bory castle
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It is a very unique place to visit. A professor built it for his wife. A very eccletic building.I liked the athmosphere and the surrounding.
Embodyment of love and adoration of a man (amateur sculptor & architect) for his wife. It's like entering a castle straight out of a fairy tale. A castle built in no exact, identifyable style; so eclectic, you can find a little bit of every art and architecture with no particular concept other than random. Yet the global picture is adorable and lovable. You have to keep your eyes peeled while wondering about on the steps, walks, hidden passages, rooms, towers and roof walks, because there's a lot of small treasures hidden all over the place, waiting to be discovered. Lovely, well maintained garden with banks and a fountain offer cozy spots to rest after the discovery.The view of Szekesfehervar from the top of the towers is priceless. It's in itself worth visiting the place.
The castle was tucked away in an area that was surrounded by ordinary homes, which surprised me. This would have to be one of the nicest castles I have visited. The architecture, artwork and sculptures were beautiful, and my husband and I very much enjoyed our visit. I would definately recommend this as a must see.
We always visit this castle when we are with relatives in Szekesferhervar. It has lots of towers and balconies for kids to explore and there's almost never anyone there. There are loads of sculptures and art too if you are into that sort of thing with text in English as well as Hungarian. There is a fee to get in, but it's quite small.
I lived nearby for 18 years. I have been to the Bory castle with family, with friends, with guests several times. Cant get bored of it. It is always an adventure to go upstairs to the towers and look around from the top. I like this Scotland-style private castle.
very nice small castle - though a bit far from center. We were lucky to get a free lift with the small tourist train - it took around 15 min to get there. Definetely a must see if you are in Szekesfehervar.
We were there in a very hot Sunday and arrived just at lunchtime. This was lucky timing - no crowd. On the otherhand it was unlucky since the art gallery was about closing. NOTE: catle is open 10am-6pm but the gallery has a lunchbreak 12-3pm!!The castle is very well maintained, in good condition. Grandchildren of Mr. Bory are taking care of it. Works of art tell you a lot about the history of Hungary and also the perception of the Castle's builder. All of them are titled in 3 languages (HU, GB, G) - makes the place more enjoyable for foreigners at well.The labyrinth set up of the property brings you can to the romantism and helps your children finding the way to love art. Our 11-yr old was amazed by the Castle! I think it is a must see for all Hungarians and provide unforgetteable experience option for foreigners.The way to the place is well signed from the borders of Székesfehérvár, easy to find.
Bory-vár (Bory Castle) was built as a labour of love by artist János Bory, celebrating his wife and mediaeval romance in architecture, sculpture and paintings. The outcome is like a film-set and small wonder that it's a popular place for locals to have wedding photos taken. It's closed for the winter but once the sunshine comes out again it's well worth a visit.
On every trip to Hungary, we make the effort to visit Bory Var castle in the city of Szekesfehervar. it is not well publicized, which is a shame, because it is well worth visiting. Bory "Castle" was built primarily by one man (see the write up about him in one of the pictures I've attached) over a period of 40 years. When you see the scope and workmanship of this castle, it becomes all the more amazing that one man, with just a little help from others, built it. It is a little tough to find as it is smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood. There are a few signs for it, but we still have to drive around the streets looking for it every time we come. Inside the castle are paintings and other artwork done by the builder and his wife. Entrance to the castle costs only a few dollars, and because it isn't well known, you will have it mostly to yourself. There are no "tours" and you can easily spend an hour or so looking at the artwork and marvelling--as you wander around outside--that one man built this. Unfortunately the care of the gardens seems this time to have deteriorated from past visits. Despite that, however, this place is well worth a visit.
Hihetetlen élmény volt látni a várat! Még a könnyem is kicsordult, látni, hogy egy igazi szerelem mire volt képes! Nagyon szép és romantikus hely!!!!!!!
Замок, построенный одним человеком ради своей жены. Зимой был закрыт, и, к сожалению, удалось его рассмотреть только из-за забора, но и так он произвел очень приятное впечатление, а мысль, что он был построен в одиночку заставляет восхищаться архитектором. Проехать к замку можно на автобусах от ж/д вокзала Секешфехервара. Ориентироваться можно на остановку Mariavolgy, есть и поближе, но я забыл название.
Даже не верится, что замок был построен одним человеком ( совсем без подсобных работников) как говорят экскурсоводы! Строился архитектором Бори 40 лет во имя любви к жене Илоне Бори. Очень романтичное место, хотя на первый взгляд вся постройка кажется немного тяжеловатой( ведь в основном, при строительстве использован железобетон). Все смягчается чудесными скульптурами, которых бесчисленное множество в замке, и многие из которых изображают Илону. Много картин Илоны, которая была художницей. Удивительно, что за 40 лет параллельно строительству, архитектор Бори изваял еще и огромное количество скульптур, благодаря продаже которых он и мог продолжать строить замок. Одна часть замка закрыта для посещения. Там в настоящее время живут правнуки скульптора и его жены. Они же продают входные билеты. Обычно музей работает до 17 часов, но в день нашего посещения закрывался на 30 минут раньше. Так что лучше уточнить время работы.
Замок построен своими руками одним человеком - известным венгерским скульптором и архитектором Bory. Строил он его более 40 лет для своей жены. При этом получилось так что еще при своей жизни создал свой музей. Сейчас замок принадлежит внукам скульптора. Очень интересное место. Стоит посмотреть.
Odporúčam každému, zámok, ktorý si majitelia postavili po svojom a pre seba len tak ľahko neuvidíte. Môžete prejsť 5x okolo nejakého miesta a zakaždým tam uvidíte niečo nové a obvykle originálne...alebo neoriginálne, ale rozhodne sa celú dobu prehliadky budete baviť. Dala by som 5 bodov, ale počas našej návštevy nebol celý zámoček prístupný a chýbalo aj viac informácií o vzniknutých prácach.
Igazán érdekes és értékes látnivaló a vár, mind felnőttnek mind gyermekeknek, de ha hétköznap megy az ember akkor egy romantikus várséta is kivitelezhető.