machairas monastery
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I think is a unique monastery of Cyprus worth visiting! perfect drive with nice stop overs. However, call to find out the time it is open and there is a dress code (no shorts etc.)
went there in the eve, they close at 6pm, so happened to get there when there was a service. During the service was dark in the church, but when they put the lights on, I saw beautiful ornaments and was interesting
The road to and from the monastery is really beautiful and the view from the monastery stunning. Choose a sunny day to visit so you ll have a lot of visibility. There is a market outside to buy local traditional delicacies. Oh and if you are interested in the monastery as such there is a church and museum inside with no entry fee.
The monastery is about under an hour into the mountains off the main road . Founded during centuries of persecution it is a gem hidden in the mountains. Please be aware that the drive up (Monte Carlo style) although not requiring nerves of steel definitely requires care and attention from the driver as your passengers stare at the views (and the drops!). The buildings are beautiful and recently renovated so currently looking at the best. Visitors are welcome inside but please be aware that all are expected to be respectful that this is a church of god first and foremost , that this site holds a very special place in the heart of Cypriots and it is a tourist destination way down on the list, You are a guest please don't forget. Having said that the Monks are very friendly and welcome conversation with Xenie (strangers). Take a picnic or eat at the village just on the main road junction before or after your ascent or at the next village. There is also a walk to a site of folklore significance from the battle for Independence that adds to the interest of the day. The whole day is well worth the visit and in the height of summer the time spent under the canopy and shade of the pine trees is very welcome.
Every monastery is worth a visit. Machairas had a wonderful setting and atmosphere. Lovely day trip.
Peaceful,clean and beautifull as most of Cyprus Monasteries. We use to visit it once a year to pray to Virgin Mary, and enjoy a picnic with our family, as is located on the mountains in an absolutely fantastic nature. For lunch we visited < Magia Restaurant > , at the next village Lazanias, which offers an amazing buffet of tasty traditional food in good prices.
This is one of the most well known monasteries in Cyprus that during the 1955-59 struggle for independence was also involved.It is set in Troodos mountains with an easy drive from Nicosia and is quiet, tranquil and a great place to walk.Nearby, there is the hideout where some of the resistance fighters of EOKA were burnt by the British when they set fire to the mountain.A lovely place to visit, steeped in history and tradition
Located on one of the Troodos mountain peaks is Macheras Monastery, one of the most famous in Cyprus. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and we were amazed by many of the old icons found here. Outside we saw a big statue of Gregorios Afxentiou one of EOKA's freedom fighters who single handily fought valiantly against the British.The bigger than life statue sits majestically on the cliff overlooking the valley below where he stayed in a narrow cave in which he was eventually burned alive after the British troops found out his hideout. Our visit brought chills to our bonesBoth from our tour of the miraculous monastery and our admiration of Afxentiou's courage and honor to his country.
Located in the mountains of Troodos, Machairas Monastery is one of the most famous monasteries in the Island. Wonderful architecture, view and priceless artifacts are just few of the resons one should visit this place.
Местоположение монастыря очень интересно – он стоит на берегу глубокого оврага высоко в горах, и это обеспечивает ему комфортный климат. Зимой облака защищают от холода, а летом сюда не проникает изнуряющий зной. В монастыре Махерас находится одна из 70 чудотворных икон Божьей матери, которые по преданию написал Евангелист Лука. На территории также есть церковь в греческом стиле, колокольня, кельи монахов. Строения покрыты красной черепицей. Все постройки, клумбы, дорожки очень ухожены. Здесь нет такого количества туристов, как, скажем, в Киккосе, поэтому можно спокойно приложиться к иконе, подумать. Здесь очень хорошая энергетика! Есть источник со святой водой. А ещё здесь находится музей, посвященный национальному герою Кипра – Григорису Афксентиу, солдату, который сражался ради независимости своего острова и трагически погиб. Дорога, правда, идет по серпантину, поднимается на высоту почти полтора километра. Но атмосфера этого места стоит того!
Πολύ όμορφο, καθαρό και περιποιημένο μοναστήρι στο οποίο ηρεμείς και προσεύχεσαι. Πέρα από το θρησκευτικό του χαρακτήρα περιλαμβάνει και ιστορικά στοιχεία από τον αγώνα εναντίον των Άγγλών (κοντά το κρυσφήγετο του Γρηγόρη Αυξεντίου).
Тихий, уютный монастырь встретил нас солнечной погодой среди пасмурных январских дней. Красивый, с чудотворной иконой Царицы Небесной, молитесь!К сожалению, не смогли приехать на службу, но запомнили лавку с самыми низкими ценами, которые нам встречались на Кипре, и хорошей пчелиной пергой.
Превосходное место в горах. Место для уединения и молитвы вдали от городской суеты.Место единения с природой и приобщения к духовному. Место почитания истории и религии...
Das Kloster liegt toll in den Bergen am Rande de Trodoos Gebirges. Eine tolle Aussicht und ein schöne Kloster sind zu besichtigen. Es gibt einen kleinen Klosterladen und für wen der die richtige Kleidung vergessen hat, werden am Eingang passende Umhänge bereigehalten.