uglich kremlin
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Well worth a visit if you are in this town. The architecture is from the 1400s and the colors invoke the best of Europe and Russia. In order to get here it is a short walk and easy to do even with a wheelchair, however no wheelchair access inside most of the buildings. The Kremlin itself is a collection of Churches and Buildings. Fees apply for some of the buildings and for taking pictures in some.In order to get to the Kremlin from the ship docks you must walk through the Trail of Temptation, a long row of Tourist Shops with all sorts of different stalls selling Russian Souvenirs. You can and should actually bargain prices here.
I am writing up the Kremlin rather than the Church of St. Dmitri of the Spilled Blood, since the latter is located within the Kremlin, and is just one of the beautiful and interesting things to see there. Uglich is a very small town, and the central attraction is the very ancient and historical Kremlin. It was here that the young Dmitri, Tsar Ivan the Terrible's heir, was murdered, probably on the orders of Boris Godunov –– yes, that Boris Godunov, of operatic fame. Thus, Uglich is actually one of the most historic spots in Russia, in terms of the long sweep of its history. The Church of Spilled Blood, erected on the site where young Dmitri was murdered, is beautiful and very interesting enough, but the entire Kremlin is pretty amazing. Definitely worth a visit!
This was the final stop on our river cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow. The attractions are limited in number, but well worth seeing. The main attractions are the churches of the former Kremlin.
We visited the Uglich Kremlin as a stop on a river cruise. It is only a 10 minute walk from where the ships dock, mostly on good paths, but with a few rougher spots. The walk passes local stalls which offered a good range of Russian souvenirs at reasonable prices.The kremlin no longer has walls, but you can see where the moat was. It is now part of a pleasant park - the statue of Lenin on the main street was well decorated with flowers when we were there. The church & cathedral (1 a museum, 1 still a functioning place of worship - fees apply) were interesting and have an important role in history. Beyond the usual important icons, there was a bell with an amusing history and a local musical group which impressed us - we bought their CD.
True, the kremlin walls are gone, but the churches are really nice. The blue domes with gold stars of the Church of St. Demetrios on the Blood was my favorite in all of that we saw on our trip. It’s also gorgeous inside with the soaring iconostasis. The floor is made of metal, which they said only a Czar could afford. They warned that it really attracts lightning.The outside of the Transfiguration Cathedral was a bit faded, but it has a beautiful interior, also. Near Uspenskaya street, there is a statue of Lenin.Perhaps not technically on the Kremlin grounds, there are a lot of souvenir kiosks in the park as you walk to and from the pier. Buy your hats, T-shirts and sweaters here. Where we were docked in Moscow, we never saw places like this to buy these souvenirs.
This one is really old compared to many others and it is truly lovely. Even on an ugly autumn day the colours of the buildings were bright and the displays interesting. Try to walk around a bit and discover the hidden history. I'm not sure how this place is utilised for English speakers, though.
It is very crowded, but there is room to spread out. Many wonderful churches to visit. Can see the outside of the government office building (bright yellow) and the Armory museum is a must. We saw official cars coming and going,and warning they do not slow own for pedestrians.
OF whatever little time we spent in Russia, this place was where we enjoyed it most. It's pretty beautiful and the architecture of those old buildings is very good. Most of us have read quite a bit about Russian history and seeing the place where so much history happened was quite a moving experience
Russia is filled with beautiful churches and cathedrals ... I found this one particularly interesting because of its history. Church of Prince Dimitry on Blood was built as a memorial to 8 year old Dimitri, son of Ivan the Terrible, who was found dead with a knife in his throat in 1591. There are 2 main theories: that he was murdered under the orders of regent Boris Godunov, or that Dimitri had an epileptic seizure while playing and fell on his own knife (noone quite bought that last theory). By the early 17th century Uglich had become a pilgrimage site and Dimitry had become a saint, with a small wooden church built where he died. The persent memorial church was built in 1692. The domes are blue and the church is red, making it hard to miss when approaching by river. The bell that announced Dimitry's death is also there (it was sent to Siberia after his death and later returned).
I would like to make some corrections to Tenby's report. Th name of the Russian dynasty is Rurik. It is not clear if Boris Godunov was murdered or died of natural causes.
Uglich, on the banks of the Volga, is another tourist stop on the St Petersburg to Moscow river cruise route. Located strategically on a sharp bend in the river, the town was a fortress for the ancient Moscovy Kingdom. The main attraction is the Church of St Dmitry on Spilled Blood. We were informed that local legend recalls how in 1591, the 10-year-old Prince Dmitry of the Ruyvik Dynasty was murdered by Boris Godunov who then claimed the throne of Russia and was later murdered himself. These events plunged Russia into three decades of turmoil known as the ‘Time of Trouble’. The Church, now a museum, is on the exact spot where the young prince was murdered. The murals inside the building depict these events. The other attraction at Uglich Kremlin (kremlin means fortress) is an odd exhibit, it is a 1930s tractor which was owned by a woman back in the Soviet days. Then the town was very proud of its tractor.
Внешними стенами территория не огороженаОткрывается красивый вид на ВолгуЛетом пейзаж поживееОбъектов для посещения маловато. Церковь на месте гибели цесаревича Дмитрия порадовала яркими красками
Несколько раз бывали в Угличе, путешествуя по Волге. Вид на Кремль с реки - потрясающий. Особенно хорошо смотрится храм царевича Дмитрия. Территория Кремля небольшая, с экскурсией - все бегом, нужно приезжать самостоятельно и не спеша гулять, наслаждаясь единством природы, архитектуры и истории
Сделали монету для ребенка у кузнеца. Рядом небольшире церквушечки. Везде платный вход. Еси зима- то горки для катания тут же располагаются.
Палаты удельных князей входят в состав музеев Кремля (УИХМ).Здание палат удельных князей является главной парадной частью большого княжеского дворца, по-строенного в Угличским кремле в конце XV века. По тем временам это был один из первых каменных дворцов. Эти палаты – единственное дошедшее до нас строение дворца.Сейчас в палате размещаются две отдельные экспозиции Угличского музея. На верхнем этаже в тронной Палате представлена коллекция крестов и икон, окладов на Евангелия и т.д. Особо обращают на себя уникальные оклады икон, которые выполнены из жемчуга и цветного стекляруса. В палатах нижнего этажа расположена экспозиция, отражающая жизнь Углича XVI-XVII веков: оружие, одежда, меры веса и объема и прочее.