alter dom
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Impressive spacious cathedral near Hauptplatz and it is worth taking few minutes to stop in and give pause to your day. The ornate gothic interior is impressive to admire in the still quite of the spacious church. If you are fortunate, as was I, to be there when the organist is playing you are in for a real treat.
Although not on the main street or square, this large church stands out against the skyline of the city. Outside it stands out against the smaller surrounding buildings and inside its is impressive, as are many European cathedrals. The stained glass is impressive and it certainly worth putting on a list of things to visit when in Linz
It never ceases to amaze me when seemingly a church is a church etc, how so different they can be, so again I write from a personal perspective that we thought this cathedral ( basilica?) was just amazing, huge it is on the outside in outrageous Gothic style all flying buttresses and "wedding cake" detailing, and then inside, able to hold thousands of worshippers at the same time, however the scene stealer is undoubtedly the incredible stained glass windows with their small and delicate detailing, the shear number if them and their size, to see each one and pause long enough requires time, so make sure you allow enough! a beautiful experience.
i liked the mariendom MUCH better, but this is a very pretty church hidden around the corner from the McDonald's. its beautiful of course, but i've seen many european churches and its not really near the top of my list.
Catedral made in Gothic style in central Linz, is architectal wonder with its walls,roof, big coloured glass windows and rustical entrence.
It's a big church near the main town center and entrance is free. Biggest attraction for me was the paintings on the windows...beautiful drawings with colors.
I had some time to burn, so i figured I would wander over to Alter Dom and check it out. While I was bummed that I wasn't able to climb the tour (maybe it was just when I visited), the admission was free so I can't complain.The interior of the church is very spacious and it was relaxing just to walk in and feel how calm it was. The architecture inside and out was nicely done and interesting to short, it's not the most impressive cathedral you'll find in Europe, but if you are in Linz there is no good reason not to stop here. It's beautiful and tranquil-- and who couldn't use a few minutes to relax in today's world?
I visited the Alter Dom with family on a Thursday in September. Located just off the Hauptplatz, with free entry and photos allowed inside, it is certainly worth a visit to see the lovely interior. Just a shame that it is 'built out' so that it is difficult to take a picture of the whole exterior, especially as the front directly faces another building.
Even for those of us "churched out" this is worth a look
If you appreciate gothic style, a perfect example is the Alter Dom of Linz. Its stained glass windows all around are truly a gem about Linz's history and personalities. But that's not all. Nice classical music concerts, specially organ, are a plus to enrich your visit. Free entrance to the monument.
innen sehr dunkel, aber Ehrfurcht einflößend, eine sehr große Kirche, die zweitgrößte Kirche Österreichs.
Uma linda igreja, quase que escondida nas proximidades da praça principal de Linz. A entrada é gratuita e pareceu-me pouco visitada por turistas. Um bom exemplar do barroco, que lembra e muito as igrejas brasileiras de Minas Gerais.
На мой взгляд, таких соборов как Alter Dom в Линце в Европе много, готический, с красивой каменной резьбой. Увидеть - и забыть где видел, Alter Dom явно не из тех соборов, что запоминаются. Честно говоря, Mariendom впечатлил намного больше
Wir kannten bis heute in Linz nur den neuen Dom. Heute hatten wir die Gelegenheit auch den alten Dom zu besichtigen. Dieser Dom wurde 1669-1678 erbaut. Die Pläne dafür stammten vom Architekten Pietro Francesco Carlone. 1678 wurde dieser Dom geweiht und hieß Ignatius von Loyola. Von 1785 bis 1909 galt dieser Dom als Bischofskirche der Diözese Linz. Im Jahre 1909 übernahm diese Funktion der neue Dom.Mit seinem altem Hoch Altar ist auch dieser Dom sehr sehenswert. Ebenfalls sehr sehenswert ist die alte Brucknerorgel von 1780. Jetzt zur Osterzeit finden Passions Orgelkonzerte statt. Wer vor Ort ist sollte diesen alten Dom besuchen. Es lohnt sich.