golubac fortress
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Strong medieval towers still stand as in the 14th century when the city was founded at the entrance to the Iron Gate. I eagerly expect the renovation of the complex, which was announced.
We have visited the fortress of Golubac - that is placed on the entrance to the gorgeous Djerdap Gorge - two times coming from Veliko Gradište.One time on a short trip, the second time we drove all the way from Veliko Gradište to Golubac, than Donji Milonovac, the Lake of Đerdap, the Iron Gate and to Kladovo.The lower Danube area is one of the tourist aces of Serbia. Between Ram, at Veliko Gradiste and at the town of Golubac the Danube is very wide, often more than 2 km and at Golubac even 6 km.The 14th century Golubac fortress is perched on the cliffs of the Danube and has an impressive structure with 9 towers. It is only a pity that you cannot really go into the fortress. You can look from the road upwards and walk a little bit around downstairs.
I was here several times, this is very beautiful 14. century fortress on the coast of Danube. You can climb up as I did but there is no real path, it's steam and you have to go through the bush, but it's worth the climb because view is majestic. It's far from Belgrade, but if you are on a toad trip near Golubac or Pozarevac don't miss it. There is no admission fee or anything.
We made a point of seeing Golubac on our way down through the Danube. The place was no more than a 2 hour drive from Belgrade, but the actual fortress is 4km past Golubac. The drive towards the fortress is nothing short of fantastic scenery, no official parking when there though. Amazing how there is a main road that runs through the heart of the ruins, with all sorts of vehicles regularly travelling through. The actual site is just in the beginning parts of Djerdap National Park, and only an hour away from the Romanian border.There is no staff at present, so to climb is at own will. Personally I did climb, my wife didn't, but I don't blame her as some of its areas are very dangerous due to lack of preservation. Some of the existing towers did look impossible to climb.Whilst touring around the fortress, you may hear some noises coming from the river. Those noises are frogs mating together, and they sure do know how to make a noise!This is a great find if driving towards Belgrade or Romania, but by all, means be very careful as there are many hazards. A good shout for being the cover shot for Danube promotion.Apparently there will be restoration works taking place in 2014 that will last 3 years, backed by the European Union.
I wanted to visit this castle ever since I saw a photo of it on my Serbia guide book. The castle is in ruins, but this adds to its character. It's amazing to see cars, and 18 wheeler trucks driving squeezing through the gates of the fort. Apparently one can climb on the castle walls, there's certainly no one there to stop you, but it appears quite dangerous to do so. The site is very picturesque and photogenic. Definitely a treat to see this and made for an exciting start of the visit to the Djerdap park.
The approach to this fortress is amazing and the drive along the road beside the Danube is very impressive - I would rate it right up there with the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia, for scenic value. The fortress itself is not open to the public, and unlike the nearby Ram Fortress which we also visited you cannot really walk around the top. You can however explore at the bottom which spills over the road and has a small section over the water.
Impressive fortress, unfortunately was not available to visit (climb) there. Can be viewed only from the road. As I made quite significant detour to get there, it was not good surprise. Therefore rated only as average.
The fortress is situated on the right bank of the Danube river, at the entrance to the Djerdap Gorge National park. It is constructed on rocky slope of Homolje mountains. It is not safe (although many visitors ignore this warning) to climb to the fortress. Just take look from the ground.
We have visited the fortress of Golubac coming from Veliko Gradište. This village is about 110 km away from Belgrade. The lower Danube area is one of the tourist aces of Serbia. In this part of Serbia the Danube has wideness between 2 and 6 km. From Veliko Gradište, a village with around 7.000 inhabitants at the borders of both Silver Lake and the Danube, you can take a boat trip on the Danube to the fortresses of Ram and Golubac, the Lake of Đerdap and the Iron Gate.Golubac is about 130 km away from Belgrade located on the Danube. The Danube is almost six kilometres wide here so it almost looks that Golubac is a maritime town on the border of a lake or even the sea. The key landmark is the 14th century Golubac fortress that is perched on the cliffs of the Danube. It has an impressive structure with 9 towers. Together with the fortresses of Belgrade and Novi Sad, Golubac is magnifying. The impression is totally different dating back to different centuries of origin. Golubac has more to offer. Besides of the fortress you can discover other attractions like the Đerdap national park and the Golubački grad natural resort. The fauna and flora are very well diversified.For cyclists, there is the scenic EuroVelo 6 bicycle path that passes through Golubac, Gradište, Zatonje and Ram. We didn’t make this trip ourselves but we have heard it is very beautiful.
