great war memorial
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Especially if you like ants. This was in October. But beautiful in the forest. WW2 monuments themselves are...very Soviet. Stony. Serious. They have caretakers who will scold you for climbing up the stairs for a photo next to the bas relief monument. Saying people are buried there, you're walking on their graves! Hmm... Is that why they put steps there? Besides, the graves are in the grassy portion. We weren't exactly throwing a party. A somber rememberence of my father who fought not so far away. Walk down to the tree-lined river to see a burst of fall colors. But do keep walking. If you have good weather, you have active ants, nearly a centimeter in length! No one else had a problem, but they seemed to love chomping on me.
This is a fantastic tribute to all of the war dead from 1941 until 1945 and it stands at the entrance to the park which is huge however this was not a good time of the year to visit it as weather wasn't very good, summer would be better.
It's not as great as the same type of place in Kiev, but still it makes you feel thankful for people who fight for the freedom of their motherland. It also a popular destination among locals and people from ex-soviet countries.
Well worth a taxi trip to this memorial. Well designed, and well maintained. Could not fault this memorial set amongst the woods.
This is not a cemetery. It is a long wide alley in the woods with the statue of Mother who lost her sons and daughters in the most disastrous war in human history. Her heart beats slowly and you can hear it. I like visiting this place after sunset.During the war Kharkiv, the third largest city in the Soviet Union, was the most populous city in the Soviet Union captured by the Germans was a critical point in the clash of two biggest armies ever fought. It was recaptured 3 times. Its population was almost eliminated. When Nazis recaptured Kharkiv third time in March 1943 they had order to immediately execute every male over 14 who could not show valid German ID.
the atmosphre here is really..heartleft. Not so many people visit this place, that's why itt's quite. Here you think about wars, people destinies and sense of life.
I love the sound of heart beating. Always calm. Away from downtown. Good destination for walk.
silent and sacramental place in the forest, classical music, the sounds of mother heartbeat and the reflections on being
Часто там бываю, и когда прихожу начинаю грустить... Жаль людей которые жили в то ужасное время, обстановка там такая что мысли сами лезут в голову о судьбах тех несчастных, которые были оторваны от своей семьи и ушли на войну. Место отлично подходит для размышлений.
Тишина и покой в любое время дня и в любое время года. Прогулка по парку среди деревьев, отличное место побыть одному или наедине с любимым человеком.
Люблю побродить по тропинкам среди высоких деревьев. Вокруг мемориала они очень красивы. Дышится легко.
Это место, где нельзя не побывать, оказавшись в Харькове, тут не только красивые дорожки и деревья, пейзаж и детская железная дорога, здесь все не так как в обычном парке, Родина мать и огонь, который не гаснет и слышишь тех, перед кем в долгу за освобождение от фашистов в 1945 и мысленно благодарен за мир
Kharkiv'in kuzeyine doğru Sumskaya caddesinden devam ederek Gorki Parkı geçtikten sonra solunuzda bulunan bir açık hava müzesi ve park. Ana yoldan içeriye doğru yürümeniz gerekiyor. Yaklaşık 300 metre bir mesafede sağınızda ve solunuzda savaç yıllarında kullanılmış teçhizatları görebilirsiniz. Yolun sonunda büyük bir heykel var. Bu heykelin ağladığı söyleniyor. Önünde bir meşale yanıyor. Heykelin etrafında mezar taşları ve isimler yer alıyor
Мемориал Славы - группа памятников, посвящённых павшим в годы войны. Находится в лесопарковой зоне, территория большая, можно побродить и подумать...
Прекрасный мемориал в лесопарковой зоне. Чистейший воздух, тишина, соловьи поют. Идеальное место, чтобы проникнуться подвигом, духом, героизмом собственного народа и понять, как много они сделали для страны и мира, победив в Великой Войне