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So cute vagons up and down the hill :). At the bottom part located interesting old street and at the top the main viewing platform of Vladivostok. And the main bonus: to go by foot to the observation platform too hard !;))
what a bonus finding this beauty! Typically though you have to climb 50 steps to get to the station
please note the funicular is closed as of Aug 2014 and the location shown on Trip advisor is wrongif you pick up a local tourist brochure you will find it while it is closed get a taxi up to the top if you want to get to eagles nest and then you can walk down to all the other attractions
The funicular costs 9rub for the 2 minute ride up a fairly steep incline on the outskirts of Vladivostok. It's a nice old funicular, but is a bit difficult to find as there are no signs to direct you and apart from saving you a 200m walk uphill there is no real point in visiting unless you are really interested in old funiculars!
The ride is about 5 minutes. But it is fun. If you missed the view, take a ticket back. It is an old attraction, so the locals feel very proud about it. It is famous, so I would recommend it.
Other than avoiding a walk up the steps, there's no reason to take it. There's no real view of anything on the way up.
Funicular which celebrated the semicentennial anniversary in 2012 is not only convenient and irreplaceable transport for the city with such difficult relief as at Vladivostok, but also one of the most amazing sights of the city. The significance of the funicular was provided by its uniqueness. It is the only similar type of electro transport in the Russian Far East and one of two in the country. It represents two stopping points in the bottom and on the top of Orlinaya hill between which two cars move. They are painted in red and blue and contain up to 40 people. They move on the single-line rail road, parting in the middle of a way. Total length of the funicular route is a little more than 180 meters, and a height difference between the bottom and top platforms is 70 meters. The car covers all distance less than in two minutes, but it is enough to admire tremendous views of the central part of the city and a picturesque bay Gold Horn. The magnificent panorama opens from the observation deck equipped at the top station of the funicular.
The funicular is quite old but well maintained, and for 8 Roubles per ride, it's a cheap and scenic way to get to the top and access Eagle's Nest Mount for a fabulous view of Vladivostok
The Funicular was closed, and looked like it had been closed for a few months. It is a little hard to find now that the new bridge has been built, and the roads were being dug up around the Funicular.
A little hard to find and a very short ride but fun. The ladies who run it were old school and fun. Nice views on the way there. Take it from the bottom to the top or you will have a real exercise in walking
Whilst this railway is very short, and not worth visiting in its own right, it's definitely worth taking if it's on your route. I took it downhill after walking to the top of Vladivostok. It didn't save much time on my journey as I had to wait five minutes for it to leave. But it was a fun way to get down and the friendly staff made it more enjoyable. For only 8 roubles, money well spent!
8 rubles to ride up, same to ride down - and at the top you can walk across and up to the Vladivostock Observation Platform, which is actually on the grounds of one of the campuses of the Far East State Technical University. The platform provides a comprehensive panorama of the entire city, the port and the Golden Horn Bay, and the surrounding hills. The platform is landmarked with the statue of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the founders of the Slavonic Alphabet. Many couples visit here on their wedding day, and leave padlocks on the cables of the statue, marked with their wedding date. They throw away the key to indicate their commitment. Below the platform is a souvenir shop with a good variety of goods at very reasonablle prices.
A short rickety ride to the top is not so special but the views on a nice day are wonderful
We walked from downtown and road it down... That's right, down... The view is beautiful but it's way short... Maybe 2 miles from the city center....
Во Владивостоке фуникулер - это, в первую очередь, необходимый вид транспорта, а не туристическая достопримечательность: и проезд демократичный -10 рублей, и путешествие коротко-примерно 2 минуты. Обычно когда тебе говорят про фуникулер, представляется прогулка по воздухе на канатной дороге, тут же - фуникулер едет по земле.