Golubac fortress is situated in north-eastern Serbia on the right side of Danube and near Romanian border. It is a part of Djerdap National Park. Golub in Serbian means pigeon or dove and Golubac might be translated as The Town of Doves or The House of Doves. It was built in XIV century. Danube at this place is wide 3.5km. View is magnificant, but unfortunatelly, fortress is not perserved so it is dangerous to climb on towers. Few people died from injuries in past years. So, the only place that is safe is The Hat Tower which is connected by stone bridge with the mainland. A lot of tunnels through the mountain are leading to Romania. Actually, you can clearly see Romanian houses and hills on the left side of the river. Just be carefull and enjoy!
Рекомендую всем взобраться по лесенке на стену этой крепости, а потом заглянуть в проём одной из башен. После того, как я всунул в этот проём голову, то на меня так со всех стен посмотрели птички, что пришлось головку-то немедленно убрать - это их территория. Ощущение просто незабываемое. К сожалению, внутр башни всё прогнило, поэтому будьте аккуратны. Войти в неё нельзя! Только посмотреть. После этого прогуляйтесь к берегу, куда выходит башенка на воде, оттуда замечательные фотографии. Понаблюдайте за птицами, на какой они скорости проникают в стены-лазы.
Остатки очень красивой старинной крепости на Дунае. Виды на крепость снятые с реки украшают обложки многих путеводителей и фотоальбомов по Сербии. Место очень спокойное, редко насыщенное туристами.Нижняя часть крепости затоплена после запуска ГЭС, бОльшая часть стен разрушена. Башни тоже доживают свой век. год от года состояние крепости ухудшается, не упустите время пока еще можно полюбоваться ею. Аналогичная крепости со стороны Румынии (это прямо через реку) уже исчезла, оставив лишь груды камней.Остановиться можно в ближайшем городке Голубац на Дунае, добраться пешком (полчаса-час ходу), или на попутках. На месте договорится с местными рыбаками и сделать снимки с воды из лодки.
Ничего особенного. На пару снимков. Достаточно опасно. Крепость старая и в ветхом состоянии. Лазить по ней я бы не советовала. Красиво, конечно, но крепость как крепость.
Суровые башни и стены тремя как бы волнами медленно спускаются откуда-то из поднебесья к ленивым водам Дуная. Это мощно, величественно, ни на что не похоже и заслуживает не то что восторженных слов - целых поэм.Тут жаловались, что якобы до крепости неудобно добираться. Во-первых, четыре километра пути от Голубца, зажатого между широкой рекой и высоченными скалами, сами по себе являются достопримечательностью и достойны отдельного посещения. Во-вторых, рассказываю. В туристическо-информационном центре Голубца, который находится буквально через дом от центральной площади, можно за RSD 300 взять напрокат велосипеды. Дорога до крепости, поскольку проходит по набережной, лишена подъемов и спусков и легко покорится даже новичку. А осмотрев крепость, можно углубиться дальше в Джердапское ущелье Дуная, которое так и манит путешественника. Главное, рассчитать силы на обратную дорогу.
Рядом с крепостью есть автобусная обстановка, но ходит там 2-3 автобуса в день (из Белграда через Крагуевац, Велико-Градиште и Голубац). Кстати, название остановки – тайна великая есть, и вам могут не продать билет просто «за тврджаву». К счастью, сербы не особенно придирчивы к точности билетов, особенно если имеют дело с русскими туристами :). Тем не менее, может оказаться более удобным пройти 4 км от Голубца (там автобусов немного больше) пешком.Прогулка до крепости по берегу Дуная сама по себе интересна и дарит виды противоположного румынского берега, проплывающих мимо круизных и прогулочных судов и фотогеничных прибрежных скал.Крепость до крайности живописна, хотя, судя по всему, самые лучшие её виды с реки, а не с берега. Есть, где немного полазить, но надо понимать, что это может быть опасно. Например, есть лестница шириной сантиметров 50, с одной стороны которой стена, а с другой – обрыв. Пробитые в скале туннели дают любопытное зрелище царапающих своды арки фур (дорога проходит прямо через крепость).Не забудьте посетить родник у крепостных стен (со стороны Голубца).