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The Karikaturmuseum in Krems qualifies as one of the most delicious and unexpected experiences I have had in recent times. Very conveniently located at the city centre, it opens a window into the real lives of Austrians, and their everyday preoccupations, which are at a far cry from the usual clichés. It also gives a precise snapshot of Austrians unique sense of humour – starting with the way they can laugh of themselves – which then again, is totally absent from the usual tourist stuff. In my opinion, what I saw somehow qualifies as an inimitable brand of humour, and therefore a rare experience to the visitor, because I had never seen anything like the Karikaturmuseum. Even though at human scale, the works exposed are indeed quite exceptional but unfortunately we are not allowed to take pictures.
An interesting place but can appreciate it only if you know German ! English speaking tourists could give this one a miss!
Unique in its kind, at least in Austria, it is always worth visiting this museum. Besides the general exhibition on Austrian cartoon artists, there is always an interesting special exhibition. We enjoyed the current one about peace in cartoons very much.
4 interesting Exhibitions of Austrian & German Cartoonists in building opposite the Kunsthalle. I thought it a little expensive at €10 each
This seemed like a nice museum if you spoke the language and understand the context behind some of the exhibits. I might add that some of the political cartoons worked even without a translation.I would also have expected some sort of hands-on project for children in a museum with this topic and mission.
It is very different and full of fun. The displays often change and there is good variety of funny and absurd!
There was a variety of cartoon and caricature art. It would have been a lot more interesting if they also had descriptions in English.
Für Deix Freunde und Karikatur Liebhaber eine Reise wert. Man kann Krems nur beglückwünschen für so ein tolles Karikatur-Museum. Aktuell sehr intensive, seltene Mordillo Ausstellung.
A entrada no museu de caricatura custa 10 euros, mais caro do que no Albertina em Viena (que é simplesmente sensacional), onde tem telas de Miró, Wharol, Monet... Vá só se estiver com tempo sobrando.
Музей легко найти, около него стоят две смешные скульптуры. В музее проходят выставки, все на немецком языке.
Die permanente Deix Ausstellung ist für sich immer einen Besuch weet, auch wenn es nicht viele neue Werke gibt und die älteren kennt man nach dem zweiten Mal zur Genüge. Die Sonderausstellungen im Nov. 2014 waren sehr sehenswert. Eine unterhaltsame Abwechslung auf der sogenannten Kunstmeile in Krems. Tipp: Kombiticket mit Kunsthalle und Frohner Museum kostet 15 Euro und lohnt sich, da alles in Fußnähe liegt.
sehenswerte Zusammenstellung des Lebenswerkes von Manfred Deix. Dieser blickt mit seinen bissigen Karikaturen direkt ins Herz der Österreicher. Achtung: Fotografieren verboten!!!
Fraaie verzameling karikaturen van bekende Oostenrijks karikaturisten. Wij hebben er van genoten. Ook de verzameling van de befaamde stripfiguur Nick Knatterton is leuk. Het sluit leuk aan bij de expositie " alles klar Herr Kommissar?"
Confesso que esperava mais do museu. Não existem informações em inglês e os desenhos são mais focados no cotidiano e na história da Áustria, fazendo com que nós estrangeiros não entendamos bem o significado das piadas.
War witzig, hätten gerne längere Zeit darin verbracht. Leider ist es strengstens untersagt, im Museum zu fotografieren und wird von einigen Aufsichtsdamen auch genau kontrolliert. Man fühlt sich verfolgt.