historisches stadttheater grein
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

What a huge surprise! Astonishing when you realise that this has been here since 1791 in pretty much the same form as it is today. With few concessions to luxury, it opens a window on the unsophisticated (to us) entertainment that was then the height of sophistication. If you are within a half day's distance of Grein, make sure you visit not only the town (lovely) but this unique building.
I would not go out of my way to go see this theater. If you happen to be passing by Grein with an hour or so to spare, then drop by and walk around this cute theater which pretty much is one of few attractions in the city of Grein. You can experience what old theater would have felt like...including an existing toilet structure built right near the stage.
Grein is a lovely little town and the historic theater is most unique. Built originally in 1563 to act as city hall, then used for grain storage, and finally in 1790 repurposed as a theater, it is well worth a peek in. The interior is unchanged and the original seating for 165 still exists. As this was before the days of "season ticket holders", a patron could secure a front row seat for performances by paying a stipend and receiving a key which locked the seat of the wooden chair to its back for his/her use only. The keys were hung on the wall. And unbelievably our guide invited us to have a seat during his talk! How often have you sat in a chair from the 18th century??
Old former town hall and granary later & now a historic theatre. This beautiful theatre is still in active use. The theatre was crafted by local artisans -Hand painted ceilings, timber floor, beautiful timber balcony; A rarely seen feature from the era to be found here: behind a curtain the original in-theatre lavatory still remains, as well as a prop room (formerly a prison, with a window into the theatre, where the patrons kept prisoners quiet by feeding them (a win win situation)). A step into history in this pretty little town.
is wel iets speciaals maar verwacht er niet teveel van, op een kwartiertje sta je weer buiten.... het theatertje is wel leuk om te zien maar de rest.... niet echt
Localizado na cidade de Grein, cidade ao longo do Rio Danúbio, bem no centro antigo da cidade.Foi construído na antiga prefeitura e como fato curioso, dizem que os prisioneiros podiam assistir as peças de suas celas.
Ein altes Theater- mit "Sperrsitzen" - da sieht man wirklich was "Sperrsitz" bedeutet. Als Abo gabs / gibs den Schlüssel, mit diesem kann man dann "seinen" Sitz in den ersten drei Reihen abschliessen. Mit einem Vorhang abgetrennt ist ein "Örtchen" damit man kann, wenn man muss- aber vom Theater nichts verpassen will. Im Gefängnis war ein Loch, damit die Insassen auch an der Aufführung teilhaben konnten- die Besucher mussten aber den Gefangenen allerlei Dinge geben (Alk, Zig, Essen) damit diese die Aufführung nicht stören. Einfach mal anschaun und die kompetente Führung geniesen
Das älteste Theater Europas wurde uns auf ungewöhlich originelle Art und Weise näher gerbracht. Begriffe wie:"Halt die Klappe" und "Sperrsitz" stammen aus der Theaterwelt, aber auch die Zusatzausstellung über die Donau, ihre Schönheit und die Gefahren und Mühen beim Transport in früheren Jahrhunderten waren überaus interessant und kurzweilig. Ein absolutes "Muss", wenn man in Grein und Umgebung ist. Da die frühe Führung bereits um 9h startet, passt sie sogar für Reisende, die noch ein gutes Stück Weg per Rad zurücklegen wollen.
Stift- und Klostergarten Seitenstetten, Basilika Sonntagsberg,Waidhofen a.d.Ybbs, Schallaburg-Ausstellungen, Kloster Melk, HeurigeLokalitäten