for a little wait as it gets so crowded on the cable car specially in august but the rides up is not to be missed. when you arrive there you can go to the small market where you can buy souvenirs and handmade crafts, you can get food, drive some ATV's, get on a horse or go for a walk. The area is so scenic and you really can enjoy nature. by the way remember to get winter clothes with you because up there it is really cold even in summer.
Beautiful Vistas and the drive, if you take your time, is spectacular. Highly recommend the whole trip! We brought picnic supplies and stopped in the forest on the way along the windy road.The Top is all about the view!!!! Spectacular! They is a small Tartar village at the top preying on the tourists. Some simple places for tea or food, horseback rides and 4 wheeler riding. We did this for an hour with 2 bikes 800 grivnas which I reduced to 700. Fun and not very taxing. Funny thing is we saw no animals and two birds in the 4 hours we traveled. Middle of a forest but no animals?I would recommend the trip.We were going to take the Tram up but it broke the previous day and people were stuck for 10 hours. They estimated it would take a week to repair. But the trip up looks amazing.
One of the amazing views! Spectacular and facinating! We drove there! 40 min drive on serpantine - amazing!Biggest dissapointment is a Tatarskiy Bazar , everyone seems to try to rup you off.. it was getting annoying to be called to try their food at the not higenycally supported venues...We tried the food... with lots of coca cola :) do not eat there - my advise!
Spectacular views!! Unfortunately the cable car was out of service on the day that I visited. But we walked up to the peak. It was a lovely spring day, well more towards the begining of the summer, but very windy up at the top, so be sure to carry a fleece! And you can carry a ribbon to tie at the top as has been done by hundreds of the locals for good luck!
I go up there every time I'm in Crimea for a few reasons. 1. Yes, the views from the top are spectacular. 2. Tatar food in cafe next to the station (the only one with the view actually) is quite authentic, fresh and fair wines as well. Menu is simple, maybe slightly overpriced but there are not so many places in the world you can have any meal at all enjoying such a view. Better than Bali volcano cafe if you know what I mean))) 3. People rarely think of driving there different way - from inland city of Bakhchisaray. Going that way down is not so beatiful but if you have chance to drive from Bakhchisaray to Ai-Petri make sure you take your camera with you as that will be one of the most beautiful roads you'll be driving through.Top station minuses though include crowds of wild-looking merchants, poor caged animals, lack of hygiene/toilet arrangements... Just go through and enjoy the nature it'is definitely worth it.Despite very mild winter on the coast the weather on mountain top and upper slope is very dangerous - ice on roads, a lot of snow, terrible wind etc. Please do not risk and ask your local guide or hotel concierge whether the road is open. Even if closed no one will physically block you out, it's CIS, your safety is only your own responsibility!!!Enjoy!
Nice views of the mountains and sea from Ai Petri. We took the cable car to the top and visited from Yalta. You can also reach it by car or go one way by cable car and return by bus but the spectacular views from the cable car make it worthwhile to go both ways by cable car.
Долго вынашивал идею подъёма Ай-Петри. Всем любителя эко туризма и пешеходных прогулок очень советую.Как всё получилось.Нашел в интернете примерный маршрут подъёма и когда в очередной раз отдыхали в Ялте решил осуществить задуманное.Доехал от автовокзала г.Ялты до верха, вышел на остановке "Поляна сказок" и пошел вверх.Поворот на Поляну сказок необходимо пройти и продолжить движение.Чуть позже будет информационный стенд, где всё ясно и понятно показано куда нужно идти.До верха ведёт тропа, которая называется "Боткина".Тропу видно на протяжении всего маршрута.Время подъёма составило около 5-6 часов не торопясь.Рекомендую взять с собой побольше воды и взять фотоаппарат.
Пока поднимаешься наверх, открываются обалденные виды! Наверху можно поесть блюда татарской кухни. Куча разнообразных кафе. А если есть снег, покататься на санках и снегоходах.
Виды открываются, конечно изумительные (лишь бы погода была хорошей). Есть сервис, сувениры, еда, напитки. Удачно совмещается с другой достопримечательностью - канаткой. Но в комплексе все получается довольно затратно (канатка, напитки, закуски...). Учтите, что наверху все будет стоить значительно дороже.
Отличная панорама. Долго добираться вверх и вниз. Очень дорого, если не взял с собой продукты и питье! Водой нужно запасаться или будет стоить как золото! Добродушное отношение к посетителям.
Побывали с мужем на Ай-Петри летом, поднимались на канатке, впечатляет... на вершине здорово, отличная панорама на побережье, предлагают катание на лошадях, сувениры и спуск в пещеру, взяли последнее. Не пожалели, конечно не Афон, но понравилось, решили по молодости на слабо спуститься с горы сами, начали спуск от одинокой сосны на горе, наверно эти впечателения самые сильные, поскольку это происходило после обеда и ночевать в горах не хотелось, а на верх обратно не хотелось, продолжали спуск - экстрим и кайф, раз уперлись в отвесную скалу, но вовремя свернули, спускаясь к лесу нашли указатели, поняли, что не ошиблись и вышли к входу в национальный парк. Таких впечатлений у нас еще не было, ноги реально болели на следующий день, но этот спуск снился мне во сне долго. Если вы в спортивной обуви и есть азарт,попробуйте, жалеть не будете. Впечатлений много. Оказавшись там, думаю, спустилась бы так же.
Это место в небе. Чувствуешь себя на вершине. С горы открывается вид на Ялту. Нам повезло приехать туда к вечеру и мы увидели раскинувшиеся пейзажи днем, в сумерках, а так же огни города в темноте. это незабываемое место.
Зимой, если повезёт можно увидеть реальную сказку. Возьмите снегоход и уезжайте в зимний лес на плато. Оно того стоит. Нереально красиво!