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这是联合国教科文组织认定的一处世界文化遗产,在我看来,这绝对有理由得到这个头衔。这些洞穴给人的感觉是如此的惊奇和振奋。其中有一些规模很大,里面的石笋和钟乳石非常好看。这真是一个特别的地方,你可以在网上找些照片看看,因为我匮乏的描写能力实在是没法说清楚这里的美丽。是的,想想吧,任何你看到的照片,都只是这美景的千分之一!现在,如果你已经对那个地方产生好奇,或是已经决定要去了。以下是我根据自己的亲身经历提出的一些建议。租辆车。为什么呢?我在那的时候一直都是使用当地的大众交通系统。从米什科尔茨来的时候坐的是火车,中途在一个小车站改成坐公交,那个小站周围什么都没有,荒无人烟的还等了很久,说真的那真是个痛苦的经历。如果可以的话,我建议你从米什尔茨的布达佩斯开始旅程,或者,干脆租辆车代步。大众公交系统的连接很不好,中间容易断开,出现被留在一个前不着村后不着店的小车站,一等就等上好几个小时的情况。在结束这些乱七八糟的状况以后,我们最终到达洞穴区。确切的说是洞穴区的入口, 事实上这里有好几个入口,彼此间隔几公里的距离。连接它们的是一些杂七杂八的巴士,完全就没有什么时刻表可言。虽然这似乎也可以算作"冒险"的一部分,但是从另一个方面来说,这也是在浪费时间!如果你也被滞留在火车或巴士上,我强烈建议你去米什科尔茨的火车站找一个可以沟通的人帮你完善一下你的旅行计划,把你花在等待上的时间降到最低。我真希望我们也那样做了,但可惜事实是我们一直拖着没做。布达佩斯之外的一切都糟透了。孤单星球旅行社尽然说他们从来没想到交通时刻表会成为一个问题。哈哈。我们计划今年春天的时候再去那里一次,到时候我们一定会租辆车的。
Has anyone traveled from Budapest to Aggtelek national park as a day trip by public transport? Volanbusz does offer Aggtelek destination but there were too many stops with the same name. Which stop should I get off to get to the cave entrance for the Baradla tour? Will the same bus stop at this stop in the afternoon? (from the email I got from Volanbusz, it said that we cant buy the ticket in advance and the bus only stops if there is still seat). Is it true? How reliable is the Volanbusz bus ? Your help would be much appreciated.
The Baradla cave is situated in Aggtelek town just 1 hour drive from Miskolc.Beautiful scenery all along the roead to the National Park.We took the 1 hour lit walk cave tour, taking guests along walkways 1 km through the famous cave.At the beginning of the walkway you think its just a normal cave. But the deeper you get the more breathtaking chambers,amazing multitude of dripstone columns and formations you can see !I loved the reflections of the sealing in the small lakes and incredible acoustics in the Concert Hall !The whole area has around 300 caves and other interesting sighthings to see.This is absolutely not to miss and worth the 1 hour drive from Miskolc !next time i will stay more than just 1/2 day.
Dear Nistrale,Thank you for your positive review of Aggtelek National Park! Unfortunately, we do not have any foreign language speaking guides, but I did translate all the cave tours into English leaflets to be handed to foreign visitors. Did you get an English language explaination from the guide or ticket office before your Baradla tour?Best,Dan SwartzMarketing Assistant,Aggtelek National Park
Dear Scuesa,Thank you for your positive review of Aggtelek National Park! Unfortunately we do not have any foreign language speaking guides, but I translated all the cave tours into English brochures. Did you receive one from the guide or ticket office?Best,Dan
Dear Fabio,Thanks for your positive feedback about Aggtelek National Park! Just to answer your question about why some of the karst formations in the cave are black...it is because early explorers used burning torches for light. Also, the cave has been used for shelter for millenia, and camp fires also blackened some areas. But the blackened areas are really quite limited compared to the more pristine areas of the cave.You are right about the lack of restaurants in the area. In Jósvafő there is a very good restaurant called the Old Mill (Malom Fogado) which is open until 7pm. In Aggtelek, there is a restauant attached to the Baradla Hotel and row of fastfood kiosks (only open during the day). But yes, other than that there is nothing else in the immediate area. Best,Dan
We are from Slovenia where is carst home. The cave is nice, but all stalactites and stone are black in some way. Beside the caves and some nice forest walks there is nothing to do. It is hard even find nice restaurant in the area.
Dear Celesa H,Thank you very much for your positive review of Aggtelek National Park!Best,Dan
Beautiful cave, I regret taking only 2 hours walk instead of 5 hours. I have not seen all the caves during 2 hours...
I "collect" caves when I travel, and Aggtelek is the most astounding cave system in the world! When you visit here, you'll understand why these caves are designated a World Heritage Site. The primary underground cave route is said to extend on for 70 miles, and from a visit to Aggetelek you will be shocked at the enormity and expanse of the caverns and the extreme majesty of the rock formations, stalactites and stalagmites. Some of the more memorable passages are lit well enough to enable photography. Consider taking a jacket, as the caves can be quite cool and damp. The guide spoke only Hungarian, but I was so dumbstruck by the complexity and grandeur of the caves that I neither noticed nor cared. Narration isn't really needed. I really felt as if I was having a Journey to the Center of the Earth experience----no underground sea, mind you, but that something this comprehensive and extensive could silently exist below the surface of the earth causes you to rethink what you think you know.
We used Egar as our starting point and we rented a car from the Tourist Inform. The roads were in a very good condition and it was a full day trip. The tour was in Hungarian and that was a problem but the caves were worth seeing them.
The Aggtelek cave complex in Northern Hungary is a World Heritage site for good reason. There are 70 miles of underground caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites of immense proportions, many tens of thousands of years old. The guide spoke only Hungarian however we had our Hungarian cousin with us to translate. The one hour tour is about a mile in length. It is quite cool so bring a sweater! You will especially be astounded by the enormous "Concert Hall" cave where events are held. The guide put music on the speaker system for us and the acoustics were amazing. This is very far away from Budapest but well worth the trip. We stayed overnight at the adequate but spartan hotel on site.
Building on the Aggteleki National Park and World Heritage Site in karst and cave Baradla values of the township (Jósvafő together) a number of programs (series of programs throughout the summer) can be arranged, thus enhancing tourism attractiveness.
This summer we decided to visit Aggtelek . We took our time and checked driving directions, hotels but made the mistake to keep the information on ipad ( the printing possibility was limited).There is no internet connection in that part of Hungary and some people speak english but are not to helpful when you ask directions.The road is very bad and when we asked if is the good direction the only normal answer was that is here but where exactly they don't know. You expect that such an important place to be better marked. Once arrived there is a super place, worth the whole trouble.
I enjoyed visiting the caves altough the guided tour was in Hungarian. Don't forget to wear a jumper,the temperature inside is around 10 degrees,even during the summer!