museum of christian art (kereszteny muzeum)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

3rd largest collection of paintings in Hungary. Beautiful and extensive works of art. Group guided tours can be arranged in advance.
Everything else in Esztergom is overshadowed, literally as well as metaphorically, by the huge basilica, but this museum may be even more impressive to someone interested in art. The main body of the permanent collection consists of paintings of Christian subjects by a extraordinary variety of artists, some well-known (Lippo Lippi, Carlo Crivelli, Memling...), some less so (the Master of Bat), from all over Europe. Particularly rich in exquisitely beautiful works from the Italian tre- and quattrocento. Other areas are covered too: baroque ceramics, orthodox (esp. Cretan) icons, tapestries... In summer 2014 there was also a hugely impressive exhibition downstairs of modern, abstract Hungarian tapestries. The only negative of the museum is there's no lift, and the main permanent collection is on the second floor, so until a lift's put in (hopefully soon) access for people with limited mobility will be difficult. No photography is allowed inside the exhibition rooms (good!), but postcards, catalogues, etc can be bought at the desk by the door. There's also a good, comprehensive, searchable website. Friendly, helpful staff, who obviously love the museum. Not at all expensive.
I`d prefer to call it a museum of medieval art. It´s a bit surprising to find such a fine museum in such a small town like Esztergom. The seat of Hungarian archbishop is the explanation for that.
The Kereszteny Museum has 3 large rooms with a superb collection of beautiful and interesting mediaeval church paintings and carvings arranged so that it is possible to observe the contrasts between works of various periods and from different regions. Works thought to be by the same artist are grouped together so you can see their subtle differences in style.It is a museum laid out in a traditional way with conventional labelling of each object, sufficient to give the essential details but no additional interpretation alongside the object.Staff spoke some German though not English, but were friendly and helpful.We enjoyed our visit, but would regard ourselves as having a relatively specialist interest in the subject.
Сам по себе музей небольшой, но с очень интересной подборкой средневековой живописи и деревянной скульптуры разных периодов и стран: есть венгерские, немецкие, голландские, итальянские мастера. Много картин 14-15 вв. Есть и более поздние произведения, вплоть до 20 века, но они скорее как дополнение к основной коллекции.Совершенно не ожидала найти на улочках Эстергома такой замечательный музей.
Музей обладает богатой коллекцией средневековой живописи. Обычно мне религиозная тематика мало интересна, но туи картины произвели сильное впечатление. Епископы собрали работы талантливых мастеров!Помимо этого в собрании есть старинная деревянная скульптура и разные безделушки 19 века.Также сейчас там проходит масштабная выставка портьер: от старинных до современных.Советую!
Il museo è formato dalle collezioni sacre dell'Arcivescovato. Molti quadri di pittori di seconda fila, spesso allievi (ma non i più dotati) di maestri italiani. Alcuni pezzi sono commoventi esempi d'arte religiosa, ma non aspettatevi capolavori. Portateci la nonna che si commuove per ogni immagine della Madonnina; assolutamente da evitare con bambini, che si annoierebbero tremendamente.