monastery of st ipaty
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The staff at the monastery are very helpful and enthusiastic about sharing information about the monastery with you. It's very peaceful and beautiful set on the Volga river. The central cathedral has beautiful frescoes.
Lovely monastery with an interesting museum collection and beautiful views of the river and from the river. The best pictures can be taken at the winter from the frozen river. All of the usual rules for visiting orthodox monastery apply: if you're a woman, make sure to have a head cover and wear skirt below your knees. Some wrap skirts are available at the entrance. Admission fee reasonable.
A beautiful monastery by the riverside. It also has a nice museum with a big collection of artefacts regarding orthodox christianity. A must visit if passing this town and should be followed up with a meal on one of the floating restaurants on the Volga river.
This great monastery is situated on the bank of the Kostroma River (Russia) and is certainly worth visiting. The focal point of the monastery is the Trinity Cathedral - a fine example of the Orthdox Architecture. Part of the monastery is a museum that contains icons, crosses and other valuables.
A must see in Kostroma. Very interesting. A piece of history of Russia... The museum shows a lot of pieces. I would say it is the main attraction in Kostroma.Very well conserved.
If you have visited Kostroma - this is the main attraction. I will not write about the state of the soul, when we visited the Temple - a private affair of each individual. Besides, there are many interesting things for those who are interested in history and ancient architecture. Be sure to go to the cafe and try "pirozki" and kvas that are cooked by local monks. And visit the market near the monastery to by souvenirs, linen goods and black salt(made only in Kostroma).
Located on the Volga near the split with the Kostroma river,this is the iconic thing to do while visiting Kostroma. All the tour buses go here. The monastery is actually pretty small. There are some historical documents and artifacts, and letters signed by Yeltsin and Putin that they were there. Well worth the time and trip.
This is indeed a must for those visiting Kostroma. The Monastery is a historical landmark and an important place for the Russian history. This is where the Ipatiev chronicle was written and where Mikhail Romanov was elected Tsar of Russia in 1613 and thus started the Romanov dynasty. Right next to the Monastery one can visit a Museum of Wooden Architecture, which is a beautiful and peaceful place by the lake with absolutely outstanding examples of wooden architecture well preserved.
Although this monastery, on the banks of Kostroma river was founded in 14th century most of it dates from 16th and 17th century. It is a very important location in Russian history. In early 17th century Muscovites claimed this monastery and installed the Romanov as the Czar. During the Russian Revolution and the Soviet era several buildings were destroyed and many of these are being restored. The interior of the cathedral is beautifully painted . The views of the river from the terraces are very peaceful and enjoyable.
The main feature, characterising this monastery, is it's involvement in the great event in Russian history - electing the first tzar from Romanov's dynasty. It ruled the country for more than 300 years. The brilliant location in the bend of two rivers - Volga and Costroma forces the impression of the place. One can choose a lot of souvenirs outside the walls for really good price
A typical monastery fortress. Definitely a great history behind. The cathedral it self is in good condition; beautiful inside and outside. Yet it is dark and oppressive beauty. It is a great pity that those days wealth was with the church and the best architects and artists had no choice but to work for religion.
The Monastery it's amazing for an incredible picture outside in the other side of the river, it's is long the Volga river. inside very beautiful in the garden and in the Church, in the church all the wall it's painting with saints immage and color brilliant! there is a bell's Tower with 8 (maybe) Bells. from the church you have a complete view of Kostroma city and in winter, like me, you can see fisher walk on the river because it's total frozen, and this shock me because it's the first time to see a great river totally frozen!!!
Самое главное место в Костроме ! Обязательно с экскурсоводом и брать все экскурсии( их 6) по времени около 2 часов все . Каждая 200 руб. Можно объединиться еще с кем- нибудь и разделить всю сумму1200 на всех. Очень интересно , подготовленные экскурсоводы с любовью расскажут все! Рекомендую зайти в кафе , там продают четверговую соль( вкусно очень), там можно перекусить. В выходной много народу часов до 14, потом заметный спад.
Рассказ об истории начала династии Романовых, великолепие главного храма, опрятность и радушие. Довольно спокойно, тихо, времени достаточно для обхода основных мест-музея и храма
Наверное самое интересное, что есть на территории старой Костромы. Впечатляет как архитектура, так и история, которой пронизан монастырь. Особенно, впечатлило полное дерево Рюриковичей и Романовых - очень интересно изображено.А также роспись стен в главном соборе.