museum of the war of independence (kurtulus savasi muzesi)
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This is not too far from the Castle. Upon entry, there are photos of the independence inaugurations, but the view is what is really the draw here. Also, the changing of the guard every hour is quite a sight to see
It's very impressive to visit the original room where in 1921, in this same building, the first national assemblee gathered. Also good pictures etc. Spend half an hour here!
This is the First Grand National Assembly building. It is a two story building where the first national assembly used to be held. It shows the condition of how large (a very small) the national assembly used to be and also includes some memorabilia of that time.
While this museum is in the first parliament building of the Republic of Turkey, making it a must-see for many Turkish tourists, some things can be managed better to improve visitor experience.For instance, the museum card (MuzeKart) is currently not accepted.Additionally, photos are not allowed - not even without flash.While it is nice that there are Turkish translations of the Arabic signs, English translations would be nice as well.Or staff with a more positive attitude...
Firstly don't confuse thıs with the fantastic museum at Ataturk's Mausoleum (with a simular name). This review is for the museum next to Ulus Square. I suspect this may have had more exhibits before the War of Independence Museum opened below Ataturk's Mausoleum. Now this museum ıs just an intersting 10 minute walk through time seeıng the first seat of the Turkish National Grand Assembly. There are no explanations in English though from what İ gather you can look at Ataturk's former office and see the room that hosted the grand assembly where the Republıc was formulated. The table that saw Ataturk sıgn the treaty of Lausanne is also on display. Great for Turks but probably not that nostalgıc or interesting for foriengers. It costs 1TL to enter so it won't hurt the wallet. You could bypass this and head to the next Cumhuriyet Museum (2nd seat) just down the street, whilst the displays there are in Turkish you can get an audioguide to walk you through.
Ideal to understand the recent turkish history. It is very Atataurk centered, but He is the center of modern Turkey. Don't miss it, it is one of the best attractions in town.
very very boring place visiting this place is not worth for foreigners. i think it was a waste of time and also there are nothing like war museum
If you want to learn with a very nice and easy way the history of the New Turkey you need to go there!
This museum lies directly beneath the Ataturk Mausoleum and provides a comprehensive view of the struggles that led to Turkey's independence in 1923. I could have spent several hours devouring its exhibits!
Thank you Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to give us this country from the ashes of the ottoman Empire. While Sultan have been condemned him death by hanging, he won the Independence war against the British, French,Italians and poor Greeks. Then the supreme powers and created a secular, independent leader country.
Etkileyici bir yapısı var. Ücreti de çok makul. Herkesin mutlaka gidip görmesi gereken bir yer. Lozan antlaşmasının imzalandığı masayı görmek tuhaf hissettirdi. Keşke fotoğraf cekilebilseydi
очень интересный музей, представлено много экспонатов и даже военной одежды, гид рассказывал очень интересно, вся группа слушала его открыв рот.
Проходили мимо, направляясь к метро, и вдруг заметили во дворе скромного особнячка пушку времен Первой мировой войны и часового. Оказалось, что здесь находится музей войны не независимость Турции. Решили зайти, тем более что за билет просят всего-навсего лиру. С небольшим рюкзаком для ноутбука внутрь не пустили, пришлось сдавать в камеру хранения. Но вот, наконец, мы внутри и тут-то выяснилось, что смотреть в экспозиции, занимающей около десятка комнат, строго говоря, не на что. Немного винтовок и прочего оружия, в витринах - личные вещи Ататюрка и его соратников, подписанные ими документы, карты военных действий, на стенах картины, славящие героизм борцов за свободу и бичующие жестокость греческих и прочих оккупантов. Центр экспозиции - большой зал, с воссозданной обстановкой почти вековой давности. Здесь в апреле 1920 года было объявлено о создании Великого Национального Собрания, а Мустафа Кемаль был избран главой парламента и исполнительной власти.В общем, для турка-патриота - это, конечно, объект, обязательный к осмотру. Колыбель современной Турции, всё такое. Для иностранца же, не склонного замирать, затаив дыхание, у витрины, в которой лежит печать Ататюрка - будет скучновато. Но по пути к метро забежать вполне можно, одна лира за билет и 15-20 минут на осмотр - недорого и недолго.
Hem Cumhuriyet tarihimizi anlamak hemde gelecek nesillere nasıl bugünlere geldiğimize ait bilgilerin ve atmosferin bulunduğu bu müzeyi herkesin gezmesi gerekli
zawsze warto wstąpić do takiego muzeum. Wiele naprawdę ciekawych rzeczy jest tu do oglądania. Podobało mi się to że można było wiele informacji uzyskać także i od obsługi która była bardzo uprzejma.