strategic missile forces museum
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I traveled down here with Solo East tours from Kiev after my Chernobyl tour was cancelled. The tour it's self is quite interesting the English speaking guide really knew her stuff and was able to provide us with so much information about the site and what went on here. It was really interesting. There are heaps of great places to take photos and yes you can press the button that would have unleashed Armageddon on the world. The base is really exposed to the elements, there is no heating or cooling inside so you need to wear really warm clothing in winter/spring, and protective clothing in summer. The guide also advised that while tours run in winter the road in is closed so you will need to walk through the snow to get to the site from the main road. Just be prepared to bring appropriate footwear in this case.The missile base is in the middle of no where. It was about a four hour drive from Kiev and I think its about the same from Odesa. On reflection I probably wouldn't have spent a day traveling down and back to see this but if i was driving from Kiev to Odessa it would be worthwhile. The road from Kiev to this base is pretty average, in a mini bus you can't go too fast in a car you might be able to do it a bit faster still its a long way. Worthwhile seeing yes, worthwhile as day trip, not really. If you could fly in by helicopter possibly and would save a lot of time on the road but would cost a fortune to get there. To get the most out of this you need to be able to climb ladders and be happy with confined spaces.
Not many of my Ukrainian friends from other parts of the country had even heard of this museum, but I brought my brother and sister here on a tour (it was a day-excursion option to add onto our package) and it was fantastic! Excellent/informative/friendly guide (spoke English). You have the opportunity to go down into the rocket and see how operations went and how cramped their living quarters were! Many other Cold War artifacts/weapons/artillery. A bit of a drive to get there from other major cities. Our day-trip excursion was from Odessa - we left in the morning and got back around dinner time.
This is an absolutely outstanding museum. There is no another museum like that in the world. A former soviet military base that was in charge of the most deadly weapon of all time - the SS-18 "Satan" nuclear ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) is now open for visitors. It is possible not only to see the missile SS-18 itself, but also see how the base operated and get in the command center that is situated underground and could withstand direct hit of an ICBM, see and touch a control panel that could destroy several cities with touch of one button.Absolutely unforgettable experience.It is not so easy to get there, but it's absolutely worth it.
Getting to this gem of a museum is well worth the hassle. If you have any fascination with nuclear weapons/missiles/cold war history then this place is is a must. I would rate it one of the top attractions of Europe. Getting an English guide who is experienced is a must as while the exhibits are sort of self explanatory, getting a sense of the history and detail adds to the experience. Not going down to the underground bunker via the intimate elevator would be a mistake.
Perfect site for understanding of cold war infrastructure. Underground tunnel, missile transporters and loaders, intact silos. Excellent military stuff
Очень интересно посмотреть базу своими глазами) Действительно около ракет ты маленькая беспомощная букашка...Всё очень выглядит масштабным и интересным. Но и есть минусы: экскурсоводам нужно интереснее рассказывать, дорого спуск на лифте под землю) За одного человека - 100 грн... Но это стоит увидеть!)
Интереснейшее место для экскурсии в любом возрасте. Музей создан на базе реально функционировавшей в Советское время боевой ядерной базы ракетных войск стратегического назначения. Также свезены экспонаты с других мест (двигатели, ракеты и др). Поражает масштаб и величественность сооружений. Только положительные эмоции.
Музей расположен на бывшей военной базе, так что все натуральное и по настоящему. Большой музейный комплекс состоит из музейных залов, музей военной техники под открытым небом и сам комплекс - ракетные шахты, командный пункт, система жизнеобеспечения. Экскурсоводы - бывшие военные, проходившие службу в этой части, рассказываю очень интересно. отвечают на любые вопросы. Еще там показывают небольшой фильм о ракетных войсках, которых у нас уже нет. Можно увидеть ракетную шахту, залитую бетоном, она похожа на летающую тарелку. Еще мы спускались в автономный командный пункт - это уникальное сооружение, которое выдерживает ядерный удар. Все разрешают потрогать руками, посидеть на креслах, нажимать на кнопки, дети были в полном восторге. Этот музей стоит посетить. Находится недалеко от трассы, есть указатель, стоимость посещения - очень демократичная.
Autentisk miljö från Kalla kriget med tunnlar och utrymmen under jord. Informativt muséum med bilder, kartor och modeller över området och byggnaderna. Information på engelska var magert men guiderna hjälpsamma och trevliga.