5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

基督喋血大教堂(Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood)是俄国伟大领袖的安息之地。1881年俄国皇帝亚历山大二世在此被刺杀。教堂的内部外部都用精致的马赛克装饰,是由著名的俄国艺术家V.M. Vasnetsov,M.V. Nesterov和M.A. Vrubel设计修建的。漂亮,但是历史悲惨。
church of the savior on spilled blood 救世主滴血大教堂开放时间:周四至周二11:00am至7:00pm(LP标注)门票:300卢布 救世主滴血大教堂这个名字听起来挺吓人的,据说某位沙皇曾经在这个教堂的所在地遇难,故因此得名。这个教堂外形有些像圣瓦西里大教堂,但色彩整体偏暗,显得没有圣瓦西里大教堂那么华丽。刚好周三休息,没能进入教堂内部参观。在路边遇到几个同是自由行的中国游客,他们说前一天周二也没有开门,所以这里的实际开放时间不一定跟LP中写的一样。
This very beautiful design is so Russia. The mosaic interior is very impressive. It certainly makes for perfect photo shots. Never a church...better looking in my opinion on the outside along side the canal.
Very similar in design to St Basil's in the Red Square in Moscow. It's not as impressive inside as it is from the outside compared to the way many European churches are.Down a side street off Nevsky Prospect, you will definitely want to visit although it's not necessary to go inside. Walk to the other side and photograph it from the park for a better photo, particularly if you are then in full snow like I was.If you do want to enter, there will generally be a line waiting, and it will be crowded inside.A photo of this church laden with snow is your classic St Pete image!Visited February 2013
This is a beautifully distinct church in an otherwise very European looking city (architecturally). I didn't spend long on the inside but was definitely impressed by the entirely mosaic interior.Makes for a great photo during the day and night.
St Petersburg is virtually all baroque and neo classical style so this Church really stands out and is better than St Basil's in Moscow. Never a church for public worship, it was built by Alexander III as a memorial to his father Alexander II who was assasinated. The exact spot has been left intact inside. It was looted and vandalised after the Russian Revolution but has since had a 27 year restoration. Fantastic outside with the enamel onion domes and famed for its mosaics internally, some 7500 sq. m of them. A great place for photographs and its location on one of the canals is just stunning.
Very beautiful....What an architecture.... One of the finest you have ever seen....Very beautiful church....Worth the visit....