museum october 21
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I've been here many times leading groups of tourists and heard the touching story about the suffering of the same number of times. Every time we are in the eye of the appearance of tears. That is what a man can not get used to. Read the poem wroten by Desanka Maksimovic: `` Krvava bajka`` and you will be all clear.
This is a memorial of the horrific events that took place in Kragujevac during WW2. The museum and the park is a "must visit" while in Kragujevac.
Interesting, touching, very well put together and definitely worth a visit. We were not expecting this excellent museum and memorial. Make sure that you get the self-guided audio tour. It gives you a real sense and understanding of what went on on October 21, 1941. It is beautifully presented and explained. It also reminds us all, of what should never again be repeated.Definitely recommended!!
We came here to see this wonderful town, part of the history was the October 21 museum which is dedicated to the thousands of civilians that where executed by the Nazis during the Second World War. The museum is located a short work from the centre of town. Entry was free and a very detailed museum. There are some art pieces from the war relics also.
We were staying at House of Colovic near Kragujevac after visiting Oplenac. As we were leaving, the innkeeper suggested that we stop at Museum October 21 in Kragujevac. It is an important museum to understand Serbia's history during WWII. The museum grounds include both the main building and several powerful sculptures. The story of the killings is well told in the museum through photos and written documents. The only problem was with the audio system which seemed inadequate for the purposes. The most impactful was the room which at first appears to have small for each of those who were murdered by the Germans. But when entering the room, we realized that each light was actually a photo. Nearby that room is a wall with a collection of final messages written to families by those young people going to their deaths. Driving around the grounds, one can only imagine the horror.
Museum itself is masterpiece. It is located in Park Sumarice, one of the biggest city parks in Serbia. It has several permanent exhibitions with the notes that people killed by the Nazis sent to their families. Concerts are often organized in the building. Parking is free. Restaurant is nearby, as well as some other places of interest, like monument to the pupils executed in the WWII.
Sortez les mouchoirs surtout très touchant le musée a été refait il ya quelques années... L'histoire est à connaître... Horrible... La guerre ! A faire attention aux horaires !!
Посещая парк Шумарице стоит зайти в данный музей, лучше узнать об истоии города, о том печальном событии произошедшем во время войны, когда немцы растреляли население города. Музей сам привлекает туристов своим внешним видом, здание из красного кирпича интересной формы уже видно с холма парка. Невозможно не зайти.
E' un museo della memoria, per l'eccidio compiuto da reparti nazisti di centinaia e centinaia di civili di sesso maschile, compresi alcuni minorenni fra gli studenti che frequentavano il Liceo di Kragujevac. L'allestimento è eccellente. Si esce turbati, ma una passeggiata nello splendido parco che circonda il Museo è rasserenante. In previsione della passeggiata è opportuno indossare scarpe comode. Per recarsi al Museo è bene noleggiare un taxi (i taxi sono molto economici). La durata della visita non supera la mezza giornata.
Музей, посвященный расстрелу гитлеровцами более 2 300 мирных жителей Крагуевца 21 октября 1941 года. Одна из улиц города, поднимаясь вверх, упирается в лаконично-торжественное здание из красного кирпича. На первом этаже экспонируется посвященный кровавым событиям живописный цикл одного из лучших югославских художников XX века Петра Любарды. На втором - письма, дневники, документы, фотографии каждого (!) из расстрелянных. Убедительно и впечатляет.Вход стоит символические RSD 100. Интересная деталь. Когда я отказался от английского, немецкого и французского аудио-гидов, но не взял и сербский, смотрительница спросила, откуда я. "Из Москвы". "Да, жаль, но у нас нет аудио-гида на русском языке, извините"... Спустя несколько минут женщина догнала меня и вручила буклет о музее на русском языке, изданный еще в социалистической Югославии, в 1985 году! Это вдвойне потрясающе, потому что я коллекционирую подобные вещи!