st. michael's cathedral
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Did not like it, because the Church was closed, so we could not get inside. And it was friday afternoon, so i guess it's no use of having an attraction if people can not see it.
I liked both the outdoor and indoor architercture. But the most you can experience here is the feeling when you just sit inside the curch banks for some silent minutes.
Amazing photos to be had in this colorful cathedral. Check out the tomb in the basement. quiet, but beautiful cathedral.
Not the most spectacular, but a nice element on castle hill. When you visit castle hill, definitely pop in and go down to the crypt as well.
Talán a világ legkisebb bazilikája de amikor minden hónap első vasárnapján, a reggel kilences szentmisén megszólal a Padányi Bíró Márton Katolikus Iskola gyermekkórusa, akkor érezheti igazán mindenki, milyen közel van Isten és az Ő szeretete! ( Az iskolai szünetre eső időpontok természetesen kivételt képeznek!)
Веспрем - очень уютный венгерский городок с приятными вымощенными улочками и красивыми видами. И собор св.Михаила - не исключение. Внутри веет стариной, красивые изразцы на стенах.
Bellissima la cripta, costruita in stile romanico nell’XI secolo. In un reliquiario sull’altare centrale è possibile intravedere la mano della Beata Regina Gizella.